Andrew Tate. DONE.



No steroids and saggy nips.

I don’t think any one method will go away. In fact that data isn’t even saying that people aren’t participating in all the methods, just that people who do do find their partners end up doing it in person via proximity. People may never give up on online dating; its just not as likely to yield a long term partner as meeting people in real life, how ever that happens.

As far as what happens once they get into relationships women definitely initiate divorce more. I can’t say for sure why that is. In the past women weren’t really expected to contribute much towards the household income, so they could focus on the household up keep. It seems that now a days women often have to work, and still come home and take care of the daily/weekly upkeep. Perhaps that contributes to them filing at higher rates?


😂 can’t eeeen hold you some of those numbers numbers look atrocious, worse than i thought they would be…but comparatively to men of past generations i wonder if men today are doing much more across the board, altho i guess that wouldn’t really factor in to women and how they feel about the imbalance(s) today in real time…

i’m sure it’s a confluence of reasons as to why women initiate divorce/end of relationships more, but they are doing it…what that means for any individual man & his particular relationship 🤷🏿‍♂️ but on a macro level it’s interesting

Even if the body positivity movement makes larger women feel “better” about themselves, it’s not like it’s lead to 300lbs women having a bunch of dating prospects lol the obsession over height is dumb though

even though 300 lbs. is extreme, most women are overweight weight today (moreso than the men) so you’d be surprised that women are necessarily struggling for suitors, whether of not those that approach them are what they like/want is a different matter tho

😂 the height thing may not be important today as relevant indicator of anything but as an evolutionary thing it factors in
😂 can’t eeeen hold you some of those numbers numbers look atrocious, worse than i thought they would be…but comparatively to men of past generations i wonder if men today are doing much more across the board, altho i guess that wouldn’t really factor in to women and how they feel about the imbalance(s) today in real time…

i’m sure it’s a confluence of reasons as to why women initiate divorce/end of relationships more, but they are doing it…what that means for any individual man & his particular relationship 🤷🏿‍♂️ but on a macro level it’s interesting

even though 300 lbs. is extreme, most women are overweight weight today (moreso than the men) so you’d be surprised that women are necessarily struggling for suitors, whether of not those that approach them are what they like/want is a different matter tho

😂 the height thing may not be important today as relevant indicator of anything but as an evolutionary thing it factors in

Men today as a whole definitely do more of the household things as they’ve done in the past out of necessity. A lot of it is because of cultural changes between men and women I’d think, but also because there just isn’t enough time in the day. Maintaining a full time job, and maintaining a household for more than just one person is a tough task for one person to do daily or weekly alone. So i think a natural biproduct of that is men taking on some of that household maintenance. Not nearly as much as women do but more than the previous generations have.

I cant speak for anyone else but I struggle with the equal share stuff myself. Not that I dont believe that it should only be my wifes job, but alot of time I just dont think about stuff when it extends past me. Id clean my own dish but leave the dishes that have piled up in the sink, id do my own laundry (necause my wife and i have separate hampers) and it wouldnt even cross my mind to do her laundry even though Im the particular one about how things get washed. Our daughter was born 2 months ago and my wife is on maternity leave until october so Ive been making a very conscious effort to carry more of the load but the hardest part for me has always been to even think about doing it in the first place. From what i hear, this isnt atypical for men in relationships either.

even though 300 lbs. is extreme, most women are overweight weight today (moreso than the men) so you’d be surprised that women are necessarily struggling for suitors, whether of not those that approach them are what they like/want is a different matter tho

😂 the height thing may not be important today as relevant indicator of anything but as an evolutionary thing it factors in

Chubby chasers have always been around :lol: thats not a result of body positivity. dudes will def accept a little more weight if it comes in the right places too.

from a window shopping perspective which is what online dating is, short guys definitely have it tough, in real life though as long as youre not a weirdo, ive seen it work out more times than not.
A woman that maintains her own home, won't have a problem maintaining a home with a man.

A man that maintains his own home, won't have a problem maintaining a home with a woman.

If you cook, clean, wash, bathe, etc when you're single then you'll cook, clean, wash, bathe, etc when you're in a relationship.

If you saw that the person's cleanliness/hygiene was misaligned with yours and you still decided to marry/enter into a relationship with them, then that's on you.
Even if the body positivity movement makes larger women feel “better” about themselves, it’s not like it’s lead to 300lbs women having a bunch of dating prospects lol the obsession over height is dumb though

That true though?

I’d say compare the prospects of a 200 lb woman with some “curves” and the prospects of a 5’6 male that’s in decent shape, etc and the 200 lb woman probably comes out with way more at bats.
I think men put wayyy too much weight on height. (No pun intended)WomenPeople say a lot of things..
That true though?

I’d say compare the prospects of a 200 lb woman with some “curves” and the prospects of a 5’6 male that’s in decent shape, etc and the 200 lb woman probably comes out with way more at bats.

For marriage/serious dating though? It's not unhealthy to be 5'6 . 2 guys in my friend group are both shorter than me and dating/married to woman taller than them.
Guys shorter than me that I went to college with are married to attractive women.
No one in my friend group is bringing around an obese woman
That true though?

I’d say compare the prospects of a 200 lb woman with some “curves” and the prospects of a 5’6 male that’s in decent shape, etc and the 200 lb woman probably comes out with way more at bats.

"Fat" in terms of attraction comes with a connotation that correlates weight to the way someone looks. being heavy but still visibly attractive is still visibly attractive.
in actual real life, dudes with other stuff going for them can and do get past height fairly regularly. the online dating world makes that a little bit more difficult but as the numbers show, most people dont meet their long term partners online anyway
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I think men put wayyy too much weight on height. (No pun intended)WomenPeople say a lot of things..
It's not us placing weight on height. Most men know that women prefer taller men. We accept it and try to gain value through monetary gains. It's women that place such a high value on a man's height. Which is a factor outside of our control. But a women's weight (imo) is fair game 🤷🏿‍♂️
It's not us placing weight on height. Most men know that women prefer taller men. We accept it and try to gain value through monetary gains. It's women that place such a high value on a man's height. Which is a factor outside of our control. But a women's weight (imo) is fair game 🤷🏿‍♂️
What I'm saying is, women say they don't want a short man and will still end up marrying or having a kid by a shorter guy. It doesn't mean as much as they try to make it sound like it does. You really think a woman is going to pick a fat, ugly, dusty tall guy over an attractive, in shape, well groomed short guy?? Just like when dudes say they only want a thick big booty IG girl, but in reality, will HAPPILY go home with a slim 8. Or say they dont want a big girl and got a closet full if big bodies. Stop worrying about that ****. Its the insecurity of the height, not the height itself.
Just because women marry or have a kid by short men doesn't mean they "want" short men :lol:

Women initiate over 70% of divorces, women are having less babies, and the average marriage lasts 8 years or so in the U.S. so getting married/having kids doesn't mean much these days anyway.

Plenty of good husbands get cheated by their wives for dusty tall guys Fam. Plenty of good wives get cheated on by their husbands for thick booty dusty IG girls.

IJS - Claiming men are the ones making a big deal out of height is wild :lol:

Women's preferences ain't got nothing to do with us Fam. We don't control what they want (and vice versa).

Vanity, narcissism, and superficiality aint going anywhere anytime soon.

People are just people and most are only as loyal as their options.
Just because women marry or have a kid by short men doesn't mean they "want" short men :lol:

Women initiate over 70% of divorces, women are having less babies, and the average marriage lasts 8 years or so in the U.S. so getting married/having kids doesn't mean much these days anyway.

Plenty of good husbands get cheated by their wives for dusty tall guys Fam. Plenty of good wives get cheated on by their husbands for thick booty dusty IG girls.

IJS - Claiming men are the ones making a big deal out of height is wild :lol:

Women's preferences ain't got nothing to do with us Fam. We don't control what they want (and vice versa).

Vanity, narcissism, and superficiality aint going anywhere anytime soon.

People are just people and most are only as loyal as their options.
You said all that just circle back around to what Im saying. It doesn’t really matter. If they didn’t “want” they guys, how did they get in that position in the first place? That proves MY point. You really believe those men you mentioned got cheat on JUST because they were short? Idek why you bought divorce rates into this. (IMO that’s because people get married too fast. She wants the title and the image and he wants to handcuff and the image. But that’s another conversation). If a married woman up and decides to leave a man solely because she found a taller guy, he didn’t have anything to do with that. Thats **** was doomed from the get go, and it was probably red flags the whole time. Im not saying superficiality isn’t real or is going anywhere but if you quit ******* them people it wont be such an issue. A lot of things you guys are saying is a bunch of internet BS. This place ain’t real. “High value blah-blah-blah” stop listening to these bs *** people and get out and talk to people face to face.
I think men put wayyy too much weight on height. (No pun intended)WomenPeople say a lot of things..

Yeah I don’t think this is nearly as much of an issue in real life. Women under 5’6 don’t really have a clue how tall we are anyways in my experience :lol:

On the flip side, a lot of dudes have no context of how much women weigh cuz a lot of “thick” women who are considered generally attractive are technically overweight (don’t agree with that definition but just saying)

Everybody needs to spend more time outside and get off Twitter and Podcasts.
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