Any cathedral bell ringers on nt?

you guys are so jelous wow i knew i shouldnt have posted pics cause you guys were gonna hate WELL HATE ON MY BABE CAUSE SHE A DIME PIECE
What I don't get is all her pics she has an open mouth smile like she hasn't been chewing cement all day

I'd do whatever I can to hide them joints if I had em...if ur lying bout her being ur ex, ur a lame.
Once I saw the title I thought PICS but then I saw the thread starter

Yo w/e happened to that gangsta chick that was always hanging around you and was trying to get with you was scared of her?

Eddo stay finding pics of ugly chicks and exposing them with these wild thread stories lol
Ya'll not right, I would say some things but the mods be watching me trying to get me outta here
this is almost as bad as the thread from a few months ago where dude made a girl advice thread talkin about how he wanted to get his girl back after she brokeup with him because he got mad at her for cheating on him.

i'd smash that though teeth or no teeth, i would just threaten to punch her teeth out if she ever smiled in a pic with me or let people see her teeth if wewere out in public.
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