Any nurses out there? vol. Male nurse

lol male nurse. Yea go for it but remember you will be dealing with bloods. Lots of it. Be expose to diseases, constant standing and walking, work long odd hours plus seeing sick people other time.
Originally Posted by kimahrioftheronsotribe

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Man, don't stop at RN or LPN, go for the gusto, Nurse Anesthetist. I keep tellin my wife to screw med school and just become one, that's $100k+/year right off the jump.

Word, that's what I'm aiming for. I think it's around $130k+ in Texas and you're just helping out not having to clean up diarrhea or stuff like that.

 You two make it sound so easy.
Originally Posted by kimahrioftheronsotribe

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Man, don't stop at RN or LPN, go for the gusto, Nurse Anesthetist. I keep tellin my wife to screw med school and just become one, that's $100k+/year right off the jump.

Word, that's what I'm aiming for. I think it's around $130k+ in Texas and you're just helping out not having to clean up diarrhea or stuff like that.

 You two make it sound so easy.
my mom is a nurse (RN). she's worked with disabled kids, at a couple old folks homes, and she's been at her current job (neurology unit at a hospital) for about 5 years. she got a flyer in the mail from a local community college and decided that she might as well. they work pretty long hours, some patients are really nice (sending gifts, cards, etc), others are @*#holes (same goes for doctors and administrators -- i'd wager it's like that in any work environment), it's a pretty difficult major, but good if you handle stress well, and there are a lot of opportunities to move up if you're willing to further your education. there were actually a lot of males in her graduating class. it can be a very prosperous, rewarding career.

personally, with the horror stories she told me growing up, i'd rather be a physicians assistant.
my mom is a nurse (RN). she's worked with disabled kids, at a couple old folks homes, and she's been at her current job (neurology unit at a hospital) for about 5 years. she got a flyer in the mail from a local community college and decided that she might as well. they work pretty long hours, some patients are really nice (sending gifts, cards, etc), others are @*#holes (same goes for doctors and administrators -- i'd wager it's like that in any work environment), it's a pretty difficult major, but good if you handle stress well, and there are a lot of opportunities to move up if you're willing to further your education. there were actually a lot of males in her graduating class. it can be a very prosperous, rewarding career.

personally, with the horror stories she told me growing up, i'd rather be a physicians assistant.
Here is a clip of a Filipino kid who is a male nurse. His father is one also and you should see his ride. It takes a special breed to become a nurse, period. I commend anyone who takes it on.
Here is a clip of a Filipino kid who is a male nurse. His father is one also and you should see his ride. It takes a special breed to become a nurse, period. I commend anyone who takes it on.
My ex gf is an RN and it took her nearly a year to land a job. If it wasn't for me knowing somebody at the hospital she's working at now, she would probably still be jobless. Having to pay back 60k+ in loans is no joke
But that hospital has pretty good schedules where they try to give you 2-3 weekends off a month
My ex gf is an RN and it took her nearly a year to land a job. If it wasn't for me knowing somebody at the hospital she's working at now, she would probably still be jobless. Having to pay back 60k+ in loans is no joke
But that hospital has pretty good schedules where they try to give you 2-3 weekends off a month
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Man, don't stop at RN or LPN, go for the gusto, Nurse Anesthetist. I keep tellin my wife to screw med school and just become one, that's $100k+/year right off the jump.

you know the road to becoming a CRNA is almost just as long as medical school right?
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Man, don't stop at RN or LPN, go for the gusto, Nurse Anesthetist. I keep tellin my wife to screw med school and just become one, that's $100k+/year right off the jump.

you know the road to becoming a CRNA is almost just as long as medical school right?
male nurses = failed to get into med school, then failed to get into pharm school there really is NO REASON for a male to be a nurse unless you !+$*@# up and can't do anything else (but still want decent pay). 

   wow and i take it u are an md or in pharm school? love ignorance, forgot why i dont bother coming on to the general forums as much anymore.. to the original poster, im an rn in the bay area of california. Dont go for msn unless u want to prescribe meds and have more autonomy to a specialized practice. You also only get paid salary as a NP. i just got a bsn work 32 hr/week and i bank a little over 100000. in then end im looking to make more money. Been playing with stocks. i want to be a day trader eventually. and for a CRNA, they're salary ranges in the 150000+ almost as much as an md. Your best bet is to join the military, they got some of the best schools. thats a tough program as well GL!
male nurses = failed to get into med school, then failed to get into pharm school there really is NO REASON for a male to be a nurse unless you !+$*@# up and can't do anything else (but still want decent pay). 

   wow and i take it u are an md or in pharm school? love ignorance, forgot why i dont bother coming on to the general forums as much anymore.. to the original poster, im an rn in the bay area of california. Dont go for msn unless u want to prescribe meds and have more autonomy to a specialized practice. You also only get paid salary as a NP. i just got a bsn work 32 hr/week and i bank a little over 100000. in then end im looking to make more money. Been playing with stocks. i want to be a day trader eventually. and for a CRNA, they're salary ranges in the 150000+ almost as much as an md. Your best bet is to join the military, they got some of the best schools. thats a tough program as well GL!
Originally Posted by ljlukelj

Originally Posted by recycledpaper

male nurses = failed to get into med school, then failed to get into pharm school

there really is NO REASON for a male to be a nurse unless you !+$*@# up and can't do anything else (but still want decent pay).

That is very ignorant
Originally Posted by ljlukelj

Originally Posted by recycledpaper

male nurses = failed to get into med school, then failed to get into pharm school

there really is NO REASON for a male to be a nurse unless you !+$*@# up and can't do anything else (but still want decent pay).

That is very ignorant
a good number of my friends and family are nurses.  many of them hate it, but the pay is great.  
i've worked in hospitals and noticed how doctors basically boss nurses around.  i've seen them make a mess in patients rooms, leave and expect the nurses to take care of it.  nurses are very under-appreciated by a lot of people.
a good number of my friends and family are nurses.  many of them hate it, but the pay is great.  
i've worked in hospitals and noticed how doctors basically boss nurses around.  i've seen them make a mess in patients rooms, leave and expect the nurses to take care of it.  nurses are very under-appreciated by a lot of people.
Thanks for the great feedback. It's all appreciated, really, even the seemingly ignorant statements because I anticipated that it would be just a taste of what I might encounter if I go into nursing.

I've already started volunteering at a hospital and so far I feel like I've only scratched the surface and am still very interested to see and learn more.

Keep the comments coming!
Thanks for the great feedback. It's all appreciated, really, even the seemingly ignorant statements because I anticipated that it would be just a taste of what I might encounter if I go into nursing.

I've already started volunteering at a hospital and so far I feel like I've only scratched the surface and am still very interested to see and learn more.

Keep the comments coming!
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