Alt-White Rally: Charlottesville, VA

these new nazis aren't even german, they're just followers. cornball entitled white boys with hate in their heart and money to burn.

They're like people in gangs. Guys who want to be part of something and feel important. That's why they try to recruit them around the same ages.

Most of them don't even have money to burn.
Boggles my mind same way. Mans calling you criminals/rapists/terrorists, calling for you to be deported and barred from the country and you still give him support? Smh sell outs

and then when they actually started deporting people, they were surprised, crying and begging all over the news....happened here. it was rampant. INS was busting down doors...of the same folks that voted for him...ripped mothers and fathers away from children...blocked people re-entry that were away on holiday........took my breath away...but I couldn't feel did this.
dog...these people are ******* crazy....

The outrageous editorial by a Charlottesville daily that preceded violence
The editorial’s headline urged a lone city councilor—Vice Mayor Wes Bellamy—to “speak up now to calm [a] raging fire.” Bellamy, who is the only black person on the City Council and who was elected in 2015 with a greater number of votes than any other candidate, organized a press conference in Emancipation Park last year and called for the removal of the Lee statue.

The editorial suggests that Bellamy’s call to remove the statue of Lee “attracted the attention of a now dedicated foe, Jason Kessler
lots of minorities have been brainwashed to think that if they support these racist white people they will somehow be put in a better place themselves.
and a lot of non-black minorities support white people because they too have a common fear and hate of black people.

i've met a handful of mexicans down here who share this's confusing and sad.
there's uncle toms in every race
dog...these people are ******* crazy....

The outrageous editorial by a Charlottesville daily that preceded violence
The editorial’s headline urged a lone city councilor—Vice Mayor Wes Bellamy—to “speak up now to calm [a] raging fire.” Bellamy, who is the only black person on the City Council and who was elected in 2015 with a greater number of votes than any other candidate, organized a press conference in Emancipation Park last year and called for the removal of the Lee statue.

The editorial suggests that Bellamy’s call to remove the statue of Lee “attracted the attention of a now dedicated foe, Jason Kessler

so much pressure placed on one man.

so they're saying he started all of this? wait...what...of course they are. Why am I not surprised. the scapegoat is always black.
lots of minorities have been brainwashed to think that if they support these racist white people they will somehow be put in a better place themselves.
and a lot of non-black minorities support white people because they too have a common fear and hate of black people.

i've met a handful of mexicans down here who share this's confusing and sad.
there's uncle toms in every race

lots of minorities have been brainwashed to think that if they support these racist white people they will somehow be put in a better place themselves.
and a lot of non-black minorities support white people because they too have a common fear and hate of black people.

i've met a handful of mexicans down here who share this's confusing and sad.
there's uncle toms in every race

Mexican Trump supporters confuse me the most. Do they just think that Trump is referring to them when he says "Some, I assume, are good people?"
lots of minorities have been brainwashed to think that if they support these racist white people they will somehow be put in a better place themselves.
and a lot of non-black minorities support white people because they too have a common fear and hate of black people.

i've met a handful of mexicans down here who share this's confusing and sad.
there's uncle toms in every race

Ive seen that as well, they think well if we support them maybe theyll like/respect us.

tenor (3).gif

They still gonna call us racial slurs and mock our cultures, languages and beliefs when we not around. I dont want acceptance from anyone in general, let alone these POS beings.
you already know mexicans and lots of middle easterners voted trump too. mind boggling bro. i truly do not get it.

I keep telling yall, I've traveled the world. There are places we can go. And I dont mean just dinky islands. I mean all through europe. Got hella love all in and out of those countries.

Or, like...serious face...we actually can go back to Africa. Media will have you thinking they're all living in huts with no water. Bruh...the richest continent on the planet. There was gold and diamonds everywhere b. Was clean af. As a black man, they treated me no different. They didn't looks sideways at me because I'm American like we were always taught Africans do. It's all lies. That country and the much love.

And it pisses me off now whenever I here someone bash Africa. Especially black comics. Especially those that, after you hear what they say, sounds like they've never even been there. Just straight liars. I'll never forget Jamie Foxx talking about the smell, the flies, the instant aids. It's all bs. I never smelled anything bad. Saw VERY few bugs. And the closest I got to any aids at all were these bracelets that the children in the Aids ward at the hospital designed and they were being sold at the Apartheid Museum. They say stay to discourage you from going. It's bs. all of it.

Best malls and best french fries I've ever had, both in Africa.

Which part of Africa did you go, I always wanted to go to Africa and all my homie looking at me like I'm crazy. Always wanted to go to South Africa
and then when they actually started deporting people, they were surprised, crying and begging all over the news....happened here. it was rampant. INS was busting down doors...of the same folks that voted for him...ripped mothers and fathers away from children...blocked people re-entry that were away on holiday........took my breath away...but I couldn't feel did this.

It's a few stories of latinos that voted for Trump and they or a family member ended up getting deported. Bruce Jenner's weird *** voted for Trump and he mad now cuz of Trumps stance on gays. These people are welling to risk hurting themselves to maintain white racism.
Which part of Africa did you go, I always wanted to go to Africa and all my homie looking at me like I'm crazy. Always wanted to go to South Africa

South Africa Bro!! Johannesburg, Cape Tape, Victoria Falls. From there, took a flight down to Durban, by way of King Shaka International Airport :smokin and stayed down there for a while. then drove 3 hours from Durban to Hluhluwe and was down with the animal reserves and safaris for a few weeks. Played with lions and cheetahs, hippos, zebra, elephants. Like, legitimately. A female lion bit my arm and tore my sleeve hahaha . Hell of an experience. In a good way. Africa easily best place I've ever been as a black man. But also, just as a travel destination, top 3, EASILY.

It's a few stories of latinos that voted for Trump and they or a family member ended up getting deported. Bruce Jenner's weird *** voted for Trump and he mad now cuz of Trumps stance on gays. These people are welling to risk hurting themselves to maintain white racism.

Hatred is a helluva drug.
They're like people in gangs. Guys who want to be part of something and feel important. That's why they try to recruit them around the same ages.

Most of them don't even have money to burn.


and to elaborate on your point, these white people in my view are actually are victims of earlier assimilation policies that left them stripped of any semblance of ethnic or cultural identity so their visceral reactions when they see new policies that celebrate diversity is..


then resentment sets in along with their hasten attempts to reconnect to their ancestral roots causes them to believe in things like...


and many of em get funneled into white supremacists trash hate group propaganda.

and to elaborate on your point, these white people in my view are actually are victims of earlier assimilation policies that left them stripped of any semblance of ethnic or cultural identity so their visceral reactions when they see new policies that celebrate diversity is..

and many of em get funneled into white supremacists trash hate group propaganda
:rofl:trump supporters
What an idiotic statement. These white people know exactly where they come from. They post paragraphs about how their ancestors came over here from (insert European country here) without a penny in their pockets. They're suddenly the victims for knowing where they come from but refusing to learn about their ancestral cultures? @#$@ outta here.

Look at the people in those European countries and compare them to their descendants in the US; it's pretty clear that they basically exiled their most trash and worthless citizens to this country. The German, Dutch, Swedish, etc. people are flourishing in Europe and building strong economies, while their undesirable descendants are out here spending their hard earned money on Nazi costumes and tiki torches
What an idiotic statement. These white people know exactly where they come from. They post paragraphs about how their ancestors came over here from (insert European country here) without a penny in their pockets. They're suddenly the victims for knowing where they come from but refusing to learn about their ancestral cultures? @#$@ outta here.

Look at the people in those European countries and compare them to their descendants in the US; it's pretty clear that they basically exiled their most trash and worthless citizens to this country. The German, Dutch, Swedish, etc. people are flourishing in Europe and building strong economies, while their undesirables are out here spending their hard earned money on Nazi costumes and tiki torches

this is exactly what america was founded on the worst of british/european society

they sent all their criminals and undesirables across the ocean
The **** is ninja talkin bout

ummm, you forgot Jews and Irish were treated like trash when they got here and were quickly motived to assilmate?

Hispanics, arabs, etc. that came before were quickly told to assilmate and either join da generic white label, or generic black label.

these earlier policies proved to be stupid, cuz let's face it, America has no REAL culture, its a amalgamation of da wave of immigrations that brought their culture over here.

why you think da census is changing in 2020?
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