Andrew Tate. DONE.

Ironically as with everything, there’s a data set speaks to this height convo. Men 5’5” and up have the same median number of sexual partners of 7, and men 5’2” to 5’4” only trail by 2 at 5 sexual partners. The argument can be had about the “quality” of the sexual partners but I haven’t seen any data on that.


Slightly related but really surprising: over weight and obese men and women have the most sexual partners. Overweight men leading the pack :lol:

2006. Before social media or smartphones. Things have definitely changed about the overweight stat
2006. Before social media or smartphones. Things have definitely changed about the overweight stat

from a societal stand point I’m surprised it was true at any point to begin with because even before social media and smart phones being short and being over weight were never inherently looked at as positive traits.
2006. Before social media or smartphones. Things have definitely changed about the overweight stat

it being the case that most people in the us are overweight, it wouldn’t really be surprising if these stats were still true…but it’s a good point that smartphones & social media have very likely impacted things. i will say the stats now about younger people generally (and the steeper decline for men specifically) having less sex, the differences between those men who are & aren’t getting 📦 are probably more pronounced across the board…

from a societal stand point I’m surprised it was true at any point to begin with because even before social media and smart phones being short and being over weight were never inherently looked at as positive traits.

i believe the most correlated quality to number of sexual partners is none of the things that most would have thought to be, not height, physical attractiveness, status, nor wealth…but it is actually the most obvious thing; it’s supposedly the desire to have a lot of sexual partners. those who really have that desire likely put themselves outchea & put more effort into maximize their opportunities for sexual encounters, #shootershoot 😂
i believe the most correlated quality to number of sexual partners is none of the things that most would have thought to be, not height, physical attractiveness, status, nor wealth…but it is actually the most obvious thing; it’s supposedly the desire to have a lot of sexual partners. those who really have that desire likely put themselves outchea & put more effort into maximize their opportunities for sexual encounters, #shootershoot 😂

Yup I’ve read this too
That’s his grift, make digital media and profit from views/ads. So if you watched it, you put a few cents/dollars in his pockets.

nah, it’s all a pretty much funnel to his courses, i don’t think he ever got much money from youtube ads/views…he doesn’t even control or make most of, if any at all the content that online that uses his likeness/voice…i think he does or used to have some affiliate marketing type program that would actually pay people to post stuff using his content
nah, it’s all a pretty much funnel to his courses, i don’t think he ever got much money from youtube ads/views…he doesn’t even control or make most of, if any at all the content that online that uses his likeness/voice…i think he does or used to have some affiliate marketing type program that would actually pay people to post stuff using his content

They upgraded the charges and another person was added to the case, bringing the number of known victims to 7.
One thing I learned tho, dudes lie about height, meaning one of y’all probably lying. :lol:
bruh lol

hoopers lie thee most
cant tell you how many dudes 6'4 claiming 6'8
6'2.5 and tell you theyre 6'5 etc etc

thing is, normal sized people under 5'9 never question it
so the get away with this nonsense

one thing I dont do, steal height valor
always straight up with my height (npi)
I lie about my height. I’m actually 5’11 and a quarter, but I always say 5’10.

Too many people argued with me like I would lie about my height that I gave up and let them think what they want.

Funny thing is, taller people (6’3 and above) always ask say “you’re not 6ft?”

Life lol
5’9” is about the average height for a male in the us, 5’10” to about 6’1” is kinda no man’s land, obviously not much taller than average but obviously not short 😂. most people aren’t particularly attuned to any dimensions especially without reference & maybe women in particular for various reasons.

since height is generally regarded as an attraction trigger by women & with the rise of online dating, men lying about their height is such an expected thing a lot of women make the assumption all dudes are 🧢 when the list their height, if you look at some of the data from online dating, the height filters many women often have a 6’ cut off (a surprising amount actually have extreme height filters 🤣🤣🤣) and for every height below it drops off precipitously, i think these phenomenon might be related 😂 if the expectation is dudes lie about height, setting a taller requirement filters adjusts for that
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I promise I didn’t even know height was a big deal until I moved to Texas(I still believe it isn’t tbh). I probably get asked how tall I am once a week. Some women here are traumatized by dudes lying about their height, they’ll say you’re lying no matter what. I just started telling them I don’t know how tall I am. I haven’t been measured since high school.
bruh lol

hoopers lie thee most
cant tell you how many dudes 6'4 claiming 6'8
6'2.5 and tell you theyre 6'5 etc etc

thing is, normal sized people under 5'9 never question it
so the get away with this nonsense

one thing I dont do, steal height valor
always straight up with my height (npi)

Michael Jordan had everyone believing he was 6’6
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