Am i over reacting...hear me out!

Jan 11, 2013
Be straight with me all. So i got my name for a raffle at my local FA. Deadline was 6pm today. I worked ti'll 5pm. As soon as i got off a raced down to the mall to pick up my pair. It wasn't a close commute to get from my job to the FA that i had a pair with. I got there, go in, tell them im hear to pick up my pair. They ask if i have my ID. Im like snap, i dont. I left in the car. Girl tells me alright, but please go get and will be squared away. I  go do my thing and go back into the store. Took about 10 min. There like all avoiding me and dont know one want to wait on me. Im like, hey im here, got my ID. Chick sais go see him he's the manager. This dude is all over the place. Couldnt be anymore obvious that he's doing everything he can but talk to me. Im like are we good. She goes we sold your pair. Its passed 6pm so we sold it. Im like hold up, i was here, you said i needed ID, which i now have. You knew i was coming back yet you sold my pair because its past 6?  The assist finally stops for a second to talk to me. Tells me rules are rules, hes not going to get fired for breaking the rules, i wasnt there, not his problem. Like for real? 

I had to ask like 4-5 times like are you trying to be funny like theres no way you would have sold it. You got to be a real **** head to run a business like that. Thanks for letting me vent. Ill live and move on but was dude right or wrong?
Aint no VIs there after 6 b.

Ticket or not.
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I don't mean to be that guy, but grammar seems a little more important then kicks atm...
you didn't pull out the hammer and let then know who runs things OP?

you let those FA employees play you like that? probably laughed at you soon as you left....
I don't mean to be that guy, but grammar seems a little more important then kicks atm...
Alright wise guy. I was typing in thought. Wasn't going for a for a Nobel Prize here. Sorry I didn't cross all my T's and dot my i's for you. You get the gist of the story. Thanks for your input. 
How Ironic..
Your 6's were gone by 2 man. Messed up but that's how it is
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But in all seriousness, the manager sounds like a John, curse his name and move on prodie.
It's messed up but it's just shoes man.
Move on can't get every release.
I'm over it at this point. Just wanted to rant on for a sec. I manage a business. So when I come across poor service like this, especially by some wack-*** kids, I let it get under my skin. Dude tells me he's worked for the company for 10+ years. My problem with that is he's a damn AM after 10 years. Dude had any sense he would be running a district at that point. #ontothenextone
I ain't even try to cop, I knew my brothers and sisters would be swarming the damn mall
So they sold your shoes while you were in the store trying to talk to the manager?
wow....well damn
Thats why it kinda burned a little. It's one thing if i never had a shot or they were long gone. Like show some love, you told me to get my ID, which I did. Just kinda messed up. It was a **** move. They didn't have to sell it. 
They weren't though, chick pulled them out, put them on the counter. Had my name on it. SMH
ok if thats the case

foul indeed 

id still do a complaint 

this could be something they often do
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