and we're done

I'll start it up, are we doing money though and 10 or 12 or are we going balls deep and running 16 team league?
Wow, that ***** my whole plan up. I have no interest what so ever in paying Time Warner 120 dollars a month. Is there a way around this? 
What if I got the package that is supposed to include all 30 NBA teams? How can they possibly restrict me on that? I mean unless I live in Alaska what are the odds that there isn't a locally televised basketball game on in my area? How can they promise every team and not deliver that?
Does it make a difference if it's only Broadband, not cable?

99% chance you're blacked out no matter what, I think. if you're in the MSG market = automatic black out for Knick games.
99% chance you're blacked out no matter what, I think. if you're in the MSG market = automatic black out for Knick games.

Yea the blackout is probably still going to apply.

I'm in Vermont for school so I just cop the league pass and get the NYK games. I think if youre in NY youre out of luck though.

I was going with the mood and topic at the moment in the thread. Because of the Amare injury, dudes was talking like it was over as usual.

I was being sarcastic, but the facts I stated are true.

Of course I would rather have Amare for 82+ games. I do think we can be a great team WITH him. But I also think we can become a great team WITHOUT him.

It's not a knock on Amare. It's a compliment to the team.
I was going with the mood and topic at the moment in the thread. Because of the Amare injury, dudes was talking like it was over as usual.
I was being sarcastic, but the facts I stated are true.
Of course I would rather have Amare for 82+ games. I do think we can be a great team WITH him. But I also think we can become a great team WITHOUT him.
It's not a knock on Amare. It's a compliment to the team.

Weirdly enough I agree with this.
Wow, that ***** my whole plan up. I have no interest what so ever in paying Time Warner 120 dollars a month. Is there a way around this? 
What if I got the package that is supposed to include all 30 NBA teams? How can they possibly restrict me on that? I mean unless I live in Alaska what are the odds that there isn't a locally televised basketball game on in my area? How can they promise every team and not deliver that?
Does it make a difference if it's only Broadband, not cable?

even if you get the normal league pass package for every game you will get blacked out.
Not necessarily true, I was still able to see the Knicks on ESPN/ABC/TNT regardless of being in the market. This is with DirecTV though.
Not necessarily true, I was still able to see the Knicks on ESPN/ABC/TNT regardless of being in the market. This is with DirecTV though.

well of course, National Tv games arent blacked out..

im saying with league pass, you will not get Knick games if your in the Knick area...
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