Am i over reacting...hear me out!

take it easy
he started it with the nelson image. 

all seriousness. thanks for everyones input. i made my peace. 
than why you so pissed about missing these for retail? :lol:

your making yourself look foolish

[thread="594666"]clearly you havnt read my post and are probably here for the laughs. i stated i wasn't sore about not having the shoe. i was annoyed with their unprofessionalism. foolish? nah![/thread]
Deep down you know every time you see somebody wearing their carmines you gonna hurt inside
Aside from all the stupidity in this thread...

Even though they are "just shoes", thats still terrible customer service and business practice.
which is simply the point of the thread. 
Exactly so dont get baited by the foolishness. Youre gonna respond with a dumb comment (ie. look at my bank account and then yours) and then youre gonna get more fire going your way and make this topic look even less credible.

I'd be pissed too if I were you. Idc if its shoes or not, its the principal of the matter. I'd call corporate and give them a hard time about it.
Similar thing happen to me. I got off work late, race to get my pair. I was 2 minutes late, and sure enough, all size were gone, or at least, that is what I was told.

You story is tougher to swallow, I hate dealing with FTL, FNL, FA. All employees handle you crazy on release morning, come saturday afternoon, they are all begging you to buy shoe cleaner and a pair of sox.
Basically could of just stayed at the counter til after 6 and just copped... Still dirty of them..
You didn't have the necessary materials at the proper time. Don't expect anyone to "let you slide" in life. You snooze you lose. It slightly annoys me when adults don't have their id with them, especially women. All that stuff in your purse, but not your license.
I was being foolish. Was in a hurry to get to store. Grabbed money and kept it moving. Half way to store im thinking..."damn i left my wallet in the car, ill be fine though." Thinking this was going to be an in and out ordeal. 

Do you not keep money In your wallet?
Or do you not keep your ID in your wallet?
Or did you go to your car and take the money OUT your wallet, put the wallet back in your car then leave?

Either way, you kinda senseless for that. If you wanna be mad at someone, be mad at yourself. Rules is rules

This whole thread brings me back to my theory of kids these days being soft :smh:

And why the hell is you leaving your wallet in your car anyways? You must live in the burbs where people don't break into ****
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why i dont cop shoes that i have to hassle for anymore

too much stress and effort

those snakeskin 11 lows are waves thoooo . . . 
If what you're saying is true, you got played.

Chances are either the manager or one of the employees bought them or put them away to sell to a friend or to resell.

Rules or no rules, ethically speaking it's bad for business.

Plus there are exceptions to every rule.

You just flat out got did dirty.

I would email the manager's boss and explain what happened.

I would be pissed if I went out of my way and ended up wasting time and gas to have something like this happen.
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Should've taken all of your rage and take it out on the salesgirls poon
I was being foolish. Was in a hurry to get to store. Grabbed money and kept it moving. Half way to store im thinking..."damn i left my wallet in the car, ill be fine though." Thinking this was going to be an in and out ordeal. 

Btw to all. Really not that sore i don't have another black/red/white J's. Been cool to have, but im not going to cry myself to sleep tonight. My whole initial rant stemmed from AM's unprofessionalism and the staff's disregard. Dude was on a whole other level with "rules are rules." He really had gotten me fired up when i walked in and they wouldn't tell me what was going on and said i need to speak to the AM which at that point ran into the back room and chilled out for a good 10-15 min. Own up and be straight with me. 
Says not sore but makes thread and continues to go on and on about it...
hey man, I would be pissed in your situation too, that's just dirty by them.

I happened to for whatever stupid reason order a size 10 from NDC & I already didn't really WANT them & due to a turn of events in my life I really don't want them anymore so if you pay for the shipping you can have my size 10.
next time be prepared. but at the end of the day the employee gave you her word to get youre id and you would get youre pair. but maybe the manager went over her head and sold youre pair to his boy. did you walk or run to youre car?
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