Anti-Americans in America

Here's my take on this thing as a first generation american of west indian/caribbean decent.
As for the West Indian lady*  she is here most likely for one single purpose: earning more of the almighty dollar.  She does not have to like the people who were born here, she can say whatever she wants to.  That is one of the beauties of this country.  Also, she was clearly commenting on the person's behaviour, and disgusting it is.

Another thing that I would like to say is that by pointing out something or somebodys flaws, does not make you against them entirely.  It just means that see something that needs to be reformed -- and that can come from a place of love, a neutral place, or a place of hatred.  She was pointing out a flaw that happens to often on American streets (especially in NYC/subways).  



iYen wrote:
tkthafm wrote:
God forbid folks "have the nerve" to come here and "reap benefits" in a country built on centuries of whole sale exploitation on a global scale.

Herp Derp.

On another note:You can take the lady outta West India but you can't take the West India outta her.
Her attitude towards Americans isn't going change just because she lives in America. 
Its like an atheist that goes to a christian church.

%%!% America, this is coming from a US citizen, too.  Funny how the government says they care for its' own people when they can't even provide the basic necessities of health care.  Billions of dollars spent on the military and defense while the country is a trillion dollars in debt, the quality of education is steadily declining while other countries are on the rise and look at the employment rate all over the country... and don't get me started on institutionalized racism.

Y'all Americans act so self-righteous, it's funny
.  Yet, when most Americans travel abroad they expect the citizens of the country they're visiting to adhere to their "American" cultural values.  I see it all the time when I travel abroad.

It's only a matter of time for the countries' downfall on the global stage, and when it does happen, the rest of the world will be pointing and laughing. 
%%!% America, this is coming from a US citizen, too.  Funny how the government says they care for its' own people when they can't even provide the basic necessities of health care.  Billions of dollars spent on the military and defense while the country is a trillion dollars in debt, the quality of education is steadily declining while other countries are on the rise and look at the employment rate all over the country... and don't get me started on institutionalized racism.

Y'all Americans act so self-righteous, it's funny
.  Yet, when most Americans travel abroad they expect the citizens of the country they're visiting to adhere to their "American" cultural values.  I see it all the time when I travel abroad.

It's only a matter of time for the countries' downfall on the global stage, and when it does happen, the rest of the world will be pointing and laughing. 
op seems like he has some type of racial resentment... takes things way too serious on the internet
op seems like he has some type of racial resentment... takes things way too serious on the internet
Originally Posted by sonofsam

america > the world .

Originally Posted by sevit86

Bro have you ever traveled abroad? do you know how ignorant
Americans are when they are tourists in other countries and how blatantly racist and arrogant they are?

White People aren't even native to North America.
Not sure there is anything more to say here...
Originally Posted by sonofsam

america > the world .

Originally Posted by sevit86

Bro have you ever traveled abroad? do you know how ignorant
Americans are when they are tourists in other countries and how blatantly racist and arrogant they are?

White People aren't even native to North America.
Not sure there is anything more to say here...
Originally Posted by hongcouver604

%%!% America, this is coming from a US citizen, too.  Funny how the government says they care for its' own people when they can't even provide the basic necessities of health care.  Billions of dollars spent on the military and defense while the country is a trillion dollars in debt, the quality of education is steadily declining while other countries are on the rise and look at the employment rate all over the country... and don't get me started on institutionalized racism.

Y'all Americans act so self-righteous, it's funny
.  Yet, when most Americans travel abroad they expect the citizens of the country they're visiting to adhere to their "American" cultural values.  I see it all the time when I travel abroad.

It's only a matter of time for the countries' downfall on the global stage, and when it does happen, the rest of the world will be pointing and laughing. 
So it's so bad and full of so much wrong....why the *@!% are you here?
Originally Posted by hongcouver604

%%!% America, this is coming from a US citizen, too.  Funny how the government says they care for its' own people when they can't even provide the basic necessities of health care.  Billions of dollars spent on the military and defense while the country is a trillion dollars in debt, the quality of education is steadily declining while other countries are on the rise and look at the employment rate all over the country... and don't get me started on institutionalized racism.

Y'all Americans act so self-righteous, it's funny
.  Yet, when most Americans travel abroad they expect the citizens of the country they're visiting to adhere to their "American" cultural values.  I see it all the time when I travel abroad.

It's only a matter of time for the countries' downfall on the global stage, and when it does happen, the rest of the world will be pointing and laughing. 
So it's so bad and full of so much wrong....why the *@!% are you here?
I know there are other places worst than America and maybe there are other places that are better in some ways (education, health care, friendlier people?). moving somewhere better is a comfortable idea, but i guess some people would stay and organize themselves to solve the problems of their homeland instead of going away.
people can waste energy cursing at darkness but it seems wiser to just light a candle. 
I know there are other places worst than America and maybe there are other places that are better in some ways (education, health care, friendlier people?). moving somewhere better is a comfortable idea, but i guess some people would stay and organize themselves to solve the problems of their homeland instead of going away.
people can waste energy cursing at darkness but it seems wiser to just light a candle. 
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

What is an American???
People get Americans confused with Europeans. 

The last time I checked the real Americans were mostly exterminated

 thinking you are a american is actually being anti-american
The best way to slander this country is through the tyranny of unrealistic expectations. Hold America up to Utopian standards, it will fall short and at the same time, hold every one else, especially non Western societies to absurdly low expectations and they come out looking just great. Everything wrong about America can be found in abundance elsewhere (except for obesity because food is something that some countries do not have in abundance). So that is why other countries that have conquered others, dominated others and enslaved others, get a pass. Arabs and Chinese and Japanese and Indigenous Latin Americans, for instance, not only have had their traditions of terror, conquest, slavery, torture, serfdom, human sacrifice and theocracy ignored but their achievements are highlighted and sung through out the Western academic world.

Over zealous patriotism or ethnic pride lead to bad outcomes and should be avoided, no matter who you are, where you are from and where you currently live and work. Furthermore, this sort tribalism is especially irksome when you boast about how your culture is categorically superior to the established Anglo-American tradition and yet you live here and not in China or Russia or Mexico or Iran. If you have to leave a country, that generally is an indication that something about that country is wrong and is worse than the US. Living in LA I am just tired of seeing so many people proclaim their outright allegiance to societies that were so dysfunctional that they were compelled to emigrate.

If Cambodia or Russia or Armenia or Mexico or Thailand or China were all so categorically superior to this evil, weak, decedent place called America, why do you people come here and why do so few Americans settle and make new lives for themselves in your country of origin?
The best way to slander this country is through the tyranny of unrealistic expectations. Hold America up to Utopian standards, it will fall short and at the same time, hold every one else, especially non Western societies to absurdly low expectations and they come out looking just great. Everything wrong about America can be found in abundance elsewhere (except for obesity because food is something that some countries do not have in abundance). So that is why other countries that have conquered others, dominated others and enslaved others, get a pass. Arabs and Chinese and Japanese and Indigenous Latin Americans, for instance, not only have had their traditions of terror, conquest, slavery, torture, serfdom, human sacrifice and theocracy ignored but their achievements are highlighted and sung through out the Western academic world.

Over zealous patriotism or ethnic pride lead to bad outcomes and should be avoided, no matter who you are, where you are from and where you currently live and work. Furthermore, this sort tribalism is especially irksome when you boast about how your culture is categorically superior to the established Anglo-American tradition and yet you live here and not in China or Russia or Mexico or Iran. If you have to leave a country, that generally is an indication that something about that country is wrong and is worse than the US. Living in LA I am just tired of seeing so many people proclaim their outright allegiance to societies that were so dysfunctional that they were compelled to emigrate.

If Cambodia or Russia or Armenia or Mexico or Thailand or China were all so categorically superior to this evil, weak, decedent place called America, why do you people come here and why do so few Americans settle and make new lives for themselves in your country of origin?
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

What is an American???
People get Americans confused with Europeans. 

The last time I checked the real Americans were mostly exterminated

 thinking you are a american is actually being anti-american
Originally Posted by limonyfresh

Those people are just as annoying as the arrogant people that live their life thinking


Yo what the hell is this? New Zealand isn't even on it.

Originally Posted by limonyfresh

Those people are just as annoying as the arrogant people that live their life thinking


Yo what the hell is this? New Zealand isn't even on it.

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