Alt-White Rally: Charlottesville, VA

that's what they are, clearly they weren't born like that, unfortunately they were seduced by fringe groups of ends of da spectrum...

i feel sorry for folks like that, but i understand why it happens.

What was the purpose of you bringing it up to begin with? Just to say that they suffered also?
This guy had to have grown up fatherless.


yes, more slander.... let's not engage of da ideas whatever :lol:
that's what they are, clearly they weren't born like that, unfortunately they were seduced by fringe groups of ends of da spectrum...

i feel sorry for folks like that, but i understand why it happens.

but we can believe whatever we want. Understanding of belief starts in adolescence. And besides, no matter what you once believe, thing in life can change up every day. We're always a work in progress. They choose to be whom they are. they aren't victims of anything. This isn't stockholm syndrome where their minds and free wils were kidnapped and now they love the captors. They're free af to do what they please. It why you have white people that are also NOT racist. It's why even in the 50-60s there were non racist white people. They grew up in the same period. Heard the same stories and hateful voice and chose a different path. Think of Ruby Bridges teachers. Hate is a choice bruh. Their hands arent clean.
Don't forget, we're dealing with someone who is ACTUALLY black, and who likes hip-hop and urban black fashion etc., yet somehow simultaneously wishes he was white and constantly brings up his "Visigoth roots" which he takes pride in.

In other words, he's a black guy whose biggest wish is to be a suburban white kid who likes hip-hop and wishes he was black. Never seen anything like it. This makes more sense:

What was the purpose of you bringing it up to begin with? Just to say that they suffered also?

if you were following da entire convo you would've seen how people are lured into da kooks of da extreme left and right of da spectrums using a variety of methods to appeal to.

KKKs, and White supremacists are tagged and enrolled by people who are lost souls, needing to belong to a group to have a sense of self worth and purpose, when you're culturally sounds you dont need to feel you belong because you're straight in that aspects.

extreme left lure folks with their own suite of ideological pet projects...

bottom line all kooks, not born that way, unfortunately pawns in da war of extremes of da spectrums.
Why is this kid allowed to troll EVERY thread involving black people?

@Methodical Management
Have no idea, dude jumped into the political thread first chance he got to defend a radical NeoNazi committing manslaughter. Directly trolling, knowing it had nothing to do with a rock being thrown. I normally ignore his trolling, but it really throws threads off when people argue for pages with someone who doesn't even believe what he's posting.

Trust me, he's not in Washington Heights talking this mess.
KKKs, and White supremacists are tagged and enrolled by people who are lost souls, needing to belong to a group to have a sense of self worth and purpose, when you're culturally sounds you dont need to feel you belong because you're straight in that aspects.

extreme left lure folks with their own suite of ideological pet projects...

bottom line all kooks, not born that way, unfortunately pawns in da war of extremes of da spectrums.

With this logic if you are aware of your culture you wouldn't want to be a part of a gang, fraternity, club, or group
KKK & WS aren't lookin' for purpose, they have it. Their purpose is to step on every minority they can to make sure they reach their goals.

The way you are describin' them makes them sound so pitiful and like they had no choice to formulate these groups. But that ain't the way it is. KKK ain't start because white men were sittin' around trying to figure out who they were. That's exponentially past silly
Have no idea, dude jumped into the political thread first chance he got to defend a radical NeoNazi committing manslaughter.

excuse me?

Go quote where defended what they did?

somehow da fact that a Antifa counter protester launch a rock at da idiot's car got lost in your paraphrasing of my assessment :lol:
Last time addressing this dude

KKKs, and White supremacists are tagged and enrolled by people who are lost souls, needing to belong to a group to have a sense of self worth and purpose, when you're culturally sounds you dont need to feel you belong because you're straight in that aspects.

Stuff like this is what makes him sound like a dumb house slave. Either he really just want internet attention or he really just a lost sellout. Either way you ain't worth having a debate with.
Very interesting to see which crowd you place your sympathy with :lol:

did you not read where i said any and everyone who is seduced by da fringe aspects of da respective spectrums or em i gonna have to put it in bolder letters next time? :lol:
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