Anaheim PD Open Fire on Unarmed Women and Children

So law enforcement is supposed to just stand there and have water bottles thrown at them and a burning dumpster pushed toward them and not react? They acted accordingly, this was not a peaceful protest.

Justin Bieber gets water bottles thrown at him, and he acts rationally.

How fast can you push a dumpster, honestly though. :lol:

There's a lot of issues that need to be clarified, from the initial murder of the victim that led to the protest to the supposed paying for the videos.

That dog seemed to go straight for that stroller :x
Justin Bieber gets water bottles thrown at him, and he acts rationally.

How fast can you push a dumpster, honestly though. :lol:
There's a lot of issues that need to be clarified, from the initial murder of the victim that led to the protest to the supposed paying for the videos.
That dog seemed to go straight for that stroller :x

A thrown bottle = assault

Protests are fine but assaulting police is not acceptable.

Losing control of the dog = not professional

Beanbag shots going out AFTER asking crowd to disperse = reasonable

flaming dumpster + bottles thrown = more than protesting

Bring your kids to a protest with thrown bottles and flaming dumpster = idiotic

A thrown bottle = assault
Protests are fine but assaulting police anyone is not acceptable.
Losing control of the dog = not professional
Beanbag shots going out AFTER asking crowd to disperse = not reasonable [alright, we asked y'all nicely, here comes the pain]
flaming dumpster + bottles thrown = more than protesting
Bring your kids to a protest with thrown bottles and flaming dumpster = idiotic [the parents were probably assuming it'd be a peaceful protest from both sides]

there have been plenty of documented events in which people have thrown rocks (significantly harder than water bottles) at police officers, so the officers brought riot shields and stood their ground

though the protestors actions were out of line, the officers' retaliation of close-range shooting into an unarmed protest with women and children shows the lack of discipline and logic from those individuals -- they didn't even give the women and children a chance to take cover

what happened to the good ol days of, "alright guys, we're turning on the firehose, you're willing to stay if you please"
there have been plenty of documented events in which people have thrown rocks (significantly harder than water bottles) at police officers, so the officers brought riot shields and stood their ground
though the protestors actions were out of line, the officers' retaliation of close-range shooting into an unarmed protest with women and children shows the lack of discipline and logic from those individuals -- they didn't even give the women and children a chance to take cover
what happened to the good ol days of, "alright guys, we're turning on the firehose, you're willing to stay if you please"


these are the "good ol days" to you?

PEACEFUL protestors vs bottle throwers?

And just because some officers took rocks/bottles without retaliation... that is not standard procedure in any event
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1. Where are the pictures of the kids' injuries?

2. Using your kids to push your political agenda at a rally = improper

these are the "good ol days" to you?
PEACEFUL protestors vs bottle throwers?
And just because some officers took rocks/bottles without retaliation... that is not standard procedure in any event

The reason I used firehose as an example is because the protestors actually know that it's coming. This example is to juxtapose the reaction time given to the women and children when they're quickly shot at without warning.

If you want to defend the men that shot at unarmed women and children without warning, then by all means.

i don't see any filled baby strollers or wild guard dogs in the photos
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Ok forget about all the shooting, but it was pretty apparent from the video that the dog got loose. You had one officer trying to get a hold of it and another trying to get the dog away from the person it was attacking. So stop with all this "they let the dog out on the people."
The reason I used firehose as an example is because the protestors actually know that it's coming. This example is to juxtapose the reaction time given to the women and children when they're quickly shot at without warning.
If you want to defend the men that shot at unarmed women and children without warning, then by all means.
i don't see any filled baby strollers or wild guard dogs in the photos

1. Show me a single picture/video of any women or children that were hit/injured

2. How do you know they weren't warned?
I need ALOT more of this story. Why are children at a protest. Protest get violent so bringing children is stupid.
I need ALOT more of this story. Why are children at a protest. Protest get violent so bringing children is stupid.

It's plausible that the children may be nieces and nephews or close neighbors with the victim that was killed by the police. The parents may have assumed it would have been a peaceful rally on the yard considering that none of the protest participants were bringing any guns or attack dogs.

The children may find closure and learn a lesson or 2 about the first amendment and how speaking out may bring out the truth (whatever it may be).

Granted this is all speculation and I'm just playing the unarmed participants' side; well, because, they were unarmed.

Why bring an attack dog to a protest with unarmed women and children. Especially a dog that doesn't understand not to attack babies :nerd:
^^^ might be best that I do the same. But to the dude asking about rabid dogs in those civil rights pictures. You obviously have no idea what actually happened. Back then they didn't give a **** to be honest. They would have dogs (plural) sike individuals and was in no rush to stop it. Also full force water is no joke. The force would bruise and knock people off their feet. People were seriously hurt.

Full force water = rubber bullets imo.. But don't compare this to the Civil Rights movement there was more dirty ish than what was spelled out in your history books in school.

With that said..I don't think water bottles full or empty warrant firearms. The flaming dumpster maybe as one could make the argument that officers told the dumpster may contain or cause some explosion. But they are police officers and we all have seen their track records toward minorities. Just sayin...
Theyre lucky that was not my child and mother of my child... they woulda really had a riot after they woulda had to shoot me for shooting their dog
Theyre lucky that was not my child and mother of my child... they woulda really had a riot after they woulda had to shoot me for shooting their dog

Anaheim PD would've merked you with no hesitation...

Then you'd leave behind a fatherless child and a widow...
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