any other NTers suffer from chronic depression?

Mar 26, 2007
in late july, my girlfriend of 5 years left me. i was a mess, drinking and smoking to the point where it became dangerous. we got back together for about amonth, and then she left again, sending me even further over the edge. i haven't left my house for weeks, and i can't get motivated to do anything.i've had mild depression for about 8 years, but recent events have really set it off. it is not all the fault of my break-up, and i've even started tomove past it. i was hospitalized for 3 days with a whole grip of health problems unrelated to depression which really made it worse. to top it off, themedicine the doctor gave me for depression made it worse. i get very little sleep (around 3 hours a night) and i'm lucky to eat one meal a day. i have ALOTof things i need to be doing, but can't find motivation. at this point, i can't even see myself returning to work or school.

anyone else suffer from depression? i need ways to help me cope. school starts monday and i can't even get myself out of bed long enough to get through aday.
One of the first symptoms of depression is anhedonia, or in layman's terms, a loss of interest and motivation in doing things you love doing. I think youshould find something that gives you happiness, so you can slowly start gaining your motivation back.
Probably vitamin deficiency. Start taking a B-vitamin complex (B-vitamins are destroyed by alcohol coincidentally), Omega-3, Folate, and maybeeven Tryptophan & Seratonin supplement. Try to eat as much fruits and leafy green veggies as you can so you can fill out all the other vitamins,minerals you need to balance your mood.
Damn son.

Do you have any close family/friends? Confide in them, interaction with your loved ones could be theraupetic for you.

If that doesn't work you may need to seek professional help.

Good luck.
Originally Posted by ListenHere

Yeah, I know first hand how debilitating it can be. I'm actually in a tough spot right now and have been stuck in this mindset for about four months. I'd go more into depth, but I'm hesitant to put any details about my mental health on this message board, as very few understand.I can definitely relate though, so please PM me.
i feel that, NOBODY understands. i get alot of "just cheer up" and "it'll be okay". if it was that easy, i wouldn't bewhere i am now. its very hard to explain to someone that doesn't share the same problems

on the right
Im there with you fam.

i got severe depression. so if you ever need to talk about anything. i know what your going through.
I feel u dude...I was depressed in my mid teens. and later on around 19yrs old.Try playin some video games man.That *!$@ helps.Dont smoke because you startthinkin about alot of *[email protected] if u do smoke,smoke while playin the game.
Yup, everytime I run out
But seriously how you gonna let some pluckedbird take the wind out your sail like that? Depressed or not you need to slap the ++% out yourself right about now. I've never believed in all thatdiagnosed depression bs, it's an excuse to be weak. IMO of course.
I can somewhat relate, although not the the extreme that you are experiencing. For me, I felt it was all about mindset. If you can switch your focus from yourgirl problems and depression to something more positive, I think it will help you out alot. Take this time to really think about yourself and what you can doto improve your situation. If you have a job, work really hard at it. If you are in school, start studying real hard, etc...Start betting yourself and I thinksome of your depression will alleviate.
I feel ya bro. I'm not severely depressed or even close, but I do get down when I think about my life situation and how no matter what I do I cant seem tochange it. I'm not going to go into detail, or I'll just feel like sleeping my life away.

But. When I was able to go to school, I'd just focus a lot on my homework and try to stay occupied with that and NT. It'd work pretty well.
I think I do. I was on meds a few years ago. Every time I achieve something great, terrible #@*@ happens to me. I guess I'm taking the road less traveled.
Originally Posted by damnneardeadstock

in late july, my girlfriend of 5 years left me. i was a mess, drinking and smoking to the point where it became dangerous. we got back together for about a month, and then she left again, sending me even further over the edge. i haven't left my house for weeks, and i can't get motivated to do anything. i've had mild depression for about 8 years, but recent events have really set it off. it is not all the fault of my break-up, and i've even started to move past it. i was hospitalized for 3 days with a whole grip of health problems unrelated to depression which really made it worse. to top it off, the medicine the doctor gave me for depression made it worse. i get very little sleep (around 3 hours a night) and i'm lucky to eat one meal a day. i have ALOT of things i need to be doing, but can't find motivation. at this point, i can't even see myself returning to work or school.

anyone else suffer from depression? i need ways to help me cope. school starts monday and i can't even get myself out of bed long enough to get through a day.

dang bro i aint actually read your thread b4 i posted but shees, this sounds like exactly what happend in my situation! i aint eat, leave the house, nor talkto anybody for a couple weeks. i literally was loosing my mind! words cant even explain the pain i went through. i feel for you homie cause i know what it isbro, real talk!
i know how your feeling..i would just say try your hardest to do the stuff you hate now, because when you look back in 5-10 years your going to feel like allthat time was wasted just sitting around being depressed. The future you is going to be mad at the current you because you wont be depressed forever.
don't wanna sound like a broken record but you'll get through it, you just need something to believe in

and i don't want to sound out of place, but if you need medication, i can get it for/to you.

i know how depression feels, honestly, i think a lot of people have been/are there... i felt that way when my grandfather and grandmother (seperate sides offamily) died in one year, plus in the same year, my girl lost her baby, plus her father was beating her, and my mom was kicking me out....

my bad going into details... but i know sometimes it feels like there's no point, but you just gotta get through it, even if you have to struggle.

just think about it like this:
any day above the ground is a good day

if nobody got your back, NT got your back.

Im going through a similar situation currently. Girl ive been with for 5 1/2 years im having major problems with and its making me lose my damn mind. I dontwant to do miserable at work, i cant sleep, i eat maybe once a day and find no joy in doing anything.
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