Any success stories on dating a chick w a child?

I was messing with this chick last summer that had a kid. Her baby daddy was locked up and he got out some time in November so I knew from the jump not to get too close to her. She was 22 and the kid was 4, she told me the whole story about how they was together all through high school but he was crazy and held her back. Long story short, as October came around we stopped texting as much and seeing each other and that was pretty much it. Lesson learned... A lot of these chicks just want some attention and d*** till they run back to their baby daddy.
I dated a woman with 3 kids for 9 months. The cooking and sex was fantastic. Her kids were cool but with BDs always chirping through her (even though they lived in different cities), I pretty much knew I was on my way out, and I'm very sure she did as well. At this point I'm done dating single mothers regardless if they are in a good situation or not.
Got damn 3? Don't think I could do it.
I think she has to complete commit to it being over for the woman to have a successful relationship after children.

There is always that desire to be a whole family on the womans part and often on the male part as well, if not for each other they would want to give it a shot for the children.

So without that complete understanding on her part it wont work.
Don't do it.  I had a step father. It was a wonderful experience. He loves me like he loves his own son (who is my brother). But he divorced my mom cuz well..yea..she's sure you can guess why just off that. In any case he whole heartedly regrets the experience except for me and my brother. Now my dad and him were cool and my dad never tried to smash (my dad spit game on 1000 he need to return to my mom just for some P) but my mom would bring him up constantly as a benchmark among other irritating things and that was a major reason among others that they divorced.

TLDR: Date no baby moms, love no thotties, M.O.B., [insert goofy/corny twitter saying these n words and o's using these days]

The realness of this post

Stereotypes (many of which are true to varying degrees):
- Crazy in every sense of the word
- Aggressive/anger easily
- Jealous
- Petty
- Advantageous, meaning they'll take advantage of you without batting an eye

There's a reason my mom dont want me to mary a born Jamaican, only Jamaican American/British Jamaican/Canadian Jamaican

Sounds like I need a Jamaican woman in my life
Don't do it.  I had a step father. It was a wonderful experience. He loves me like he loves his own son (who is my brother). But he divorced my mom cuz well..yea..she's sure you can guess why just off that. In any case he whole heartedly regrets the experience except for me and my brother. Now my dad and him were cool and my dad never tried to smash (my dad spit game on 1000 he need to return to my mom just for some P) but my mom would bring him up constantly as a benchmark among other irritating things and that was a major reason among others that they divorced.

TLDR: Date no baby moms, love no thotties, M.O.B., [insert goofy/corny twitter saying these n words and o's using these days]

The realness of this post

Stereotypes (many of which are true to varying degrees):
- Crazy in every sense of the word
- Aggressive/anger easily
- Jealous
- Petty
- Advantageous, meaning they'll take advantage of you without batting an eye

There's a reason my mom dont want me to mary a born Jamaican, only Jamaican American/British Jamaican/Canadian Jamaican

Sounds like I need a Jamaican woman in my life
You do...
Enjoy constant drama and a girl looking to replace her deadbeat baby's father. No thanks. Get yourself a girl who has no attachments, there are thousands of them waiting to be slayed outside your very crib.
Why is she trying to date so soon after having a baby?
That is a red flag on her decision making skills..
I know we all want companionship but 6 months, ***..
Leave that alone homie..
Guaranteed there is more than meets the eye with her..
all of This
As a baby daddy, I do not recommend you go for baby mamas ever.

Established mother with her head on straight is a diff story though.
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