Anyone here NOT stocking up on canned food, weapons? (seriously)

yes because canned food and a pistol is going to save you
tell me something, how do you plan on dealing with armed soldiers who have jets, tanks, andwhatever else they wanna use to mock your silly little pistol with?

This ain't the wild west in the 1800's chief.. you don't survive having just a gun, when the people in charge are carrying the biggest guns around.

Yes... we're the idiots
get a clue to go with your boat.
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by bud dink

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]your[/color] a damn fool
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]So are you.[/color]
ha. I will try to make this short.
"You must not start a sentence with a conjunction"
Some conjunctions are and, but, or, nor, yet, so and for.
building the bomb shelter as we speak

and im working on my gundam designs so i can build one to fight with
Originally Posted by LLC Money

Your are geeking good sir, instead of preparing to go to war with zombies why don't you start saving for citizenship to another country? You think if it comes down to what you are predicting that a pistol and a shotgun with limited ammo is gonna stop someone hungrier (figuratively and literally) than you from bodying you for your canned yams and green beans?



He's stacking canned food for the local goons to run through.
naw i'm just tryna figure out who is stashing so i can get the drop on them if it goes down-

what state you in OP?
Originally Posted by ownsaboat

Every time i go to the grocery store i pick up 3 or 4 canned or long lasting food stuffs. I also purchased a pistol while I save up for a shotgun. At the rate we're going, the economy will be in total collapse in a mere 12 days. Good luck! Let the best armed men win.
you cant be serious wit all this
I'm with the OP. Right now you guys are
and if he's wrong sowhat. But if he's right then you boys will be...


I don't understand why anyone would laugh at the notion that things could get this bad, look how far the country has fallen in such a short time.

All I know is just last night my wife got back from the store and I told her to start stocking up on canned goods and 10 and 40 caliber shells for myglocks.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

yes because canned food and a pistol is going to save you
tell me something, how do you plan on dealing with armed soldiers who have jets, tanks, and whatever else they wanna use to mock your silly little pistol with?

This ain't the wild west in the 1800's chief.. you don't survive having just a gun, when the people in charge are carrying the biggest guns around.

Yes... we're the idiots
get a clue to go with your boat.

if i shoot my pistol on the right location of a tank or jet they goin down
ahh...found it myself.

mountain house #10

btw. I def plan on arming myself and stockpiling just in case the "crap" hits the fan.
ya'll never know
Well if Dirty is arming himself, it's time for me to head over to Herman's and get a gun from that one armed freak.

Hopefully I remember to pick up some Soylent Green on the way.
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

yes because canned food and a pistol is going to save you
tell me something, how do you plan on dealing with armed soldiers who have jets, tanks, and whatever else they wanna use to mock your silly little pistol with?

This ain't the wild west in the 1800's chief.. you don't survive having just a gun, when the people in charge are carrying the biggest guns around.

Yes... we're the idiots
get a clue to go with your boat.

if i shoot my pistol on the right location of a tank or jet they goin down
You do know that you can't blow up a car/tank by shooting at gas tank right? lol ya'll play too many first person shooters.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

ahh...found it myself.

mountain house #10

btw. I def plan on arming myself and stockpiling just in case the "crap" hits the fan.
ya'll never know

wow, this mountain house stuff is very interesting.
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

why everybody laughin at the OP?

i mean havin food on standby isnt a bad thing. an its better to have a gun and not need know the rest.

You've done a complete 180º in these past few weeks
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