Any NTers know how to solve a Rubik's cube??

May 13, 2006
^ if so, how fast. does anyone know of any methods to get faster other than practice. my times Range from 0:55 sec - 1:15 sec.

my fastest time is 0:35 sec.
no i don't. i got one last summer and tried for awhile. never touched it since
My friend was messing with one yesterday and figured it out in 2:30. but he messed with it for like 3 weeks before he actually finished it.
Originally Posted by Dom90

no i don't. i got one last summer and tried for awhile. never touched it since
same here.
guy at key club banquet did it in less than 2 minutes.
anybody know how to do it faster?? my fastest time is 0:35 sec. but i want to get that all the time, or even faster.
true story, when i worked at kids footlocker, i saw a kid do it in 22 seconds, he had the little timer thing you had to hit with both hands and everything
I can do it in around a minute but can probably shave off like 15 seconds if my wrist turning wasn't so horrible. My speed lag isn't in not being ableto recognize where to move a piece, it's just that I often don't move it quite just there so I'll bump a little edge on the next move.. If you knowwhat I mean..
Fastest - 1:15, when I still cared. Then I just lost interest before learning and creating my own algorithms

There are actually classes here in Cal based solely on the solving the Rubik's Cube.
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