Alt-White Rally: Charlottesville, VA

Walked past a small peaceful Jewish protest on congress st in Boston am hour ago. Seeing some people in tears got me choked up. I legit felt like joining in, but not a single Asian was in sight so I didn't want to seem like I was just "joining the party" .

This world is messed up with such backward thinking from some people
If you felt like joining you shoulda regardless if there were or werent any other asian folks. Im sure theyd appreciate your support.

You a leader or follower

We gotta support our brothers and sisters. I’m sure they would have loved you joining them. I understand the feeling, though. Now’s the time to get over that.

Edit: Definitely understand your perspective esp being new in the country.

We gotta support our brothers and sisters. I’m sure they would have loved you joining them. I understand the feeling, though. Now’s the time to get over that.

Thanks, apparently there's a protest in Boston commons this weekend. I don't know anyone here yet but I'm there 100%
Sort of like how you see something different when you look in the mirror from everyone else



yea.. its funny how that happens...

You're right, but I'm about two months fresh in the States. I feel like race issues are on a completely different level here, so just wanted to be respectful

No doubt, wasnt tryna come at you sideways or anything. I understand your perspective, was just saying if you had joined it might have got others, of any race, to join as well.
Oh yeah....Stone Mountain next. Can't wait til they take that **** down. My ATL heads know what's up.

Also, the dead "patriotic" racist gotta be rolling over in their graves. Imagine them waking up to see the future "patriotic" racist of today loving Russia and the Nazis :lol:.

Also, welcome to the states bro. Don’t mind the mess. Just move all that dirty laundry to the floor.

No doubt, wasnt tryna come at you sideways or anything. I understand your perspective, was just saying if you had joined it might have got others, of any race, to join as well.

Thanks fellas. Loving it so far. Gotta be the change I wanna see.

Side note: just had my volunteering orientation tonight with Boston Cares. Coming at these underprivileged youth and minorities with all the help I can give
Only reason you hear anything about both sides is bc white people live in a constant state of delusion. Matter of fact you can base white existence on delusion.
About to go home and rewatch Inglorious Basterds. Wish we had an equivalent group in real life that we could just let loose on the White House

If the last third of that movie wasn't mostly filler I'd regularly watch it
Thanks fellas. Loving it so far. Gotta be the change I wanna see.

Side note: just had my volunteering orientation tonight with Boston Cares. Coming at these underprivileged youth and minorities with all the help I can give
Awesome. I’ve been yearning to donate my time to some kids growing up the way I did. I don’t think there’s any time for hesitation anymore.

Good luck with Boston Cares. Really respect that you’re able to give to others while you’re still adjusting here. We need all the hands we can get.:pimp:
Awesome. I’ve been yearning to donate my time to some kids growing up the way I did. I don’t think there’s any time for hesitation anymore.

Good luck with Boston Cares. Really respect that you’re able to give to others while you’re still adjusting here. We need all the hands we can get.:pimp:

Cant forget where you come from. We been giving back to the food bank we used to go to back in the day and shelter we stayed at when we first touched down. Gather up old clothes for the homeless and stuff like that.
Yeah Vice news has some good pieces on this, including white women violating again (partly responsible for the existence of Confederate statues)
another thought,

that idiot trump mentions the "atl-left" in direct comparison to the "alt-right" as if non whites are welcome to protest with the alt-right. if the "alt-left" really existed, i bet a rally would be all-inclusive for anyone that wanted to fight for its core values.
minorities dont factor into trump's thinking

"alt-left" is just white people who arent with the program
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