Any Golfers on NT?

My boy JT!! Can still make a move, still got a shot.


Anybody have any drills for working on draws? I'm a natural fader and would love to work on different shot shapes
Anybody have any drills for working on draws? I'm a natural fader and would love to work on different shot shapes

Not from a professional technique, I don't think, but assuming you're right handed, curl your left hand in further (rotating your wrist/forearm clockwise on the shaft). When I do this, the more pronounced the rotation, the more draw I get.
Let the club ho-ing continue. Just got a set of mizuno irons. Can't wait to get these out there.

Which model? Regardless, you'll love them. I played MP5s for about a year and have played MP4s since around April and I love both of them. Mizuno makes amazing clubs.

Anybody have any drills for working on draws? I'm a natural fader and would love to work on different shot shapes
I play a draw as my stock shot now, but when I did play a fade this was the easiest way for me to hit a draw (assuming you're a righty):

Set up to the ball as if you're going to hit your normal shot. Club face square to the ball, aiming towards your target. Then shift your body/feet so that you're aiming SLIGHTLY right of your target, while keeping your club face in the same position (very important to not rotate the club face). Make sure you're actually rotating your entire body to the right rather than just closing your stance. Then just make your normal swing.

You may have to work at it to adapt it to your particular swing, but I was able to hit a draw pretty consistently by making those setup adjustments. And by aiming just slightly right you won't be punished too much if it doesn't draw (which will happen sometimes). As always practice this on the range before you use it on the course.
Anybody have any drills for working on draws? I'm a natural fader and would love to work on different shot shapes

Nothing about golf is natural lol.

But a fade is open stance and a draw is closed stance.

Without seeing a video of your swing its like Stevie Wonder playing darts:lol:

But try youtube there are a lot of good instruction videos on there.

You can create either type of swing by manipulating the club, stance or hands. Honestly, a pro once told me to play to your strengths. When I hit a fade I'm typically in the short grass, a draw has a lot of benefits but I spend the time working on your short game. No one will remember that draw when you come up short/long on your approach or miss that 6 footer.
Anybody have any drills for working on draws? I'm a natural fader and would love to work on different shot shapes
honestly, any advice you get here or on youtube will be subjective. something that works for one person may or may not apply to you. i draw the ball and tend to have an open stance. I can't hit a fade unless its a mi**** or i seriously manipulate my stance and forward swing.

With that said, i do this to draw the ball with a 7 iron.
1. On the back swing - left arm straight, keep your right elbow tucked in (ie: rickie fowler), hands low, and swing on a arch. Swing with your arms and minimize hand movement (ie: DJ has a lot of hand movement but he's a freak athlete).
2. On the forward swing - initiate swing with your hips followed by your arms, minimize hand movement until you get to the release, keep weight in left foot and planted (watch pros like rory or brooks), keep your hands low and close to body, follow the swing arch, and swing on a in-to-out path.
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Got out with my dad this morning for my 34th BDay... Shot an 86 which is about the norm for me... Great day out... Temp is now 95* so we beat the heat... Playing in an outing tomorrow with my in laws so the BDay weekend is starting out well.
I can never string two solid 9s together. I either play well on the front and then fall apart on the back or play terribly on the front and hit my stride on the back. Last weekend I shot an 85 with a 38 on the back :lol:. I do find that a few beers makes me loosen up a bit mentally which definitely helps.
It felt weird being stone cold sober and playing the course that is usually our Weds night league course...
finished up xray school and my registry this year so haven't really played at all :frown: hoping to get a little fall golf in

my girl surprised me with tickets to the final round of the President's Cup for my birthday though so that'll be fun
I can never string two solid 9s together. I either play well on the front and then fall apart on the back or play terribly on the front and hit my stride on the back. Last weekend I shot an 85 with a 38 on the back :lol:. I do find that a few beers makes me loosen up a bit mentally which definitely helps.

How do you like playing in a golf mensleague? thinking about joining one next summer
If the league is laid back and the other members are good to hang out with, its extremely enjoyable... I golf with a great group of people that range in age from 25-70... Also golf with family which is another plus
Had an outing yesterday, scramble format. We finished -5 with 8 birdies and 3 bogeys. A foursome of cheaters "won" with a score of -10 :smh:.
I do know that some people have zero idea how a mulligan works... Had one group buy them then subtract them from their score at the end... Took them from -5 to -13 and they still claimed the score... Haha... Scrambles are a trip
Got my 718 Ap2s on Wednesday and hit them off the grass today. Definitely got to get used to the weaker lofts, but they're on the money.
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