Anyone here NOT stocking up on canned food, weapons? (seriously)

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

ahh...found it myself.

mountain house #10

btw. I def plan on arming myself and stockpiling just in case the "crap" hits the fan.
ya'll never know

dirty approves

now what yall gotta say?

LMAO @ Mangudai954 what you mean?
A Wild Boar was sharpening his tusks busily against the stump of a tree, when a Fox happened by. Now the Fox was always looking for a chance to make fun of his neighbors. So he made a great show of looking anxiously about, as if in fear of some hidden enemy. But the Boar kept right on with his work.

"Why are you doing that?" asked the Fox at last with a grin. "There isn't any danger that I can see."

"True enough," replied the Boar, "but when danger does come there will not be time for such work as this. My weapons will have to be ready for use then, or I shall suffer for it."
Originally Posted by OptimusADL

Originally Posted by LLC Money

Your are geeking good sir, instead of preparing to go to war with zombies why don't you start saving for citizenship to another country? You think if it comes down to what you are predicting that a pistol and a shotgun with limited ammo is gonna stop someone hungrier (figuratively and literally) than you from bodying you for your canned yams and green beans?



He's stacking canned food for the local goons to run through.

You two cant be serious. First off, you say limitedammo...provided you aren't fighting an all out war, 1,000 bullets can be had for under $200, 500 for less than $100 and why is stacking canned food a badidea if you think there is a possibility of an economic collapse? Who says to themselves "nah man im not going to stack up on these necceesities becausethe goons will get me, I rather starve". Seriously now.

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

ahh...found it myself.

mountain house #10

btw. I def plan on arming myself and stockpiling just in case the "crap" hits the fan.
ya'll never know

dirty approves

now what yall gotta say?

LMAO @ Mangudai954 what you mean?

Its not a bad thing but you seem "different" now.
Better safe than sorry. Ya'll can play the field like skeptics but i'd rather be that fool with the stockpile of spaghetti-o's and glocks on hand,than the one who's waiting for the government to make it all better.
Originally Posted by ownsaboat

The Great Depression was world wide. 1st world countries will turn to 3rd world countries. 3rd world will turn to $%$*. Enjoy your paper money, it'll be good to wipe your tears when you're hungry and vulnerable.
Does that mean they'll shut off your internet?
Originally Posted by LLC Money

So with that boar logic why are you just now arming yourself and stocking up? Seems like you should already be prepared if that is the script you are sticking to.
it's called limited means. It doesn't mean that you can't have a plan..
I mean who is to say whats going to happen and when. For all I know i could catch a stray bullet on my way home today, should i rock a combat helmet and bullet proof vest all day?

true...but that's an avenue you've chosen not to take.
I don't see why you'd care about my choices though far as gold being something to invest in... lol

Just because you have a gun doesnt mean you cant be a victim.

but if you don't have a gun, you're MORE vulnerable as a victim.
weekly costco trips FTW! i'm overstocked on spam and cup noodles and on top of that, chinese tend to overfill their cabinets with canned goods.

firearms? i'm on lock. i can pursue game or enemy anywhere from point blank to 700yrds.
ammo and magazines? working on it, 4.5k rounds total for .22lr, .32, 9mm, .45, .223, 7.62x39/54, 20 and12GA. ideally, i want a minimum of 4k per main arm.
Originally Posted by Seattle206

weekly costco trips FTW! i'm overstocked on spam and cup noodles and on top of that, chinese tend to overfill their cabinets with canned goods.

firearms? i'm on lock. i can pursue game or enemy anywhere from point blank to 700yrds.
ammo and magazines? working on it, 4.5k rounds total for .22lr, .32, 9mm, .45, .223, 7.62x39/54, 20 and12GA. ideally, i want a minimum of 4k per main arm.

damn yall think all that is needed? haha, maybe im not up to date with whats goin on but what the hell do you need all that fire power for? i got a .38 snubwith about 5 boxes of shells(100 to a box) but i didnt kno we was about to need em cuz the economy is goin under.
So you not worried about "goons" coming to get you but you need 1000 rounds of ammo?

I was giving an example It wasn't meant to be taken literally.

Let me guess, if times get that hard you need the ammo to go hunt wild game to feed your family right?

See last response.

Nowhere did I say it was stupid to stock up on canned food, my point was simply that if times get as bad as what the OP is preparing for what makes him think canned food and ammo is going to protect him or keep him safe?

My point is I would rather have SOME food and form of protection in case *#!+ hits the fan. You will never know for sure if your 100% safe but If someone iscoming for me I rather have a firearm then be unarmed.

Just because you have a gun doesnt mean you cant be a victim.

I never said otherwise.

If there is no food and we both have guns and you have canned food and jhonny 2 shoes doesnt, guess who I'm coming after? "Seriously now"

No *#!+. Again, I rather have food and have to protect it then starve, im not going to lay down because I'm scared of what someone may do to me.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I've got a question as a non gun rounds expire?

Being made of lead, an inert material, bullets will last practically forever. There may be a bit of surface oxidation, but they bullets will still work justfine.

Now if you are talking about loaded ammunition, i.e. pistol or rifle cartridges, they are subject to deterioration if not properly stored. However, I'vealso known of cartridges well over 100 years old to fire reliably. It is mainly a matter of how they were stored. If subjected to extremes of heat and cold,and lots of moisture, they are more likely to deteriorate than if kept in a controlled climate with low humidity.

As for old shotgun shells, just make sure the paper hulled variety has not swollen from humidity. If it will fit the chamber is should be alright.

If you want to store ammo long term, get some GI Ammo cans, and some chemical desiccant packets from Cabela, Cheaper-Than-Dirt, or Brigade Quartermaster. Loadyour ammo can, drop one or two of the desiccant packs in the can and seal it up. It will last for years. Just change the desiccant packs from time to time.
lurkin2long wrote:
Just because you have a gun doesnt mean you cant be a victim.
They say if Sean Taylor hadda been strapped, he might still be here today homeboy.
Let's not go there... let the man RIP. Truthfully, if that was the case they would have scold him bad and he probably be in jail. The mediawas already criticizing him negatively stating things as extreme "he got what he deserve" based on "history". He was in a lose losesituation but now is in a better place.

Go Skins!
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I've got a question as a non gun rounds expire?

really depends on how the ammo is stored; wet or dry conditions, humidty. i've read on other forums where 60 y/o surplus ammo fired perfectly after beingopened. but ammo will last for a LONG time if stored properly.
Man for real though you guys should be ready for some stuff to go down.
What was that NT'ers name that has all them tools? I think he's from Seattle..
I want to be strapped like he is
Originally Posted by J PayCheck

lurkin2long wrote:
Just because you have a gun doesnt mean you cant be a victim.
They say if Sean Taylor hadda been strapped, he might still be here today homeboy.
Let's not go there... let the man RIP. Truthfully, if that was the case they would have scold him bad and he probably be in jail. The media was already criticizing him negatively stating things as extreme "he got what he deserve" based on "history". He was in a lose lose situation but now is in a better place.

Go Skins!

i take it you have not heard TIs new CD?
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I've got a question as a non gun rounds expire?

Now I'm not joking on this, but you do know that our government is wanting ammunition sold to the public to be made with gunpowder that will only last ayear don't you, so you know what's coming next.
And one more thing while were on the subject. I've got probably 10 pistols and all I can say is Glock,Glock,Glock! Things are indestructable and a 5 yearold can break it down and clean it. The thing only has 4 parts.
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