Anyone on NT into writing movie scripts?


Apr 23, 2008
I have great ideas that, if done right, would do well on the silver screen.

Thing is, all I've got is these ideas. I never took any courses in theater, scripts, etc. So I have little to no knowledge on what the next step is after coming up with these movie ideas. Spent my college years pursuing a pre law degree. I get that in May, and while I do still plan on going down that road, this is something I felt like I should at least attempt once in my life.
Occasionally. I never finish them though even when I know the ending. Then there's pull on if you're writing a movie script or a damn novel.

You could join a film school or program part time where they have classes and workshops that focus on screen writing, scripts, story boards, etc.
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Say I have a script I believe to be pretty solid. How do I get it to Hollywood?
I wrote a script at 17 and I had a friend whose uncle was the producer of 90210. I sent him my screenplay and everything. It was a good experience at that age
I would like to do one for my bucket list (either a script or a book).

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Do some research brah. Check your local Barnes and Noble for books on it. Hell, you can even google some scripts from movie/television shows. There are forums dedicated to this stuff. You're going to have to do more with an idea though. Everyone has them its how you execute them that makes them great/good. Line your ducks up before you go running for Hollywood. BoL.
Download Celtx, its a free script writing program. Its easy to use and it helps you to practice the format.

Download movie scripts, there easy to find online like Dave's Script o rama

Vale's Technique of Screen and Television writing is a great book and would help in learning the language and descriptive tone needed for screen writing.
Just finished Intro to Video Production
Loved it, definitely sparked my interests for more classes, or knowledge. Will be checking out all info in here

Good thread :nthat:
i started as a screenwriter but never went back once i got into novels. i just find fiction to be more enjoyable and profitable (artistically speaking) than screenplays since you have fewer people dipping their hands in your creation after it's conceived.
Before you even think about Hollywood, you need to learn how to write a screenplay and structure a story. You're not going to walk off the street with an idea and get handed a check.

A great idea isn't worth much if your characters are weak, if your structure is off, if your story isn't interesting to an audience, if your dialogue is terrible, etc. Read a couple books to give you an idea of how it works, the dos and don'ts, the tricks and fixes to problems, and so on. 

I really liked Save the Cat, easy to read, simple, and is a good intro

Amazon product ASIN 1932907009
Syd Field is one of the most well-known screenplay teachers and authors

Amazon product ASIN 0385339038
And I haven't gotten to this one yet, but it's usually recommended as well

Amazon product ASIN 0060391685
Read as many screenplays as you can. Classic movies, great movies, your favorite movies, even terrible movies... just read them.

Read websites for screenwriters, check out forums, the more exposure the better.

Plenty of people have good ideas, but putting it down on paper is an entirely different thingThere's no harm in giving it a shot, just be prepared for your first attempt to be terrible, or the process to be a lot harder than you realized, or writer's block to be a very real thing, etc. Read a book or two, read Script shadow and other sites to see what others struggle with and gain as many tips and pieces of advice as you can, then actually write the script (which is the hardest part) At least you'll be able to say you've done it.
I was working with Brett Ratner on some music **** once (his girl was a singer) and pitched him an idea he liked.

Tried writing the script.

Not as easy as I thought and tough to juggle with a pre existing career, wife etc.

This and voiceover work are the 2 side hustles (or additional side hustles rather) that I still think about going in on.
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Currently writing a short story that I hope to expand to a full fledged novel, all the while seeing it scene by scene like a movie in my head....

Also, considering some short film adaptation to Janelle Monae's "The Archandroid".......used to hate this chick, but that album is straight
I've always wanted to make an official script.
I have a story for a horror film, but don't have enough ideas yet to flesh it out into a full-length film.
It's pretty much sat for a year after I had written the opening scene.
Did a 90 page script for class once...It was tedious but fun to create a storyline and characters
yeah I've done some scriptwriting made a few, but honestly its about inspiration and story if you got one. the hardest part is just coming up with a log line and premise or story to start with. a Log line is 1 sentence that sums up the film. a premise is "something that leads to something". also celtx is good but I've heard in Hollywood they only accept Final Draft. it's another free program that you can use to write your script. real easy.

Ill use Coming to America as an example

Premise: Distant Travel leads to True Love

Log Line: An african prince travels to New York in search of love <------ read some scripts to get a feel of it, reading some you'll realize that describe things that are ONLY necessary, you don't need to pick out the dude's clothes, ethnicity, height, weight, looks, etc. you'll never find it in a script, you can write it in the treatmeant if you want tho. a treatment is a really long synopsis of the work. it can be from 1 to 50 pages if need be.

when writing a script remember that one page should mean 1 minute of screentime/dialogue
Good info in here. I know I have ideas. Some may be better for books. Some I would like to see acted out. Even if I have to go the indie route. My goal is to put something together by the end of the semester.
Download final draft.

Read this:
Amazon product ASIN 0742553000
Write as much as you can as often as possible

Read as much as you can as often as possible. Especially screenplays. Get the scripts of your favorite movies, or movies you are really familiar with and study the structure. Learn how the words translate onto the screen.

Watch as many movies as possible. See EVERYTHING. Invest in a Netflix account and go ham.

Outline, outline, outline. The reason a lot of you guys started but never finished scripts is probably due to a lack of necessary outlining. 90% of your writing work should be done before you sit down and type it out on Final Draft in screenplay format.

This is not a side hustle. You need to devote an enormous amount of time to this if you hope to be successful.
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I have an idea for a series I want to sell to HBO Latino, I just have to write it. 

In all seriousness I would love to give it a go, I have all the stories and everything. I think writing a dialog would be the hardest part.
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