Another Examples Of How SOME Females Have An Unrealistic View Of Self Entitlement

these are my public transportation guidelines for giving up a seat or not...

a.) old

b.) injured

c.) pregnant

d.) I feel sorry for some other reason

e.) I'm getting off in >4 stops

other than that, stand your able-bodied $%$ up.

especially if I'm riding that #%+# for like 45 mins?

you got life *!$%%* up, hun.

lol @ a 16 year old not being able to stand, then, insinuating there aren't any gentlemen with manners, while threatening to sit on a stranger'slap....while underage....sounds real lady-like to me...

DC, I find myself agreeing with you more and more and thinking you're a ****** less and less....
DCAllAmerican wrote:
Will keep this as short as possible

On the crowded bus
2 young females walk on (Black, 14-16 years old) and are forced to stand because there are no seats open
One loudly says to other one, "I know one of these men better get up out of their seats and let me sit down. I see we don't have any gentlemenS on this bus. If they don't get up I will sit on one of their laps"

My question for you
1. What are your rules for giving up your seat for females?
2.Females, do YOU (personally) expect for a man to give up his seat for you?

I give up my seat for:
Older/elderly people (male or female)
Pregnant women
Disabled people.
Grossly Overweight People
When I want to bag a chick
I don't give my seat to no skeezer! Only if their elders, prego or disable.

Other then that no. Also, when someone offers me a seat..I gladly say thanks but ill stand.
I'm a woman and I would definitely stand up for an older person. But I'd smack the eff out of both of those little
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

I always give my seat up to an elderly individual.

I'd say pregnant too but there are alot of fat chicks out there.

good call- but yea basically they gotta be fam, friends, older, legit pregnant
Originally Posted by getmoneyforever

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

1. She has to be MY girl, family, friend, pregnant, or elderly.

pretty much


and stank attitude aint gonna get you S!!! especially from someone like me. I dont play that.
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I honestly don't understand why I should give up my seat to a woman; near my age, younger than me, or not pregnant, elderly, etc.
a. To be nice.
b. To get more %%@.
c. To honor your mother/grandmother/aunt/sister/cousin.

These women are the future wives and mothers

The woman I marry damn well better instill in my son(s) the value of opening doors, pulling out chairs, and giving up your seat.

My mother raised me to respect WOMEN not SKEEZERS.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I honestly don't understand why I should give up my seat to a woman; near my age, younger than me, or not pregnant, elderly, etc.
a. To be nice.
b. To get more %%@.
c. To honor your mother/grandmother/aunt/sister/cousin.

These women are the future wives and mothers

The woman I marry damn well better instill in my son(s) the value of opening doors, pulling out chairs, and giving up your seat.
My mother raised me to respect WOMEN not SKEEZERS.

Just because she doesn't appear to be a hood rat or promiscuous doesn't mean she's a lady/a real woman.

I know far too many "ladies" who turned out to be tramps.
Like others have said, female family members, the elderly, a pregnant woman, etc.

Those chicks you described just sound like some hood chicks. Plus, they were young. I don't think that's a good example of how some females feel theyshould be entitled to certain things.
First and foremost, I hate public transportation...

1.) I've given up my seat for elderly folks and sometimes even people sightly older than me. I also give up my seat for little kids.
If I'm standing and a seat opens up right next to me, I'll offer it to the person around me who is also standing. They usually give the seat to methough, so I don't complain.

2.) I don't expect anything from anyone. Most of the people that I've rode the bus with (kids coming to/from Westchester) are the rudest bunch of kidsEVER and I'm not exaggerating one bit. They're heathens, but that's beside the point.
I just don't expect or think because I am a female that someone should give up their seat. They were there first they can stay, unless they absolutelyinsist that I sit.

On a side note, bus conversations between some of these girls are funny. The bus driver told me he over heard them talking and the girl was saying thatshe's not going to college. She's just going to get pregnant by her boyfriend and he's going to support her and they'll live happily everafter. Something to that nature.
They need role models.
Originally Posted by dreClark

I woulda thought about giving up my seat until :
"I know one of these men better get up out of their seats and let me sit down. I see we don't have any gentlemenS on this bus. If they don't get up I will sit on one of their laps"
Then I would've continued to sit in my seat.

Exactly. %*+% outta here thinking you're entitled to anything plus having the nerve to announce it...
Originally Posted by KatieJade4

I'm a woman and I would definitely stand up for an older person. But I'd smack the eff out of both of those little

Could you just log off?
I give up my seat for women because I was raised that way, but under NO circumstance am I getting on all fours and letting any chick sit on my back like thatsimp in that one picture
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I honestly don't understand why I should give up my seat to a woman; near my age, younger than me, or not pregnant, elderly, etc.
a. To be nice.
b. To get more %%@.
c. To honor your mother/grandmother/aunt/sister/cousin.

These women are the future wives and mothers

The woman I marry damn well better instill in my son(s) the value of opening doors, pulling out chairs, and giving up your seat.
My mother raised me to respect WOMEN not SKEEZERS.

Just because she doesn't appear to be a hood rat or promiscuous doesn't mean she's a lady/a real woman.

I know far too many "ladies" who turned out to be tramps.

I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about that situation right then and there.

To get more @$+@$? The %*@%? These women out here don't respect men that are nice to them. They'd rather have a dude that'll put their foot intheir behind.
i agree with most of you, old woman/man , woman with a baby, woman with kids, or disabled.

on a side not, does anyone stand up when a lady comes to the table anymore? or is that too old school?
Originally Posted by MOchi

double standard and they abuse it.

They want men to hold doors, pull out chairs, yada yada and be chivalrous.

Then they want to be treated as equals.

I'd treat her as an equal. Standing ain't gonna kill her.
Originally Posted by MOchi

Originally Posted by KatieJade4

I'm a woman and I would definitely stand up for an older person. But I'd smack the eff out of both of those little

Could you just log off?

Can you just go fornicate yourself you big grouch?

Originally Posted by J23S

I give up my seat for women because I was raised that way, but under NO circumstance am I getting on all fours and letting any chick sit on my back like that simp in that one picture

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