Anquan Boldin: Prima-donna?

No problem with Q barking at the OC cuz he wants to be in the game. The question is why wasnt he in the game? Q demand a trade to the Giants, you could playall you want.
I understand you guys love Quan and everything he does on the field, the dude is a beast...but what he did on Sunday was definately disrespectful and immature.I know it isn't the Super Bowl, but for the Cards and their fans (the real ones) that was a huge moment for them. First Super Bowl in franchisehistory...and dude just dips to the locker room? I understand you wanted to involved late in the game, and I respect the hell out of that but the game'sover. You won. Your team won. It's not like he's grossly underused game after game, he needs to get his head out of his #%+. Fighting with the OCisn't a big deal, but don't turn it into a big deal. It would be one thing if they lost....but again...they won man.

He probably will be somewhere else next season, and I don't necessarily know that the Cards will be worse off because of it.
TheShoe1010 wrote:

He probably will be somewhere else next season, and I don't necessarily know that the Cards will be worse off because of it.

Unless they make a trade and get high value, if they cut this dude, then I can gurantee they'll be worse off for it.

It would upset one Larry Fitzgerald. And it would throw him all kinda double teams.

Then you would have another unhappy WR in Arizona.
Cardinal fans how about givin us(Dallas Cowboys), Boldin for Roy Williams(the WR), in str8 up player swap.
Identical contracts, it wont effect yalls cap, and yall can get rid of Boldins bad attitude.
We like bad attitudes in Dallas, especially when they play with broken faces and still outplay 95% of the corners in the league.
We will come and pick him up right after y'all win the Super Bowl. We'll even drop Roy Williams off at your facility in AZ suited up ready for2-a-days.
Originally Posted by Mr S J King

Cardinal fans how about givin us(Dallas Cowboys), Boldin for Roy Williams(the WR), in str8 up player swap.
Identical contracts, it wont effect yalls cap, and yall can get rid of Boldins bad attitude.
We like bad attitudes in Dallas, especially when they play with broken faces and still outplay 95% of the corners in the league.
We will come and pick him up right after y'all win the Super Bowl. We'll even drop Roy Williams off at your facility in AZ suited up ready for 2-a-days.
Horrible trade for the Cardinals, like I said before.

If they are going to trade Anquan Boldin, they need to go for something other than another WR.
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT


Son was out there with a broken face playin for that horse !%+# organization.

Q is a prima donna is asinine.

He's a competitor who got yanked and wanted to play.

Kurt warner's a prima dona too for goin at haley on the sideline dureing that game too .

thank you Gunna, these dudes dont understand that the majority of these sideline arguments are because they want to play & help their team win. people only look at it from one persepctive.

Not to mention can you name one player who would be happy about being replaced in the crucial moments of a Conference Championship game? Please somebody name one

i'm choosing to look @ it from the perspective that warner did it after the drive stalled if i remember correctly
BOLDIN did it during the FINAL drive when the cards were down and NEEDED to score ... i'm not going to call him a prima donna but i ma def. say he was outof line ... props to quan and thas my boy for his toughness through all that has happened this year ... that was not the time when the OC has to concentrateand continue to make good calls in order to give the team the best chance to win.
Unless they make a trade and get high value, if they cut this dude, then I can gurantee they'll be worse off for it.
Word. They'll be able to trade him somewhere though. Fitz is going to get some double teams, but I think Breaston and Doucet can surprise somepeople. Granted, they are no Anquan Boldin but they can ball.
so because he is one of your favorite players its ok to do it but if this was another WR some of yall would be all over them
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

so because he is one of your favorite players its ok to do it but if this was another WR some of yall would be all over them
Boldin doesn't have the history of doin this sh*^ yet like other WR's. If he continues to do this, then it will warrant us jumping allover him.

Strike 1 does not = strikeout.
Originally Posted by Mr S J King

Cardinal fans how about givin us(Dallas Cowboys), Boldin for Roy Williams(the WR), in str8 up player swap.
Identical contracts, it wont effect yalls cap, and yall can get rid of Boldins bad attitude.
We like bad attitudes in Dallas, especially when they play with broken faces and still outplay 95% of the corners in the league.
We will come and pick him up right after y'all win the Super Bowl. We'll even drop Roy Williams off at your facility in AZ suited up ready for 2-a-days.
sorry but that's a bad trade for the Cardinals and wouldn't make sense on their part...if it were to happen Dallas would have to throw insomething along the lines of draft pick(s)
Originally Posted by aRog27

Boldin isnt gonna be with the Cards next year anyway.

Bears need to jump on this.

id give my left nut to have him on the bears

say wat you want son a beast

you pulled him cuz he wasnt at full speed you say?

ok why wait tell half way thru the 4th to do so?

cuz thats that good ol bs

he has a reason to be mad
Do yall lames know who you're talking about? It's #@*#*@# Anquan Boldin, son has been the heart and soul of that team for years

The media is such a joke, 95% of fans are a joke, foh

The two-time Pro Bowler was asked if an NFC championship helped alleviate any ill feelings he had toward the team.

"That's not an issue," Boldin said, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. "Like I told you guys at the beginning of the season, my
main goal was to do this. I've come through with all of my promises. I fought. I gave my heart to this organization. It's paying off."

Q is probably frustrated like crazy, but he has a right to be... I mean when you hear your OC tells Warner dont go through your progressions just force theball to Fitz that is way too risky wit Warners turnover history. Q is gonna ball out in the super bowl cuz the short passin game will be a factor
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