Am I tripping out for no reason?

So you find an old pic of some lady and automatically attribute it to a Satanic ritual? Was every photo taken back in the day strictly for Satanists or am I missing something?
LOL I wouldn't trip out, if you find anything else it's probably just crap that people left behind.

I've been to a lot of old houses because I had to photograph vintage furniture for my class once and they had a lot of weird of pictures on the wall in that style just randomly. It's probably an older thing people used to do.
Originally Posted by BroComeAtMe

oh +#%*, get out of there OP

i actually saw a documentary on old rituals back then
When a respected family member died, they would put a picture of him/her up over the doorway of the most used room
and they had a celebration/ritual for him/her on the day of their death every year where her spirit is actually suppose to "come back" to make sure she never actually leaves the earth

OP.... this man knows...
Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

Originally Posted by King Au
That's Geraldine, the original owner of the house.
Her spirit is just giving you a stoneface for changing the character of her favorite room, the parlor.

You, have french doors, hardwoods, and crown molding.  I'd stick it out and enjoy her company.
Nice place.
From my past experience I strongly believe in ghost a paranormal. So take all your precaution Mann the ghost still #+@%*# with me
i ain't dead, i got the place blessed by a monk, and a priest lol just for extra precaution. i'm still renovating...but the ghost situation i've considered dead. i'll update with pics of the crib in the bachelors pad thread when i'm done.
Originally Posted by megatron

no such thing as ghosts.

congrats on your new home though.
Strange @@+* has been happening in my house since we moved in 10 years ago. Just so happens the previous owners died in the house too.
*$+* outta here no such thing as ghosts.
Originally Posted by King Au

Originally Posted by SoleWoman

lol first of all calm long have you been in the house before you even noticed this...?

did you notice any other weird stuff?

are you religious? if so did you bless your house beforehand?

New houses >

lol congrats tho.
i've had possession for about a month now, but i'm waiting for furniture to get delivered so i'm not living there yet.  only other weird thing or dumb thing that happened was the previous owners went back into the house after i took possession.  And the only thing that i was able to do that was fine them through the lawyers.

That's a really poor choice of words OP
. I really don't know what to make of it. I hope it's nothing, but definitely kind of strange. That haunted house clasue?
 C'mon man. If it bothers you that much, you should call Dr. Peter Venkman. He and a few of his friends might be able to solve the problem.
Originally Posted by DougPe

From my past experience I strongly believe in ghost a paranormal. So take all your precaution Mann the ghost still #+@%*# with me

^ If there is any reason to create a thread, that's it right there. Back story?
It's all about respect. If you show something respect and fear, it will take advantage of it. Not having fear is a way to tip the respect over to your side.
Hahah at night when you go to take a leak don't look in the mirror or behind your back OP
how is that the first thing you think of? you watch too many movies/tv shows 
and a haunted house clause? 
In my basement when we moved in there was a cross hanging over a small window. I refuse to touch it
Hi, I'm majoring in Supernatural Studies and Spiritual Analysis at my University. This reminds me of something my professor (Madame Tussaud) talked about in a lecture one day. There are three possible explanations for it and a few ways to deal with the problem without actually selling your house.

Explanations :
1) The previous owners also have a good understanding of the supernatural and put the picture there merely to scare you.
2) The previous owners are actually spirits (which is why you can never contact them unless you do it through a medium (i.e. the laywer). Often times spirits keep keepsakes such as photographs and old toys in the house they are occupying, the woman in the photograph could potentially be a spirit that resides in the house but died many many years ago.
3) The previous family were cultists that had a family member die in their lives. They hung the picture in the doorway of the most used room and preformed a revival ritual on the day of their death every year.

Ways to deal with it:
1) Do nothing because nothing had actually happened.
2) Contact a gypsy (in my opinion the most potent spirtual mediums) to see if they can arrange a meeting with you and the spirits to either help the spirits move on in their lives or peacefully coexist.
3) Do nothing. The ritual must be done yearly or else the spirit will move onto the afterlife, if you wait the ritual will wear off and the spirit will not be there anymore. But if the last ritual was done near the end of the year, you'd have to coexist with the spirit until the end of 2012.

Good luck, if you have any questions you can contact me at my email : [email protected]
Any NT'ers in here that live in southern, rural areas that have any folk tales??? I'm from deep south texas and we have tons of stories. People down here arent stupid, but alot of us tend to believe some of the stories out there...I wouldn't say I believe in ghosts, but I do believe that there are all types of unexplainable, POSSIBLY paranormal things out there.

Oh, and OP, do you feel more comfortable now that you've had religious officals in there?
Oh yeah, and LOL at these people thinking that hanging pictures of deceased family members, and HIDING TINY PICTURES ON HARD TO REACH PLACES ON TOP OF DOORWAYS are the same thing....Jeez.
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