Amy Winehouse Dead at 27

Originally Posted by toine2983

One friend told the newspaper: “It was an ecstasy overdose. She could do cocaine until the cows come home. But this was obviously a dodgy pill

Drugs are so crazy like that. People are wired differently. Some people can do cocaine every day for 20 years and be fine, and someone like Len Bias (a physical specimen) can do it in one night and just drop dead. The mixture doesn't help. I bet John Belushi could do cocaine for days and not die, but as soon as he started hitting those speed balls, it was over.
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Three days before her death. So full of life, so in the moment. I miss you, Amy.

Full of life, she doesn't look in the video.
More life than she has right now - definitely doesn't look like she was heading for a relapse. And it's a far cry from her Belgrade performance.

Anyways, this is probably my favorite Amy cut besides Love is a Losing Game.
Originally Posted by I AM THAT DUDE

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

Damn. She went HARD
unreliable x 2

New screen name, same ignoramus.

Cocaine, ecstasy and ketamine: Amy Winehouse's final cocktail

Spoiler [+]
Sordid details surrounding Amy Winehouse’s tragic death have emerged, with claims that she bought a cocktail of narcotics including cocaine, ecstasy and ketamine in her final hours. Although police has not yet released the exact cause of her death, it is claimed she was seen buying drugs

from a dealer in Camden just after 10:30pm on Friday, reports the Daily Mail.
A source told People
Originally Posted by Club 27

Originally Posted by CryingFreemancoa

Originally Posted by Club 27

yeah pretty sure i misread it.

not the first time i put my foot in my mouth.

certantly wont be the last

i wont edit it, so you can all get your cheap shots in

please allow me to continue being your anti-hero
you sound extra lame homey

but i'm black so you don't care

you could be green and i still wouldnt care.

and dont call me 'homey' like we're old friends or something.
Son caught mad feelings
Originally Posted by Fade On You

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

a drug addict dying thread = 9 pages

a thread about something serious like the norway bombing = 5 pages


Winehouse dead because she killed herself with drugs = 17 pages
68 people murdered in Norway = 6 pages
Thousands dying of hunger in Eastern Africa = 0 pages

"The death of one is a tragedy. The death of million is just a statistic."

That quote works on so many levels.
Asian women = 400 pages
Cute fine girls = 300 pages
Dressing better = 1405 pages
Google + = 61 pages

What is your point?

48÷2(9+3) =288
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Three days before her death. So full of life, so in the moment. I miss you, Amy.
are you being sarcastic? she looks like a zombie.
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by I AM THAT DUDE

According to someone on my Twitter timeline, just Friday she bought heroine, ecstasy, cocaine, and ketamine (HORSE TRANQUILIZER).

After being clean in rehab she goes to get those? Yeah she was trying to get righhttt and ended up doing too much. That ex-husband of hers is totally to blame for her habit. He even admits it himself. So sad. You can't make people love themselves tho.

quit making excuses. no one is to blame but herself. millions of women in this world have been abused but they all dont go run for the drug od...come on now....

rip to her but she was overrated. and i cannot believe dude brought up black female singers smh... whitney houston is a kabillion times the legend amy will ever be and even she is the butt of cocaine jokes herself...

She was truly about that life, and for the RIP. All of this talk about statistics, it's all a matter of how Americans see news like this. If it's not a famous celebrity, the media will never capitalize on it.
How someone can make fun of the dead, or say disrespectful remarks simply baffles me..That says a lot about their character 
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