Any NTers know how to solve a Rubik's cube??

~30 seconds

What "method" you use?
i just use the basic book method with some minor adjustments. i want to learn a faster and better method for it. that way i could maybe get itunder 0:20 sec atleast. that would be awesome!
so for those of us who cant do it can we get some help.
had a math teacher who said u gotta go by the middle cube but i still cant figure it out.
My method (can't really teach it but I can explain the process)

1. Solve one layer. I usually start with the white side, which means get the whole layer perfect (all colors of the first layer are on their correct sides,matching the non-movable center squares of each side)

2. Put the last four pieces of the second layer in their correct places

3. Place all the corners of the last layer in their correct places.

4. Correct the yellow side.

5. Put the remaining pieces of the third layer in their correct places.

6. Done.

Yeah doesn't really help, but its a perspective of one way to do it. But there are multiple ways to solve the cube, so if you are willing, go online andlearn more techniques.
Any NTers know how to solve a Rubik's cube??
my fastest time is 2 minutes and 15 seconds. Took me a 2 months to figure out. I guess I owe it to my friend cause he said " I couldn't do it".

While studying for finals I try to solve it faster but could not. Also the cube is getting hard to turn. not as loose as it one was.

For real, I might have to get one. It's been a while since I've solved it...
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