Alt-White Rally: Charlottesville, VA

On July 9, 1776, upon hearing the Declaration of Independence read for the first time, a mob of American colonists descended upon a statue of King George III in Bowling Green park in Lower Manhattan, tied ropes around the sculpture and pulled it to the ground. The lead from the statue was then turned into bullets and muskets in preparation for the Revolutionary War.

I remember being damn near forcibly told that the civil war was about "states rights" as opposed to "slavery" in grade school.

I used to always select "slavery"....and they'd tell me I was wrong like it was some trick question :smh:

White teachers telling me....."no no no.....the civil war was about "States Rights". Made the North seem like some big bad country that wanted to impose its way of life over the South and its "charming" culture :smh:
My favorite thing about the Civil War being about "states' rights" is that it's such an easy argument to debunk.

All you have to do is ask "which rights were they fighting over then?".

Teachers really banking on dumb/complacent students. :lol:
I do that to people whenever they say it.

The look on their face when they can't run from the answer is priceless.

This is extremely interesting information that I did not know.

Gonna go ahead and bookmark that tweet.

Essentially trying to preserve terrorist propaganda and disguise it as historical artifacts. Okay.
I could never watch or read gone with the wind. I got hipped early to what it was about.

Southern, racist propaganda.

i remember in middle school our teacher starting off the block on the civil war by saying, "the truth is that the civil war wasn't really about slavery."

I'm all grown up now but I'm still waiting to find out what it was about then.

Billy Joel wears yellow Star of David at concert after #Charlottesville violence
its historical artifacts regardless....that type of logic is why


looks like




smashing ish bicentennial antiquities? :lol: im good.

Big coincidence, the nose is gone because it was actually partially destroyed. Soooo that's why that looks like that.

These are actual important artifacts with long-standing history of importance. They're not monuments to rapists and murderers.

But you knew that.
I think he's mostly talking about the Columbus statue but that is even worse cuz dude is caping for a monument to a dude who literally raped, murdered, and enslaved his people.

Like why :lol:

"da history"
what's next, Alexander da great statues being broomed cuz of da countless civilizations he sacked? :lol:

folks buggin, this statue/monument revolt for political expediency with your base gonna backlash hard body...
we talking about da same ancient Greeks/Romans/Egyptians here? :lol: :emoji_thinking::emoji_thinking:

The Parthenon is a monument to Athena and was a temple.

The Sphinx, we don't even really know who that's a monument to.

Columbus statue...... Is a statue of Columbus.

One of these things is not like the other.

Alexander The Great got monuments in the United States?
The Parthenon is a monument to Athena and was a temple.

The Sphinx, we don't even really know who that's a monument to.

Columbus statue...... Is a statue of Columbus.

One of these things is not like the other.

Alexander The Great got monuments in the United States?

all those people who built those places were either murders, had slaves errect such place, or both.

no one is gonna bulldoze em down cuz you respect ish that old, period. (they disrespected em though, thankfully they weren't ultimately destroyed.)

if you want it down, take it to a museum, dont destroy it, was wrong with these people? smh...
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