Any Golfers on NT?

Originally Posted by airblaster503

Originally Posted by k0betw0

you cant find brand new deadstock tp reds anymore. the new tp reds u see at walmart are NOT the same balls as the tp red ldp ball that came out just before the penta. the only reason why i use the tp red is because i have a new old stock of about 2 dozen left of these. i RARELY use em unless its for big money on a nice course. otherwise its one tour / penta / zstar (yellow for the sundown holes).
Yea I was going to say this.  I bought some and got home and found out the ones at walmart are not the same, they are just a 3 piece instead of the 4 piece.  For the money I would say go with the Burner TP.  Alot of people seem to be happy with this ball and it spins pretty good for a lower price ball.  If you can though get the Penta deal, I just bought some for when I play nicer courses this summer.
Have really been working on my wedge game from 100 yards in the past few days.  Have about 20 old balls so I have been taking them up to a school and using the post on a soccer goal as a pin and working on my distance control.  Was consistently hitting my shots from 60-80 yards within 5-10 ft of the target consistently so I am pretty pumped to get out and see if I can replicate this on the course.
the burner tp is my practice ball. great ball, ok spin on the greens. but i can get nike one tours for the same price as the burner tp. so why even bother at this point right?
Okay. So maybe I'll just give the Pentas a try then. Someone stole all of them from Walmart though.
Originally Posted by eaalto

Okay. So maybe I'll just give the Pentas a try then. Someone stole all of them from Walmart though.
Get them from somewhere else that has the buy 2 get 1 free deal.  I guess first if you can buy a couple sleeves to see if you like them.  Pretty much everywhere has the buy 2 get 1 free except for walmart. 
I stopped by ****'s and they were sold out...I'll have to scope out some other stores.  Tomorrow is my big tournament, so I'm just playing my random assortment of balls.....Z stars, Pro v1s, and some B330 rx...
I shot 87, 88, 87, 86, and 84 while on my trip. We played Talon at Greyhawk, The Raven at South Mountain, DC Ranch, Paradise Valley Country Club, and Dinosaur Mountain at Gold Canyon.

The last three were my favorite courses. At Dinosaur mountain I was +7 going into 17 and finished triple bogey, double bogey for an 84.

At PVCC I shot an 86 and had two triples and two doubles. If I just bogey those four holes I shoot +8/80. I need to rid my golf game of those epic collapses on random holes.

Dinosaur Mountain and DC Ranch had incredible elevation changes. There was a par 4 at DC Ranch that went downhill like 150 feet. Then there was a par 3 at Dinosaur Mountain that was 236 yards and downhill that I hit 5 iron to the middle of the green on and that's my 165 yard club. Unreal.

I gotta get back out there to play again. My buddy had some connections so we ended up paying only $95 in greens fees. Greyhawk was $40 and Dinosaur Mountain was $55. The other courses we were brought by members and got on free at. All in all a great trip and I can't wait to do it again.
Originally Posted by Juicy J 32

I shot 87, 88, 87, 86, and 84 while on my trip. We played Talon at Greyhawk, The Raven at South Mountain, DC Ranch, Paradise Valley Country Club, and Dinosaur Mountain at Gold Canyon.

The last three were my favorite courses. At Dinosaur mountain I was +7 going into 17 and finished triple bogey, double bogey for an 84.

At PVCC I shot an 86 and had two triples and two doubles. If I just bogey those four holes I shoot +8/80. I need to rid my golf game of those epic collapses on random holes.

Dinosaur Mountain and DC Ranch had incredible elevation changes. There was a par 4 at DC Ranch that went downhill like 150 feet. Then there was a par 3 at Dinosaur Mountain that was 236 yards and downhill that I hit 5 iron to the middle of the green on and that's my 165 yard club. Unreal.

I gotta get back out there to play again. My buddy had some connections so we ended up paying only $95 in greens fees. Greyhawk was $40 and Dinosaur Mountain was $55. The other courses we were brought by members and got on free at. All in all a great trip and I can't wait to do it again.
Sounds like it was a fun trip...I'm in the same boat as you.  I played today, had 4 pars and 10 bogeys, 1 quad on a par 3 (ball in wet sand trap with tall lip), 2 triples (wedge miss hit into sand from perfect fairway lie on two different holes) , 1 double (tee shot OB).

Most of the blow up holes were either because of an errant tee shot that I hit wrong or just not keeping my head down on my damn wedge shots.  Nothing more annoying than hitting wedge in from 50 yards and hitting it 45 degrees to the right of your aim line into the sand trap.  That happened at least 3 times to me today.  I had to force myself to watch the club make contact to stop it from happening.  

One of my rounds last week I had 4 birdies, and just as many doubles and triples.

Just found out I'm playing in a pretty crazy tournament at the end of June with a weird format.  It's at King's Grant in Fayetteville.  36 hole tournament - 9 holes captain choice, 9 holes alternate shot, 9 holes best ball, and not sure on the other 9 holes.  Should be interesting.

Just played 9 holes after work at one of the tougher courses in the area. Had 2 birdies, 2 pars, 2 bogeys, 1 double, and 2 triples
Had quite a few bad breaks off the tee, lost a tee shot on both par 5s and landed under a tree and had to punch out on 2 others. The 7th hole on the course is a beast of a par 5, 621 yards with water hazards on every shot. Should have played smart and taken a 3 wood off the tee then a 3 wood off the fwy but I got greedy and played driver and hit it OB. I need to work on my short game more though, I flubbed alot of shots inside 100yds, easily could have taken 4-5 strokes off if I was more consistent.
MANNNNNN.. i bought the VR Pro 3wood ($184 at GS) along with a sleeve on 20XI-X yesterday and took it out immediately for 14 holes...  +10 - 15 yards immediately

That club is white hot!!
What tees do the majority of you play?

My course has black/blue/white/gold/red.

I've always heard people say that you shouldn't bother playing the tips unless your handicap is 10 or lower, do you agree with this?

I haven't tried to play from the tips @ my course. My scores usually stay around the same from the blues/whites.  I played yesterday from the white tees and was kililng it with my driver: 320 yard drive on 466 yard par 5, stuck 9 iron 5 feet from pin and missed my eagle putt.  340 yard drive on 480 yard par 5, missed PW right/short, hit 56 from about 60 yards pin high, 2 putt par. Best drive of the day was on 372 yard par 4 - played the curve perfectly and put it about 30 yards short of the green.

I don't think I'm good enough to start playing from the tips, but the whites make the course play too short on some holes.  I don't always make the perfect contact to net 300+ yard drives, my average usually hangs around 270-290 off of the tee. 
On most courses here I play one set up from the back(either white or blue depending on the course). Some courses though that are short I will play from the tips. The course I play at most is almost 6500 from where I play, and almost 6900 from the tips. One of the more popular semi private courses in the area though is 6200 from the tips, which is to short, especially since the holes are straight/no elevation changes. I try and play the course to measure out to anywhere from 6400-6700 yards, offers a good test without being to long for me.
i usually play from the blues. but on the courses that have black tees, i've actually realized i don't score any worse than i do from the blue tees. in fact, there have been instances where my scores actually has improved with a longer course because of the way that i drive the ball, the blue tees don't really allow for landing area for the tee ball.... i've found 7000 is my comfortable zone for my distances. and i can tell u my game is not under a 10....
I play whatever Tee is just shorter than the tips... One course I play has Black tee's, so I play the blues on there... One I played on monday had Blue's at the tips so I played the Whites.

shot 154 through 27 holes on Monday... No mulligans or anything... I was putting really well but my irons were way off, even from the tee.
I see...I guess I'm going to give the tips a try then, it can't hurt. There is definitely truth to more length widening your landing areas.

From the whites, I'm usually hitting a wedge in for my second shot on all par 4s...(longest par 4 from whites is 388)
From the blues, I'm usually hitting either wedge/8-9 iron in for my second shot, longest par from blues 4 is 433)

From the tips, longest par 4 is 453, and all the 5s are around 520-530...not so bad, but the par 3s are what worry me. The longest par 3 becomes 226 yards - and I don't really carry a club to cover that distance, so I need to stick my 3 iron back in the bag, or my 19 degree hybrid.

Sample scorecard from online:
Got invited to play in my first tournament (for free) on Friday, and it went pretty well. It was a 4 man scramble, but one of our players didn't show up, and another had never played golf before...literally. Dude went out and bought a $70 set of RAM clubs that morning and thought he was doing it lol. Anyway, needless to say we didn't use many of his strokes, and basically between me and my boy we shot a scratch 70. They brought our score down to 62 with an 8 handicap, though. How they determined that we have a single digit handicap I have no Idea, but whatever we had fun and I caught a buzz by about the 6th hole lol. Actually, my game was pretty on point and I would have come close to breaking 80 had we been playing a regular game.
Shot a 76 two Saturdays ago. Followed it up with an 85 last Wednesday (45, 40). If I could just string together two 9 hole stretches of solid golf in a row I will be feeling a lot better about my golf game. Consistently inconsistent.

It's alright. I shot a 76 a month ago and after not playing for three weeks due to personal issues I don't want to tell you what I shot. (Worse than your 85 LOL)

Such is golf. Just gotta get out and play.
finally got out after pretty much a 2 month break
so my buddy was talking mad +#!! the night before and im like yada yada keep and him both get trashed and show up to the tee hungover pretty much go to the course straight from the bar

and we had an epic tj hes avb

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by Juicy J 32

Shot a 76 two Saturdays ago. Followed it up with an 85 last Wednesday (45, 40). If I could just string together two 9 hole stretches of solid golf in a row I will be feeling a lot better about my golf game. Consistently inconsistent.
Same here, I played Sunday and played the back 9 first and was hitting everything flush, had a few unfortunate 3 putts, but on one hole I was in the rough about 170 from the flag and had to carry it over a tree about 30 yards in front of the green, landed a 6 iron right in front of the hole and it checked up to about 4 ft, was feeling on top of the world.  Ended up shooting 41.  After the turn I was doing good up until the 12th hole played, the fact I didn't decide to wear golf shoes caught up to me.  It started raining a little bit and I was sliding every time I swung, and after a few holes I started to get the shanks
  Needless to say I shot over 50 on the back 9.  2nd time I have had a round like that in the last couple months.  Need to hit the range and get my swing figured out and get some confidence back.
Bought a 983k for $16 @ is long! Was just about on par with my 905R.
What shaft do was in it? Right now mine has a Graphite Design YS-6 (if I remember correctly) Purchased a Talamonti off of ebay, not sure if I am going to put it into this head though.
Has the same shaft....Black/grey Graphite Design YS-6 MSI 70 S-Flex.  I was thinking about buying a pull off of eBay to upgrade it.  My 905R has a Whiteboard in it.
I may even do a little experiment and stick a Dynamic Gold X100 Steel Shaft in there and see what kind of results I get.  I have a 904F 5 wood (19 degree) and that thing is an absolute bomber with the S300.  

I've found that I prefer heavier shafts...
Originally Posted by eaalto

Has the same shaft....Black/grey Graphite Design YS-6 MSI 70 S-Flex.  I was thinking about buying a pull off of eBay to upgrade it.  My 905R has a Whiteboard in it.
I may even do a little experiment and stick a Dynamic Gold X100 Steel Shaft in there and see what kind of results I get.  I have a 904F 5 wood (19 degree) and that thing is an absolute bomber with the S300.  

I've found that I prefer heavier shafts...
Yeah same here, the past 2 drivers I have owned both had steel shafts.  Didn't feel like I was losing distance and had more consistent control.  The YS-6 seems softer than a s flex, I still get quite a few pulls with it.  Might look for a pull from a heavier/better shaft on the bay like you said and upgrade it or try out the Talamonti since it is a bit heavier at 73g
Yeah, I wasn't a big fan of the shaft...definitely no comparison to the Whiteboard in my 905R.  That will be my gamer for a long time, I'm just trying to find another club that might challenge it in terms of consistency.  Aside from my first drive (no warmup, push right into hazard), and a drive that I hit fat, my driving was on point today.  Everything was going long and straight, averaging around 270-280.
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