Any success stories on dating a chick w a child?


I've known successful and non-successful. If she's mature and responsible, this could work. One of my exes is what NT and Roosh V would call a beta, caper...whatever. He is a GOOD dude. He's been married twice in the last few years. His first wife had no children, a degree, and came from a good family. Dragged him through the mud and left him for another man. His current wife has several kids that are not his but the man is happy. She was established with a family already so she knew how to take care of home and how to take care of him. She's traditional in fixing dinner every night, house is clean, making sure that boy is in tip top shape and the man looks happy. Good mothers are good at taking care of men as a part of their families.

I also know too many good girls who got caught up in ltr when they got pregnant. They weren't being promiscuous.

On the other hand my brother met someone while she  was pregnant and was there from birth. In my opinion, 6 months is too soon to be too close. Take your time, make an appearance here and there to support her, figure this woman out first. Ask  yourself, What type of mother is she? What is her relationship like with her ex? Does she make it strictly about the baby?  How does she view you? Be careful , especially if the father is absent. You WILL get attached to the child and if things don't work  out ,it will make it harder for both of you.

On the other hand, I wouldn't date a guy with a kid because it's too much for me. Maybe the right one.
My brother did this.

Needless to say, I don't think he's increased on happiness, but decreased (he had his own kid too).

His reasoning: "Women with kids just understand you more."

Now he basically has three, no free time, always in a bad mood.... I told son to lock him down a single bad chick his age. They're in abundance..

Little bros never get their advice taken seriously and now he's stuck

Lesson I learned: Never ever, for any reason, date a chick with a kid(s).
All for dating chicks with kids but 6 months is too soon. Maybe if the kid was like 4-5. But imma let you flourish OP.
Why is she trying to date so soon after having a baby?
That is a red flag on her decision making skills..
I know we all want companionship but 6 months, ***..
Leave that alone homie..
Guaranteed there is more than meets the eye with her..

OP get outta here with this. Some ****** don't even want their own kids and here you are trying to take care of someone else's.

Do yourself a favor and get the happiness you deserve, which is a woman who can commit herself 100% to you with no previous baggage.

And as stated 22 times already, baby daddy will be back for the yambs on the regular...
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OP get outta here with this. Some ****** don't even want their own kids and here you are trying to take care of someone else's

I didn't want to be the to say this but :lol:

Girl must be filth personified unless OG daddy somehow dropped dead.
My brother did this.

Needless to say, I don't think he's increased on happiness, but decreased (he had his own kid too).

His reasoning: "Women with kids just understand you more."

Now he basically has three, no free time, always in a bad mood.... I told son to lock him down a single bad chick his age. They're in abundance..

Little bros never get their advice taken seriously and now he's stuck

Lesson I learned: Never ever, for any reason, date a chick with a kid(s).
But maybe there's other elements to it because you can have 3 of your own kids and be miserable.
1.Single moms are single FOR A REASON

2. If baby daddy wanna hit, HE GON HIT

3. Don't hit and quit, take starscreams advice "RETREAT! RETREAT!"
C'mon. My mom was a single mom and time and time again she'd meet someone , only for them to finally tell her they didn't want anything serious because she had two children already.

It would have been nice to have someone help out from time to time with bills and for my brother to have had a good role model growing up. Men who will date a single mother are rare. If someone wants to take a chance, let him. He doesn't have to be a dad but be supportive at the very least . Saying the mother doesn't deserve it is like saying the kids don't either.
My brother did this.

Needless to say, I don't think he's increased on happiness, but decreased (he had his own kid too).

His reasoning: "Women with kids just understand you more."

Now he basically has three, no free time, always in a bad mood.... I told son to lock him down a single bad chick his age. They're in abundance..

Little bros never get their advice taken seriously and now he's stuck

Lesson I learned: Never ever, for any reason, date a chick with a kid(s).
But maybe there's other elements to it because you can have 3 of your own kids and be miserable.
I kept things as basic as possible.

Not about to dump the entirety of my brothers personal life on the internet.

OP get outta here with this. Some ****** don't even want their own kids and here you are trying to take care of someone else's.

Do yourself a favor and get the happiness you deserve, which is a woman who can commit herself 100% to you with no previous baggage.

And as stated 22 times already, baby daddy will be back for the yambs on the regular...
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One of my friends has been seeing a single mother for a while now and what i have noticed is that he didnt just bring the kid into his situation but her bd came into the situation as well.

Like she is going to be connected to that dude for LIFE.

I got respect for dudes that want to raise a child cuz the childs real father aint a man but i mean everyone is diff.
I dated a woman with 3 kids for 9 months. The cooking and sex was fantastic. Her kids were cool but with BDs always chirping through her (even though they lived in different cities), I pretty much knew I was on my way out, and I'm very sure she did as well. At this point I'm done dating single mothers regardless if they are in a good situation or not.

C'mon. My mom was a single mom and time and time again she'd meet someone , only for them to finally tell her they didn't want anything serious because she had two children already.
this explains alot

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I've done it

Could've been successful but the broads were usually too emotionally damaged.

In a past life I used to have a sideline with kids that I would just destroy the yambs when I got bored. ***** was pretty good too.
I dated a woman with 3 kids for 9 months. The cooking and sex was fantastic. Her kids were cool but with BDs always chirping through her (even though they lived in different cities), I pretty much knew I was on my way out, and I'm very sure she did as well. At this point I'm done dating single mothers regardless if they are in a good situation or not.
Coming from a single mother doesn't have to be a bad thing and I didn't take it that way. I'm in my later 20s with no kids, didn't get caught up, and for the  most part corrected a lot of the mistakes my mom made. I will not have kids (if I decide to do so) before being financially stable and without a solid person with the same morals that I have. No hard knock life for me or my kids.
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I've done it

Could've been successful but the broads were usually too emotionally damaged.

In a past life I used to have a sideline with kids that I would just destroy the yambs when I got bored. ***** was pretty good too.

I dated a girl with 2 kids and emotionally damaged is spot on.
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