Amy Winehouse Dead at 27

Originally Posted by 21shots

Not really surprised by all the Amy Winehouse bashing. If this where beyonce or another black artist tough... just sayin'.

Is Beyonce a drug addict fool?

Amy Winehouse was a talented (I'm assuming since I've never heard a song by her) artist who decided to destroy her body by using drugs. I'm supposed to feel bad for her? It's tragic she threw away her talent and wasn't strong enough to quit her habit but she made her decision and now she has to live with it. Oh wait.
at dudes saying her voice was overrated though. Seriously? Her voice was AMAZING.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by 21shots

Not really surprised by all the Amy Winehouse bashing. If this where beyonce or another black artist tough... just sayin'.

Is Beyonce a drug addict fool?

Amy Winehouse was a talented (I'm assuming since I've never heard a song by her) artist who decided to destroy her body by using drugs. I'm supposed to feel bad for her? It's tragic she threw away her talent and wasn't strong enough to quit her habit but she made her decision and now she has to live with it. Oh wait.
who is asking you to fell sorry for her tho??? you said it yourself, you don't listen to her music, so why even come into a convo about her throwing snide remarks around??? why not just keep them to yourself???
I'm not amazed that there is some ignorant people in here.these are the same clowns that listen to lil Wayne and Rick rossdon't know what good music is.if people here are saying that het voice is overrated, then they are clearly deaf.Imo her voice wad once in a generation.There are some damn clowns in here.People talking crappy shouldn't even post in here.
According to someone on my Twitter timeline, just Friday she bought heroine, ecstasy, cocaine, and ketamine (HORSE TRANQUILIZER).

Dude trying to play the "reverse" race card just quit.

I'm no fan of speaking ill of the deceased regardless of the circumstances, but it's not hard to see where people are coming from in that regard.
21shots wrote:
Not really surprised by all the Amy Winehouse bashing. If this where beyonce or another black artist tough... just sayin'.

My God you are stupid

RIP Amy she was truly an amazing talent.
Originally Posted by I AM THAT DUDE

According to someone on my Twitter timeline, just Friday she bought heroine, ecstasy, cocaine, and ketamine (HORSE TRANQUILIZER).

After being clean in rehab she goes to get those? Yeah she was trying to get righhttt and ended up doing too much. That ex-husband of hers is totally to blame for her habit. He even admits it himself. So sad. You can't make people love themselves tho.
Originally Posted by 21shots

Not really surprised by all the Amy Winehouse bashing. If this where beyonce or another black artist tough... just sayin'.

You are sloooooooooow.
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Originally Posted by jumpman247

Someone had too much wine at their house last night. 

That was a horrible attempt at humor, like it wasn't even remotely funny. Atleast the other jokes were somewhat funny
Actually it was hilarious.
Written by Russell Brand...
Some pretty good points
When you love someone who suffers from the disease of addiction you await the phone call. There will be a phone call. The sincere hope is that the call will be from the addict themselves, telling you they’ve had enough, that they’re ready to stop, ready to try something new. Of course though, you fear the other call, the sad nocturnal chime from a friend or relative telling you it’s too late, she’s gone.
Frustratingly it’s not a call you can ever make it must be received. It is impossible to intervene.
I’ve known Amy Winehouse for years. When I first met her around Camden she was just some twit in a pink satin jacket shuffling round bars with mutual friends, most of whom were in cool Indie bands or peripheral Camden figures Withnail-ing their way through life on impotent charisma. Carl Barrat told me that “Winehouse
Originally Posted by I AM THAT DUDE

According to someone on my Twitter timeline, just Friday she bought heroine, ecstasy, cocaine, and ketamine (HORSE TRANQUILIZER)

Damn. She went HARD
Haven't stopped playin' B2B yet...

I really don't want to accept the fact that she is gone. If music wasn't so visceral and transformative in my life, and I knew that a talent like hers may never meet my eyes, ears, heart and touch my soul It's tough.
Originally Posted by jumpman247

Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Originally Posted by jumpman247

Someone had too much wine at their house last night. 

That was a horrible attempt at humor, like it wasn't even remotely funny. Atleast the other jokes were somewhat funny
Actually it was hilarious.

Actually it wasn't, at all. You try too hard.

She wasn't nothin' special though. People die everyday and life goes on. 

And who the *#$# are you? I hope someone says some $!%! like that about you. How you can so boldly judge someone blows my mind....Amy touched millions of people, what have you done in you're life?
why do so many black NTers insist on playing the race card literally EVERY SINGLE CHANCE THEY GET?

even in death

buncha lames
Originally Posted by Club 27

why do so many black NTers insist on playing the race card literally EVERY SINGLE CHANCE THEY GET?

even in death

buncha lames
Where was the race card played?
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