Any success stories on dating a chick w a child?

Sep 18, 2013
I'm talking to a real down to earth girl I like but only problem she got a 6 month old baby and the father don't live with them he just doing his own thing. I'm pursuing a serious thing and set up good ground rules for this baby I'm basically going to help here and there just give her rides when I can but no money out of my pockets

Anyone on here dated someone w a child and worked out? Tips? Yay or nay

Thanks in advance
Why not find a single girl with no kids?
Possibly baby daddy still getting the yambs too.

Its risk with any woman regardless, so if you like it thats all that matter.
Hit that **** a few times and dip off...

You don't want that drama bruh...the baby daddy still gonna be able to smash.

Don't fall for nothing she's telling you.
6 months old? :lol:

Baby daddy still got full access to the yambs.

She's gonna be nice because she has a 6 month old child.
Why not find a single girl with no kids?
Possibly baby daddy still getting the yambs too.

Its risk with any woman regardless, so if you like it thats all that matter.

Yeah I still beat my ex's guts from time to time :smh:

Truthfully though its possible bruh do you. Her having a kid isn't a automatic L just go with the flow and see how things turn out.

Yall really just need to learn **** on your own and stop coming for NT for advice
Success story as in what? Happily after ever? Or as in achieving the yams. If your serious why would you wanna raise a child that's not yours. Ehh
Try again
You'll end up getting attached to the kid, and if it goes south then it's all bad. Not worth it.

P.S. The dad is going to have access to the yambs, as previously stated.
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Dont do it
6 month old kid and no car ? :lol: :smh:

If you're just "talking" why would you help out? Regardless that's not your responsibility.

Frankly if she's about anything you shouldn't even be around the kid like that.

Next he's going to come in and say "her baby daddy gave her a ride. Should I be worried"

I see you trollin famb

Yall really just need to learn **** on your own and stop coming for NT for advice

How does learning everything on your own work?

In my experience women with kids rush things. Not generalizing, just speaking from what I've been through. They want someone to fill the void and play daddy, husband or serious bf.

One of the ones I messed with back in the day got pregnant the month after I distanced myself... by her ex. She was BAD too. No regrets because I smashed the stuffing out of her.
If you really dig her than continue with her. But, with her kid being only 6 months, I assume that you haven't known her for too long. Because of that, I would just say observe her lifestyle for a while and really think about if you're ready to be a father figure. If you stay with her, you gotta think long-term.
WAIT A DAMN MINUTE.... a 6 month old?!?!?!?!?

How is this even a question
  I just replied off thread title initially.  Now...
No success on my end, OP.

If you really dig her than continue with her. But, with her kid being only 6 months, I assume that you haven't known her for too long. Because of that, I would just say observe her lifestyle for a while and really think about if you're ready to be a father figure. If you stay with her, you gotta think long-term.

Honestly I wouldn't because "I" come 1st, with a chick having a kid I can't. I messed with a chick with a kid but it didn't work at at all fam. Baby daddy called her almost every time we were together. I mean dude was relentless called her one day during the NBA finals she picked up and told him she watching the game she'll talk to him later. He blew up a ***** what ***** house you at you don't watch basketball so I know you with one don't even lie. It was just too much drama.

Couple months after I stopped messing with her she got pregnant again by a dude I went to school with smh
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NT simps and helpless romantics gonna be in here talking about "if you truly love her and think she's the 1 it shouldn't be a problem go for it" :smh: if you could smash cool if not keep it moving. You are bound to run into baby daddy drama down the line. Not worth it.
:smh:Just smash and pass to the next homie OP
Don't fall in love with her
On a kinda related note, on Tinder I saw this 20 year black chick had her main profile pic with her holding her baby daughter
And on her bio it said she was looking for a new mate
That's some wildin stuff right there
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