Alt-White Rally: Charlottesville, VA

Brotha got waves & a crisp line up. She paying him off, gotta be :lol:

Naw bra look at his eyes during the camera flash....
Stop thinking the newer generation dickheads aren't the same as thier ancestors.
You have these naive kids of color out here thinking racism is an older generation problem and things are all good and will get better
No! Nothing has changed its just the newer dickhead youth are more closeted less blunt and very spineless unlike thier parents and grandparents.
This is the mentality..our newer generations will be dealing with...****ing shady *** chameleons who appear as non racist and favorable.
They listen to hip hop....they have "black friends" but deep down the ideologies are there.
I bet his black friends thought he was the"cool *** white boy" also.
Please put your new generation naive *** kids on game!

All of them are cowards's so weak
I wonder what he thinks about black women.

Sadly dudes like him give black men in interracial relationships a bad name. All them aren't toms.
Stop thinking the newer generation dickheads aren't the same as thier ancestors.
You have these naive kids of color out here thinking racism is an older generation problem and things are all good and will get better
No! Nothing has changed its just the newer dickhead youth are more closeted less blunt and very spineless unlike thier parents and grandparents.
This is the mentality..our newer generations will be dealing with...****ing shady *** chameleons who appear as non racist and favorable.
They listen to hip hop....they have "black friends" but deep down the ideologies are there.
I bet his black friends thought he was the"cool *** white boy" also.
Please put your new generation naive *** kids on game!

bruh said

'you got maced'


'by who??'




these dudes living in a fantasy world. This aint real to them. Its just an intense form of cos-play.

****in commies..:rofl: bro if you dont sitcho goofy *** down.

Seeeeeeee. Bruh, Freeze be knowing. This **** is just cos-play to most of these losers. they aint bout that life legitimately. They just act the part in the worldstar comments or on xbox live or behind the safety 'free speech'. but they not bout it bout it.
Stop thinking the newer generation dickheads aren't the same as thier ancestors.
You have these naive kids of color out here thinking racism is an older generation problem and things are all good and will get better
No! Nothing has changed its just the newer dickhead youth are more closeted less blunt and very spineless unlike thier parents and grandparents.
This is the mentality..our newer generations will be dealing with...****ing shady *** chameleons who appear as non racist and favorable.
They listen to hip hop....they have "black friends" but deep down the ideologies are there.
I bet his black friends thought he was the"cool *** white boy" also.
Please put your new generation naive *** kids on game!


They really think its a game, like you can just quit and say "its a prank" and people supposed to leave you alone. Fun? You came.there for "fun"? You ******* moron. Then he wanna say he was in jail like its supposed to make him tough. You already showed you a coward. If i was locked up wit dude...he not eating. Im taking all his meals, all his ****. ******* coward
Wow! We really are among the weak!


never heard that chimpouts term before...had to google....racist as all hell. the fact he used that..dawg i want to push his nose out through the back of his head.

on a side note, could what he doing be a win for black guys though? Tomi looked at as basically a racist, yet she's slobbing over black meat.? although they prolly do the slave role play :sick: he prolly lets her call him n

I'd prolly smash her confused bigoting little white tail though. have her calling me daddy.
Either he was never in jail or he was at some sort of "treatment center" for pedos or animal abusers.
Either he was never in jail or he was at some sort of "treatment center" for pedos or animal abusers.

Looked like he was bout to cry

He most definitely wilds out on xbox live and cusses/hits his mother
the random..'I was in jail' :rofl:

'for what..what'd you do???'





'....I don't wanna say'

underage drinking b. prolly a peeping tom. called in a bom threat to get out of a mid term. boy aint no super villain.
never heard that chimpouts term before...had to google....racist as all hell. the fact he used that..dawg i want to push his nose out through the back of his head.

on a side note, could what he doing be a win for black guys though? Tomi looked at as basically a racist, yet she's slobbing over black meat.? although they prolly do the slave role play :sick: he prolly lets her call him n

I'd prolly smash her confused bigoting little white tail though. have her calling me daddy.

QFT lol
At the scene of Saturday's car attack on anti-racist protesters, Michael Payne of the Charlottesville Democratic Socialists of America walks us through what he witnessed.

the random..'I was in jail' :rofl:

'for what..what'd you do???'





'....I don't wanna say'

underage drinking b. prolly a peeping tom. called in a bom threat to get out of a mid term. boy aint no super villain.

Probably hit his mother cuz she wouldnt buy him a new xbox game and told him to go get a job and she called the cops on him
nope no NO! hell nah...f this dudes life story b. Dude aint being paid, he signed up for this foo foo ****. Turncoat

full pic, peep right corner, where they are




wait..what? ur jokin right?


Peep this page

His followers hoing him :rofl:
nope no NO! hell nah...f this dudes life story b. Dude aint being paid, he signed up for this foo foo ****. Turncoat

full pic, peep right corner, where they are




wait..what? ur jokin right?


Peep this page

His followers hoing him :rofl:

Wayment.....that last FB post....ridiculous. "The KKK, Nazi and White Supremacist pose no real imminent threat to human life; Antifa and BLM do?"

Man....WTF. They literally just KILLED a person and INJURED 20 others. Not to mention.....those groups are responsible for literally....MILLIONS of death and Mass genocide. The mental gymnastics you have to do to come to that.....and self hate is astonishing. Wow man.
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