Anyone on NT into writing movie scripts?

Do you guys think 21 years old is too late to start?

I've been wanting to take a script writing class for a couple of years now but I'm broke.

I have an AMAZING movie idea in my head for a script but the only problem is that I want to write and direct it myself. Plus the type of movie it will be, I would need a huge budget for it and they not out here given unproven people huge budgets. Although the Wachowski brothers did get a big budget for their first film (The Matrix).

I honestly don't see this idea coming to fruition until I'm like 38 years old or something.
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You can afford to buy a couple books, you don't have to take a class right now.

Buy Save the Cat and Screenplay by Syd Field. Read the books, read screenplays online for free, watch movies, write, practice, etc., you can do all of that for free. And no, it's not too late. Most screenwriters aren't breaking through at a very young age, they write for years and years and most still won't breakthrough.

An amazing idea is just that.. an idea. Unless you can put it down on paper you'd never have a shot of making it. Learn how to write, practice, practice, practice, and then worry about your budget and directing later :lol:
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I've been wanting to write a script for a while but for a sketch comedy show me and my boy were working on. I thought of a film script as well, tons of em actually but have never taken the idea beyond thoughts or a couple Mary Jane convos. All of my teachers have always been obsessed with my writing and speech skills so I know the ideas I have in my head would at least get a little attention but I just need the right platform and catalyst
I have a solid idea but the **** is writing it all down. I'm not about that life!!! Would sell the idea for 15% of the earnings ...
Age is really irrelevant. There may be a youngster who has written 50+ screenplays and none get optioned,and then a 40 year old who's written 1 or 2 and both get picked up.

Thinking about the budget does make a difference. You don't want to write a space epic that will have a $100+ million dollar budget. For example, if you're working on a sci-fi flick, write it in such a way that no matter the budget, the story is still the same.

I recently moved to Houston, so hopefully once I get settled I can start back up, but the great thing is that I'm still motivated and excited about the story.
Do you guys think 21 years old is too late to start?

I've been wanting to take a script writing class for a couple of years now but I'm broke.

I have an AMAZING movie idea in my head for a script but the only problem is that I want to write and direct it myself. Plus the type of movie it will be, I would need a huge budget for it and they not out here given unproven people huge budgets. Although the Wachowski brothers did get a big budget for their first film (The Matrix).

I honestly don't see this idea coming to fruition until I'm like 38 years old or something.

Lol @ thinking 21 is you know how old and experienced these writers are?
Funny thing, not long after I posted in this thread this morning I got a response back from a director/screenwriter on craigslist to be a production assistant. :lol:

I sent the email out on April 27th, I had forgotten about it. :lol:

watch this Doc called Tales from the script. It's about the ups and downs of going into writing one and seeing it come to life. big names are in here. as you can see from the people talking there are way above 21
don't know if its on Netflix but I have my own copy of this movie.

Anyone into writing scripts????
Me and a blinkin a blinkin started something
But with our schedules need another person to help
Anyone down to join us :nerd:
We have a good idea /script
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