Andrew Tate. DONE.

I feel cleaning, laundry, cooking, etc should be done by ALL parties. If you’re a grown adult who doesn’t have the urge to clean or do your laundry, that’s just disgusting and you living foul. Literally
Facts. Ish is a life skill like tying shoe laces.
People treat preference like anything else. There’s an ideal situation that no one would say no too, and there’s the realistic situation that you make plans on.

i would love to have a job that pays $10 million year, but that doesn’t mean i don’t love my current job and don’t get fulfillment from it even though I make significantly less than $10 million. I’d think people approach preferences and who they’d date the same way.
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For marriage/serious dating though? It's not unhealthy to be 5'6 . 2 guys in my friend group are both shorter than me and dating/married to woman taller than them.
Guys shorter than me that I went to college with are married to attractive women.
No one in my friend group is bringing around an obese woman

Im not debating that a 5’6 guy can end up with a dime or with an absolutely great woman. I’m simply stating that a well put together 5’6 guy doesn’t get as many bats as a large overweight woman does.

In the real world there’s what people “want” and what people are willing to go out and get. If a 5’6 guy is social, meets a lot of girls in his peer group, etc etc it’s pretty straightforward and normal that personality and proximity easily override the height objection.

Just saying, it takes an unequal “unfair” level of work. And that creates a lot of resentment in the guys that are unwilling to do the work because they were promised a fair world and this is inherently unfair and something out of their control.
Yea but all those "bats" overweight women get is because of the misconception that big girls are going to be easy. Its really apples and oranges.
People treat preference like anything else. There’s an ideal situation that no one would say no too, and there’s the realistic situation that you make plans on.

i would love to have a job that pays $10 million year, but that doesn’t mean i don’t love my current job and don’t get fulfillment from it even though I make significantly less tan $10 million. I’d think people approach preferences and who they’d date the same way.

really tho, there’s what we want and what we can actually get 😂…the gap between those thing can be & is definitely a source of frustration for some men & women alike…there definitely are folks that absolutely hold out for that proverbial 10 mil gig, then there are those who take their current best option while covertly waiting for that 10 mil come up to arise, other may settle but ultimately resent having to & it manifests in their behavior in the relationship, i do think most are content, maybe even happy 😮‍💨, for the most part anyways, with their choice for relationship…but those other groups are growing, hence the andrew tate & high value man aspirants 😂

it’s men’s version of women’s fairytale story of their prince charming sweeping them off their feet, not really thinking about what they actually will have to be & do for this man, at least in men’s version they are aware that they have to become something, even if that something is unattainable for the vast majority
Let me find out y'all fellas in the club/bar like:


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I saw a vid the other day with a 7 foot woman that was HOLDING. I wonder how they feel about “short” guys seeing that 99.9999% of men are shorter than them.
never sure of what i’m looking at when i see women on ig…she’s using angles to make herself appear even larger 🤷🏿‍♂️

homie’s face @ 8:33 was the subject of a few jokes in the group chat

Also what is even being discussed here? Do women prefer taller men? Yes that’s a given.

Does that mean if you’re a shorter man you have no shot to meet anyone? No.

Personally if we’re talking about desirability there is way more things to consider than just how tall someone is. Cats teeth be jacked up, hairline a mess, car is dirty, clothes wrinkled, out of shape then have a nerve to say “Women don’t like me cause I’m 5’7”.

AND we haven’t even gotten into people skills yet 😂. Some of the most socially inept people I’ve ever met in my entire life are men from the ages of 16-23.

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Men telling other men what makes men desirable to women is wild :lol:

It's actually none of our business.

Study long = Study wrong.

Logic, facts, and reason have absolutely nothing to do with what a woman finds "desirable" and even that can change when the wind blows.

It only matters what the women I'm actually interested in find desirable and even then, It's still none of my business.

All I can do is be the best me that I can be while not making a woman my source of purpose in life.

Shoot your shot regardless Gentlemen, best she can say is "No". The worst she can say is a fake "Yes".

Somewhere in the middle is a "maybe", which is as close to the truth as it gets when dealing with female nature :lol:
Men telling other men what makes men desirable to women is wild :lol:

Sounds so ‘issified. This is what I mean, when I say men have changed for the worse. The way I grew up men NEVER had discussions like this. It was only females talking like that.

Bro I was JUST about to say this :lol: :lol: :lol: suspect as hell

Modern day young people 16-35 have OVERCOMPLICATED the dating game. Like if y’all don’t go out and approach as many woman as possible. It’s a numbers game. The more woman you approach, the better chance you have. Growing up, rejection was part of the game. Now, dudes take it personal. You are not entitled to any woman. If she rejects, move along.

Again, approach as many women as possible, have a strong sense of humor, slick mouth piece, and you cannot fail.

It’s that simple
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Sounds so ‘issified. This is what I mean, when I say men have changed for the worse. The way I grew up men NEVER had discussions like this. It was only females talking like that.

Bro I was JUST about to say this :lol: :lol: :lol: suspect as hell

Modern day young people 16-35 have OVERCOMPLICATED the dating game. Like if y’all don’t go out and approach as many woman as possible. It’s a numbers game. The more woman you approach, the better chance you have. Growing up, rejection was part of the game. Now, dudes take it personal. You are not entitled to any woman. If she rejects, move along.

Again, approach as many women as possible, have a strong sense of humor, slick mouth piece, and you cannot fail.

It’s that simple

Big Facts.

I grew up in a time when boys/men actually had to walk up to a woman, talk to her, and risk potential rejection as a natural consequence of the approach.

This is with all of your boys waiting and watching just to clown you if you failed or hate on you if you succeeded. :lol: :smh:

Weak, thirsty, dudes with no game and no women would get mad and scream at women. Women would actually give out fake numbers to an answering machine... anything else, the more you do it, the better you get at it.

All a part of becoming a Man in those days.

This was before social media and the mass adoption of online dating sites.

Black Planet was the start of the ending for me :lol:

The '90s were truly wild.
Big Facts.

I grew up in a time when boys/men actually had to walk up to a woman, talk to her, and risk potential rejection as a natural consequence of the approach.

This is with all of your boys waiting and watching just to clown you if you failed or hate on you if you succeeded. :lol: :smh:

Weak, thirsty, dudes with no game and no women would get mad and scream at women. Women would actually give out fake numbers to an answering machine... anything else, the more you do it, the better you get at it.

All a part of becoming a Man in those days.

This was before social media and the mass adoption of online dating sites.

Black Planet was the start of the ending for me :lol:

The '90s were truly wild.

That simple. If you need YouTube reels or hour long podcasts to learn how to get women, you’re :lol: :rofl: :rofl:

People just don’t know how to talk or have face to face conversations. Point blank
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