Any Golfers on NT?

Originally Posted by eaalto

I hate NT.. I typed out a damn essay, and it didn't post because I refreshed too fast.  So lame.
I spent 20 minutes writing it.

Long story short, I'm not worried about a 20 yard gap between 180-160 yards.  No one consistently gets up and down from more than 100 yards away from the green.  It just doesn't happen.  The majority of shots lost to par happen within 100 yards.  Having more wedges helps improve your chances of hitting shots that help you make your next putt, which is how you score.  You hit your putter and and wedges almost 50% of the time, so why not have more clubs to utilize for the shots you hit the most?

I have 9 clubs to manage distances between 300 and 100 yards, and 5 clubs to manage distances from 100 yards and in.  By removing my 6 iron and adding another wedge, I now have 8 and 6.  

I very rarely find myself in a position where I'm hitting more than 200 yards for my second shot.  If it's on a par 5, I would rather make an accurate lay up with an 8 iron than go for the green with a 5 iron.  I leave myself with a 50+ foot putt if I HAPPEN to hit the green, or I have a chance to get within 10 feet from 50 yards out.  I am much more likely to put myself in a scoring position with a wedge from 50 yards than a 5 iron from 200.  Play to your percentages.
Drive for show, putt for dough

That's why I never really upgrade my woods that often. Although, I'm in the process of replacing my woods right now, it's been a good 8 years since I've gotten a new set of woods. I also got to demo most of the new Nike golf clubs line at a local Golfsmith, the Pro Combos were very nice. Even though it was indoors, they had those high tech hitting mats that simulate the fairway. They felt really good, now I have to decide whether to stick with blades and go with the VR blades or switch to the Pro Combos
Took my first statistical approach towards the game today.

I wrote down which club I used for each shot, so I could see with what frequency I use each club (to reinforce the removal of my 6 iron theory). I also measured driver distance for average.

I am curious to see the results over time, as this is just a small sample - but this what I have.

I played 9 holes, and took 47 strokes.

Driving average was 270 yards, long drive of 347 yards. (498 yard par 5, caught the ball perfectly and had some downhill roll to one yard short of the 150 marker).
Putter = 45% of shots
Wedges = 21% of shots
Driver = 15% of shots
Irons = 15% of shots
3 Wood = 2%
Penalty = 2%

Nearly 66% of my shots were within 125 yards of the green.

Altogether I only hit 11 clubs...Driver, 3 wood, 4 iron, 8 iron, 9 iron, 48 W, 52 W, 53 W, 56.4 W, 56.12 W, Putter

Numbers could have been a lot better if I didn't have so many 3 putts, so they are slightly skewed in that sense...

What's interesting is that the numbers are nearly identical to the percentages that Pelz recorded in his book.

I am playing 18 tomorrow so I will continue with my "research."

If this is boring anyone let me know - if you're interested in doing this yourself, Excel makes it really easy to figure this stuff out.
^ Interesting stuff... I might track what clubs I use next time too...

Today I went and got some driver analysis done, surprised with results as far as swing speed.

I was averaging 113mph swing speed with my Cobra... 115mph with an 09 Burner.

Most of the ball speeds were around 150 mph - 155 mph... and Launch angle 13*-14* after I teed the ball up much higher than normal.

The Pro had me tee the ball up higher, get lower in my squat, drop my hands lower, and put the ball more forward in my stance... Ended up hitting the club that I havent been able to hit 280+ on some swings.

The computer was showing about 10 yds in deviation on the balls on average... Which isnt bad for me considering I almost have the ball doing a 90* turn at the range.

If it stops raining sometime this freaking week I might be able to find out if this guy was just blowing smoke or if he gave me some good pointers.
I pulled the trigger on a G15 today. Hit a few shots on the range and played 9 with it. I shot a 41 with a double and three bogeys. T minus two days until my trip. We're going to play one of the courses at Grayhawk, hopefully the Raptor course, DC Ranch, Troon North (hopefully Monument course), Silverleaf, and were trying to pull some strings to get on Whisper Rock (which is probably the dopest course of them all).

I need to work on my sand shots and chipping game before I leave. I have a feeling that some extra prep there could save me some strokes.
My course is aerating right now, so only the front 9 was open.  I played 27 holes today, and was 26 strokes over par.  50, 43, 41.  The guy I was playing with pointed out a swing flaw with my driver, and as soon as I corrected it I was just hitting pure bombs.  I was bringing the club up over my head instead of doing a good shoulder turn and bringing it behind my head.  No more slice, just straight as an arrow, slight draw on some shots.  Even on a narrow fairway I just lined up down the center and hit it straight down the pipe, when I would usually defer to a 3 wood or 5 wood.  100% confidence off the tee with the driver now.  Just off one damn tip.  Also read in a magazine to push your tongue against the roof of your mouth to release tension in your jaw.  No idea if it's working but I tried to do it on all of my drives and I was absolutely crushing it today.  Best I've driven all year.

As for the stats - I used 12 clubs (still didn't touch my 6 iron, but did use all my wedges).  I'm convinced I don't need it anymore.  I was hitting wedge into the green for GIR on 14/15 (93%) par 4s.  PAR 5: Driver + 5 iron + 53; 4 iron + 4 iron + 56; Driver + 5 iron + 56; 4 iron + 3 wood + 53; Driver + 4 iron + 53; 3 wood + 3 wood + 53.  

On the par 5 where I hit shots 1 and 2 with my 3 wood, I hit the front of the green and rolled off the back +15 yards, pitched on and two putted for par.  Had 2 pars and 1 birdie on the hole.

So far over 36 holes of golf I have not touched my 6 iron or 7 iron.

In today's 27 holes I was:

43% putter

30% wedges  (73% of shots all short game)

10% irons

6% 3 wood

10% driver

1% penalty

Only had one blow up hole today for a 9.

I play another 18 on Wed, 18 on Thur, maybe 18 on Saturday, then the big 4 man super ball tournament on Monday.  
Check your local nike outlet, just copped the nike one black golf balls for 7 dollars a dozen. I think thats a very good price for a good ball
Shot an 85 today, 4 birdies, with a triple and then a quad on the last two holes
.  Dude I was playing with goes in the woods on every hole to look for balls, and he found 8 damn perfect Pro V1s.  
498 par 5??? thats tiny!

with regards to the removal of clubs.... generally speaking you should create gaps at the top more so than the middle or bottom of ur bag. reason being, ur accuracy on further distances is significantly less and as you can tell, putt for dough. drive for show. my setup goes driver, 5 wood, 3hy, 4hy, 5-pw, 52, 56, 60, putter. i rarely even use my 3hy and surprisingly enough, i dont use my 52 that much either. it really depends on the course that you play as well. if you play courses that you're familiar with and u always hit to a certain yardage, you can almost play with half a bag.

hope all y'all been playin well. i played 45 holes on friday in 6 hours. (18 in 3hrs. 18 in 2hrs and 9 in 1hr). i STILL can't find my driver combo that i want..... moved back to the r11 but now am equipped with a weight kit and like 10 different shafts..... hit em long and shoot em low.
Originally Posted by k0betw0

498 par 5??? thats tiny!

That's from the blue tees
 From the tips the 5s are 527, 536, 526 and 526.... I played from the whites today, and hit 3 of the par 5 greens in 2 shots, hitting 5 iron in on two and 7 iron in on the other.  Course plays 6019 from the whites.  Anyway I'm a high teens handicap so I don't need to be playing from the tips anyway.
The course plays pretty narrow on most holes, not a lot of room for mi****s.  
Originally Posted by horatio3435

Check your local nike outlet, just copped the nike one black golf balls for 7 dollars a dozen. I think thats a very good price for a good ball
Damn, I got a dozen for $15 with the F&F coupon, they were priced at $21. Maybe go back later this week and see if I can stock up on some. Anybody's Nike outlet have any decent storm fit pants and other golf apparel?

Went to Walmart today to check out the golf balls on sale again, and saw that there were only two boxes of Pentas left...I picked them up, and they were empty.  The sleeves were inside but with no balls in them.  I had THOUGHT about possibly doing it, but never got the balls to do it.  Just funny to me.  They were there a couple days ago.
Originally Posted by horatio3435

Check your local nike outlet, just copped the nike one black golf balls for 7 dollars a dozen. I think thats a very good price for a good ball

Originally Posted by eaalto

Anyone ever play the Callaway Tour i(s)/i(z)?

My current ball is the i(s).   I got a great deal on them last year and stocked up.  I think they're a great ball.  I've actually seen some deals for them online for buy 2 get 1 free and it works to be less than $30 a dozen. 

I have room for an extra club and have no idea what to add.  I have a 3 wood, 3 hybrid, 4 hybrid, pw, gw, sw.  I mean I could add a 60 deg, but my short game isn't great so I don't need a flop shot.  Right now I have a 50 deg wedge in there, but for some reason I hit it shorter than my 52, so it's worthless.  Any opinions?  Add a 5 wood?  Another hybrid?  Throw a 60 in there and see how I do with it?
Originally Posted by HWBurnz

Originally Posted by eaalto

Anyone ever play the Callaway Tour i(s)/i(z)?

My current ball is the i(s).   I got a great deal on them last year and stocked up.  I think they're a great ball.  I've actually seen some deals for them online for buy 2 get 1 free and it works to be less than $30 a dozen. 

I have room for an extra club and have no idea what to add.  I have a 3 wood, 3 hybrid, 4 hybrid, pw, gw, sw.  I mean I could add a 60 deg, but my short game isn't great so I don't need a flop shot.  Right now I have a 50 deg wedge in there, but for some reason I hit it shorter than my 52, so it's worthless.  Any opinions?  Add a 5 wood?  Another hybrid?  Throw a 60 in there and see how I do with it?
I say add a wedge.  My club has the i(s) or i(z) right now buy 2 get 1 free - $40 a $80 for 3 boxes, 27 a box.  I think that's about the same price everywhere.  Walmart has them for 39 and change, but no deal.   I'm thinking about pulling the trigger.  Do they play really soft?
Yeah I have a spare 60 lying around here somewhere so I'll probably throw it in the bag.

I'm not a huge golf ball expert, but to me they don't play that soft.  Feel good off the putter and I get good spin off my wedges.  I can hit a pitch that will release or one that will check up pretty easy.  For $27 a dozen I'd buy 3 more right now.
Originally Posted by eaalto

Originally Posted by HWBurnz

Originally Posted by eaalto

Anyone ever play the Callaway Tour i(s)/i(z)?

My current ball is the i(s).   I got a great deal on them last year and stocked up.  I think they're a great ball.  I've actually seen some deals for them online for buy 2 get 1 free and it works to be less than $30 a dozen. 

I have room for an extra club and have no idea what to add.  I have a 3 wood, 3 hybrid, 4 hybrid, pw, gw, sw.  I mean I could add a 60 deg, but my short game isn't great so I don't need a flop shot.  Right now I have a 50 deg wedge in there, but for some reason I hit it shorter than my 52, so it's worthless.  Any opinions?  Add a 5 wood?  Another hybrid?  Throw a 60 in there and see how I do with it?
I say add a wedge.  My club has the i(s) or i(z) right now buy 2 get 1 free - $40 a $80 for 3 boxes, 27 a box.  I think that's about the same price everywhere.  Walmart has them for 39 and change, but no deal.   I'm thinking about pulling the trigger.  Do they play really soft?

I played one for 3 holes last week, wasn't that soft at all.  With the deals on balls right now I would probably opt for the Penta if you are looking for a tour ball, bought 2 sleeves of those and liked them alot better.  Also have 2 sleeves of z stars to give them a shot since a shop here still has last years for $25/dz.
callaways are known to be very harsh in feeling. if you want a soft feeling ball, look at the prov1, z-star or the nike one tour. the new 20XI are pretty harsh feeling as well.

i personally like the prov1x / tp red / penta tp feel but play more of the nike one tour / penta tp

that isnt to say that callaway's ball doesnt perform. it flat out does, it just doesnt feel all that great.
I played the Raptor course at Grey Hawk Wednesday and shot an 87 (48, 39). The wind was insane. It was easily a 2-3 club wind hitting into it or with it. I don't hit the ball all that far and hit a 53* from 120 and it's usually my 85 yard club.

We played at The Raven at South Mountain yesterday. It didn't compare to Grey Hawk, but we got to play for free so I can't really complain. The round took 5 hours and 20 minutes. We were waiting on every damn tee box. I played the worst I have played in years. Shot a 97. The greens were massive and I had more 3 putts that round than probably my last 5 rounds combined. I think I had 8 or 9 total.

We are taking today off, but playing a private club DC Ranch tomorrow. My boy said it's sick, so I'm pretty pumped for it. Hopefully I play much better.
Maybe I'll give the TP Reds a try. I just hate losing brand new balls. I even found a damn Nike yesterday that I lost last week in the trees. Had my E on it. I can play a #!#*$% ball for 18 holes, but I'll lose the brand new ball I pull out immediately. So lame.
If you're gonna go with TP Reds you might as well just go with the buy 2 get 1 free Penta deal they got going on everywhere. $27/doz is a pretty good deal considering practice Pentas go for $29.99. I was about to pick some up at Sport Authority today, but I seriously need to cut back. I have damn near 500 balls lol.
you cant find brand new deadstock tp reds anymore. the new tp reds u see at walmart are NOT the same balls as the tp red ldp ball that came out just before the penta. the only reason why i use the tp red is because i have a new old stock of about 2 dozen left of these. i RARELY use em unless its for big money on a nice course. otherwise its one tour / penta / zstar (yellow for the sundown holes).
Originally Posted by k0betw0

you cant find brand new deadstock tp reds anymore. the new tp reds u see at walmart are NOT the same balls as the tp red ldp ball that came out just before the penta. the only reason why i use the tp red is because i have a new old stock of about 2 dozen left of these. i RARELY use em unless its for big money on a nice course. otherwise its one tour / penta / zstar (yellow for the sundown holes).
Yea I was going to say this.  I bought some and got home and found out the ones at walmart are not the same, they are just a 3 piece instead of the 4 piece.  For the money I would say go with the Burner TP.  Alot of people seem to be happy with this ball and it spins pretty good for a lower price ball.  If you can though get the Penta deal, I just bought some for when I play nicer courses this summer.
Have really been working on my wedge game from 100 yards in the past few days.  Have about 20 old balls so I have been taking them up to a school and using the post on a soccer goal as a pin and working on my distance control.  Was consistently hitting my shots from 60-80 yards within 5-10 ft of the target consistently so I am pretty pumped to get out and see if I can replicate this on the course.
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