Am I tripping out for no reason?

Originally Posted by ConductZero

Hi, I'm majoring in Supernatural Studies and Spiritual Analysis at my University. This reminds me of something my professor (Madame Tussaud) talked about in a lecture one day. There are three possible explanations for it and a few ways to deal with the problem without actually selling your house.

Explanations :
1) The previous owners also have a good understanding of the supernatural and put the picture there merely to scare you.
2) The previous owners are actually spirits (which is why you can never contact them unless you do it through a medium (i.e. the laywer). Often times spirits keep keepsakes such as photographs and old toys in the house they are occupying, the woman in the photograph could potentially be a spirit that resides in the house but died many many years ago.
3) The previous family were cultists that had a family member die in their lives. They hung the picture in the doorway of the most used room and preformed a revival ritual on the day of their death every year.

Ways to deal with it:
1) Do nothing because nothing had actually happened.
2) Contact a gypsy (in my opinion the most potent spirtual mediums) to see if they can arrange a meeting with you and the spirits to either help the spirits move on in their lives or peacefully coexist.
3) Do nothing. The ritual must be done yearly or else the spirit will move onto the afterlife, if you wait the ritual will wear off and the spirit will not be there anymore. But if the last ritual was done near the end of the year, you'd have to coexist with the spirit until the end of 2012.

Good luck, if you have any questions you can contact me at my email : [email protected]


Originally Posted by King Au

i ain't dead, i got the place blessed by a monk, and a priest lol just for extra precaution. i'm still renovating...but the ghost situation i've considered dead. i'll update with pics of the crib in the bachelors pad thread when i'm done.

Originally Posted by DougPe

From my past experience I strongly believe in ghost a paranormal. So take all your precaution Mann the ghost still #+@%*# with me

Originally Posted by jeenewed

Originally Posted by megatron

no such thing as ghosts.

congrats on your new home though.
Strange @@+* has been happening in my house since we moved in 10 years ago. Just so happens the previous owners died in the house too.
*$+* outta here no such thing as ghosts.

Originally Posted by ceemcee

Any NT'ers in here that live in southern, rural areas that have any folk tales??? I'm from deep south texas and we have tons of stories. People down here arent stupid, but alot of us tend to believe some of the stories out there...I wouldn't say I believe in ghosts, but I do believe that there are all types of unexplainable, POSSIBLY paranormal things out there.

Oh, and OP, do you feel more comfortable now that you've had religious officals in there?

Aw man, this is worse than I thought... 

is just a picture.. my uncle once found a nice vase. He took it home and ever since that day he started hearing footsteps. He later found out that cubans that worship some kind of religion in miami keep the ashtray of family members in a vase.
Yo, sillyputty, way to disregard my WHOLE post and focus on the question I ask OP personally haha.
I have a feeling the OP would feel that it would be amusing if silly putty received his comeuppance a la The Ring style.  
Originally Posted by ceemcee

Yo, sillyputty, way to disregard my WHOLE post and focus on the question I ask OP personally haha.

Oh ok. 
Let me know when I should start taking ghosts and spirits seriously. 

This goes beyond religion so don't think this is me just making fun of anything similar.

OP is spooked for no reason and is looking for a reason to justify his fears.

If I can't mock how silly he sounds being scared of PHOTOGRAPHS then he won't be able to even stomach living in the damn house.

Lets be honest here.

Something i can't explain = Spirits and ghosts 

How old are we again? 

Its equally plausible that Spiderman snuck in your house to make a sandwich for the day shift and disappeared before you could catch him in the act. He just happened to knock your favorite vase off the table, leaving you to wonder.

Or maybe your pet is an animorph and happened to transform before you rounded the corner, thus accidentally flipping a light switch. 

Once you start asserting random things then anything is possible until you can back any of it up. 

There needs to be a standard to make these sorts of assertions. As of yet, there is none besides: "Well I woke up and my TV was on...thus spirits!" 

Just remember what these guys used to do:


Every little spook, scare, and unexplainable event eventually had a rational and methodical cause behind it. 

There were no spirits, ghosts, magic or supernatural events.

All it took was the ability to investigate the claims and to prove their assertions. 
there is the possibility its haunted. go to a city council-type building in your area & look up the history of your house
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by ceemcee

Yo, sillyputty, way to disregard my WHOLE post and focus on the question I ask OP personally haha.

Oh ok. 
Let me know when I should start taking ghosts and spirits seriously. 

This goes beyond religion so don't think this is me just making fun of anything similar.

OP is spooked for no reason and is looking for a reason to justify his fears.

If I can't mock how silly he sounds being scared of PHOTOGRAPHS then he won't be able to even stomach living in the damn house.

Lets be honest here.

Something i can't explain = Spirits and ghosts 

How old are we again? 

Its equally plausible that Spiderman snuck in your house to make a sandwich for the day shift and disappeared before you could catch him in the act. He just happened to knock your favorite vase off the table, leaving you to wonder.

Or maybe your pet is an animorph and happened to transform before you rounded the corner, thus accidentally flipping a light switch. 

Once you start asserting random things then anything is possible until you can back any of it up. 

There needs to be a standard to make these sorts of assertions. As of yet, there is none besides: "Well I woke up and my TV was on...thus spirits!" 

Just remember what these guys used to do:


Every little spook, scare, and unexplainable event eventually had a rational and methodical cause behind it. 

There were no spirits, ghosts, magic or supernatural events.

All it took was the ability to investigate the claims and to prove their assertions. 
You know Silly, honestly, the way that you're so closed minded to issues that you've already made up your mind on is quite frightening.  It's that type of attitude that really keep people controlled and institutionalized.  Just in 2011, with the speed of light being broken, means that this finding could change the laws of physics; anything we've known for however long may have been wrong in the first place, whether you believe it or not.  Maybe instead of just laughing at people you can maturely point out why you think they may not be right.  

Just saying.  You shouldn't treat people like 5 year olds no matter how ridiculous you may think their beliefs are.  And no, I don't share the OP's views.
Originally Posted by CDUNK

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by ceemcee

Yo, sillyputty, way to disregard my WHOLE post and focus on the question I ask OP personally haha.

Oh ok. 
Let me know when I should start taking ghosts and spirits seriously. 

This goes beyond religion so don't think this is me just making fun of anything similar.

OP is spooked for no reason and is looking for a reason to justify his fears.

If I can't mock how silly he sounds being scared of PHOTOGRAPHS then he won't be able to even stomach living in the damn house.

Lets be honest here.

Something i can't explain = Spirits and ghosts 

How old are we again? 

Its equally plausible that Spiderman snuck in your house to make a sandwich for the day shift and disappeared before you could catch him in the act. He just happened to knock your favorite vase off the table, leaving you to wonder.

Or maybe your pet is an animorph and happened to transform before you rounded the corner, thus accidentally flipping a light switch. 

Once you start asserting random things then anything is possible until you can back any of it up. 

There needs to be a standard to make these sorts of assertions. As of yet, there is none besides: "Well I woke up and my TV was on...thus spirits!" 

Just remember what these guys used to do:


Every little spook, scare, and unexplainable event eventually had a rational and methodical cause behind it. 

There were no spirits, ghosts, magic or supernatural events.

All it took was the ability to investigate the claims and to prove their assertions. 
You know Silly, honestly, the way that you're so closed minded to issues that you've already made up your mind on is quite frightening. 

Oh really?

I don't make assertions I can't back up, and thats frightening? I guess we should just go back to the days where we thought Black people were worse than white people based on the notion that we simply believe it to be true.
It's that type of attitude that really keep people controlled and institutionalize.

 There are tons of things I don't accept and challenge, there are others that I do.

Do you know what my standard is?


There is NO PROOF for any of the assertions made in here. The burden of proof also lies on the people making the claim. If the claim is not supported then the claim is not substantiated and can not be accepted. 

Just in 2011, with the speed of light being broken, could change the laws of physics; anything we've known for however long may have been wrong, whether you believe it or not.


Maybe you should have kept reading beyond the title of your sensationalist articles.

What you're referring to is the experimental finding that neutrinos might have broken the speed of light.

As of yet there are three main possibilities behind that finding according to leading astrophysicists including Neil DeGrasse Tyson:

1) Mistake in the data
VERY DISTANT 2) New particle traveling backwards through time. No need to modify relativity.
EVEN MORE DISTANT 3) Need to modify Relativity.

Whats needed is more proof on the subject.

But you know what? At least science is trying to replicate the findings to be more certain that the findings are accurate instead of making crack pot theories about "ghosts" and "spirits" that have less support for their assertions than push-up bras.
Maybe instead of just laughing at people you can maturely point out why you think they may not be right.  Just saying.  And no, I don't share the OP's views.
I did point out why they may not be right.

I did that in clear fashion. Right above.

A combination of things like:

Confirmation Bias
The Forer Effect

And most importantly, a standard in place to test AND confirm the assertions made.

Otherwise, its ALL speculation and anything and everything is possible; In which case my theory that Spiderman snuck into OP's house for a snack, could never be wrong. 

Lets be honest, if photography had never been invented, would you still be scared? Would ghosts then be relegated to paintings? or carved statues? 

Yeah, I stated that I don't believe in ghosts, and putty dedicates a whole load of why were all stupid and wrong, to TWO sentences I wrote. We get it bruh, you're a genius. Maybe we'll all grow up and realize the boogeyman isn't real, with your guidance lol. I asked OP if he was comfortable to make a point. If he's not, house is ruined. That's all.
Really man, that closeminded stubborn-ness is probably more dangerous than the rationale that ghosts exist.
So yeah, OP, you comfortable in your house now? lol
Holy crap lol
Hey just disregard my post sillyputty,
take a chill pill and relax lol. There are no ghosts
Originally Posted by ceemcee

Yeah, I stated that I don't believe in ghosts, and putty dedicates a whole load of why were all stupid and wrong, to TWO sentences I wrote. We get it bruh, you're a genius. Maybe we'll all grow up and realize the boogeyman isn't real, with your guidance lol. I asked OP if he was comfortable to make a point. If he's not, house is ruined. That's all.
Really man, that closeminded stubborn-ness is probably more dangerous than the rationale that ghosts exist.
So yeah, OP, you comfortable in your house now? lol

Originally Posted by ceemcee

Any NT'ers in here that live in southern, rural areas that have any folk tales??? I'm from deep south texas and we have tons of stories. People down here arent stupid, but alot of us tend to believe some of the stories out there...I wouldn't say I believe in ghosts, but I do believe that there are all types of unexplainable, POSSIBLY paranormal things out there.

Oh, and OP, do you feel more comfortable now that you've had religious officals in there?


Don't get mad and act like i'm trying to be all "intellectually superior" once again. Ya'll love to throw around the "oh since you're so smart" card. As if trying to be consistent and having proof for my assertions is a BAD thing...

If you feel victimized, its not my fault. You just like to be able to think that everyone has some varying belief in supernatural or "paranormal" occurrences. But when I explain where I think all of the explanations fail at some point, then i'm the bad guy?

Miss me with that. 

If you're going to make these sorts of claims be prepared to back them up. Otherwise, don't waste your time and cry foul when your conclusions aren't substantiated.

I like to think that i'm open minded to any idea. Stranger things have happened in life...but you know what it took to accept those things?...PROOF. 

Things that are true and have evidence tend to stand on their own. 
lmao at putty.

i cant take anything he says srs since i found out he's that optimus dude who wishes drake would be with him forever.
Uhhh, what claims am I making?
Answer me that first....

Im aware of the fact that different people believe in different things. I spoke for the people I live amongst, because I'm fully aware of the culture here, but you highlight my words like you caught me saying something stupid???

Again, all I implied was that diff. people believe different things. You cant seem to understand that because you have no respect for anyones actual opinion.

PLUS, You played the whole "I'm smarter than you card" wayyy before I called you on it, by coming in here and talking about needing proof and all that like were all trying to convince you of the supernatural.

AAAAND, I don't feel victimized. BUT, I will say that if your .gif game gets anymore serious, I might be offended hahaha.
Really though, just chillllll bruh.
I think Silly just gets a kick out of being right all the time; it's cool, whatever floats your boat.  I did actually read that article, I understand it still needs to be scrutinized; all I'm just saying is just because there's no proof right now, doesn't mean nothing can show up in the future you know?  Anyways, I really don't feel like having e-discussions over semantics and obsessions over little details, when all I really wanted you to do is see the big picture:  

You rub a lot of people the wrong way with the way you post, not your views.  Not trying to be a jerk, just saying.  
Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

lmao at putty.

i cant take anything he says srs since i found out he's that optimus dude who wishes drake would be with him forever.

Mind = blown
You can always check public records to see previous occupants and find out a lot things that way, say for instance if someone died in the home, etc. But they are suppose to disclose certain things in the sale of a home, not sure about the super natural having to be disclosed, def an uneasy feeling after finding something like that
Hai I'm here for the updates 

OP I've been waitin to dust off my proton pack bruh

hit Janeen on her cell when your ready.
lol wow this thread's still going, i did update a few pages ago. i got it blessed and i'm just movin on with my renos and i'll update pics of the finished place in the bachelor pad thread but other than that i ain't stressin about the pic no more.
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