Anyone on NT into writing movie scripts?

I got an idea I been thinkin on for years would be good as an hbo series for 4-5 seasons anybody down :nerd:

Let's do it famb. No bs, hit my PM to see what we can work out.
after typing out some it doesnt sound as cool as it always has in my head but whatever let me know what u think
check that link i sent u and should give a brief glimpse of my idea for season 1

EDIT: also i want it realistic not cheesy in ANY kinda way
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I dunno how I missed this thread, but glad it was bumped.

I have an idea floating around in my head, just need to muscle down and start getting things on paper and see where I can go with it. That's the hardest part for me.

And IMO Celtx > Final Draft. It's free and gets the job done.
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I dunno how I missed this thread, but glad it was bumped.

I have an idea floating around in my head, just need to muscle down and start getting things on paper and see where I can go with it. That's the hardest part for me.

I know that feeling.

I write proposals and contracts for work and the fellow writers said I "write with scissors" meaning that I produce good work but I spend pain/anguish and time writing a final product in one shot.

Need to learn to just pick the pen up and dump it out. Edit it later on.
Write your idea down in a summary. A paragraph where you identify what it would mainly be about. I do this all the time. It helps me figure out things from start to end so I have a sense of direction when I actually attempt to write the screenplay.

I tried write my first one based solely on the idea I had in my mind. It was terrible :lol:
I've always been tossing around ideas in my head since high school. I feel I have 2-3 really good ones that could probably amount to something if I actually took the time to sit down and put them on paper.
Took a film class last semester and enjoyed it. If I wasn't dedicating time to garment construction I would prob. try to cook something up.
What's stopping you famb?

It started as a 'phase' in high school. Then I went through a period when I was legit busy and couldn't find time to do anything.. then by the time I had some free time again I lost my zeal to do it. These days every now and then I get a urge to sit down and finish it.
Get the NTers that are smashing all the 10/10 on the daily, to live in a random city. They stay in the same apartment. and see who's really jamming the meow. Pool the money winner gets bragging rights and the cash. Youre welcome.
Working on a 'buddies' comedy myself. Finished the pilot last week, working on formatting. Wouldn't mind some input.

It's about people with real jobs but all wan to do something else. Called 'dayjobs'

Think Seinfeld x Louie

Yea it's not high concept, but it is well executed.
Im thinkin about becoming a d list black actor. OP how the script comin out?
Want a scene where the husband meets the man his wife has been sleeping with.

Right after they had sex, micheal walks into the bank asking for her, they both walk out of his office

"Hey, this is Micheal, my husband"

'Nice to me you. I'm Berry Allen'

Micheal looks inquisitively

'Nice to meet you'

'Well, it seems like y'all have something important. To umm... Liz, ill see you after lunch?'

'Yea that's fine'

(Berry) awkwardly

'Nice meeting you'


Berry walks away

'You ******g the flash?'

'No....why would you think that'

'He called you Liz...your name is Lisa'

'My names Elizabeth'

' strangers'

'Everyone calls me Liz'

She begins to walk away

'Youre paranoid'

(Yelling)'Maybe, but I'm not stupid. Ill see you later'

'You know it's your fault I'm in this ****** place...'

To herself

Not properly formatted
The basis I had for show
Is becoming a show on hbo
I actually met someone in 2008 that worked at hbo and told her about it
I lost the number :smh:
Told people about my idea for either a shoe and a book
And now come to find out both have been snatched
The leftovers is the name of the show on hbo
Which premiers in the summer
Which is based on a book that came out in like 2011
But I had this idea back in like 2007
I coulda been rich right now BRUH'S
My heart is hurting :smh: :frown:
The basis I had for show
Is becoming a show on hbo
I actually met someone in 2008 that worked at hbo and told her about it
I lost the number :smh:
Told people about my idea for either a shoe and a book
And now come to find out both have been snatched
The leftovers is the name of the show on hbo
Which premiers in the summer
Which is based on a book that came out in like 2011
But I had this idea back in like 2007
I coulda been rich right now BRUH'S
My heart is hurting :smh: :frown:

Kirk Cameron beat you by 7 years.
The basis I had for show
Is becoming a show on hbo
I actually met someone in 2008 that worked at hbo and told her about it
I lost the number :smh:
Told people about my idea for either a shoe and a book
And now come to find out both have been snatched
The leftovers is the name of the show on hbo
Which premiers in the summer
Which is based on a book that came out in like 2011
But I had this idea back in like 2007
I coulda been rich right now BRUH'S
My heart is hurting :smh: :frown:

Kirk Cameron beat you by 7 years.
U talking about left behind???
Yeah I know but mine was a lil different
My boy is actually into writing scripts. He actually made a film but it did not come out as good as he wanted it to come out. Dude has a lot of good ideas too.
I've been focusing on my IT career in the past 18 months (certifications, test, etc..), so I haven't touched my screenplay (on the 3rd draft, but not comfortable enough yet to register w/ the WGA), but if all things fall into place with my *possible* new job, I'll have way more time to write. I haven't read through this thread, but just some suggestions.

1. Use Celtx. Final Draft is fine if you want to pony up the cash, but if you're just starting off, go with Celtx.

2. Dedicate at least 2 hours (4, if you don't work or go to school). Be vigilant. A lot of people tell me they wait for inspiration. To me, that's BS and a codeword for laziness. Trust me, if you lock yourself in a room for 2 hours w/o any distractions, you WILL come up with something. It's boring, frustrating and it sucks, but you'd be surprised how many ideas I've gotten just by focusing. If I can make a sports analogy, it's the equivalent of "just showing up."

3. There are tons of books you can read. I've read about 8 books, but my must reads (Syd Field's Screenplay is omitted, because I assume everyone working on a screenplay has already read it):

  • Save the Cat by Blake Snyder. Gives a great template on how to structure the story of a screenplay. He also provides great insight in pitching to execs.
  • Story by Robert McKee. A must read if you are unfamiliar with the elements in formulating a story. It is very detailed and there are some sections that I feel are unnecessary, but the book as a whole is vital to any storyteller. If you're into this and want to go deeper, Christopher Vogler's The Writer's Journey is a solid read.
  • The Screenwriter's Bible by David Trottier. A step by step in formatting a written screenplay. Essential in making your script look like an actual script.

And BTW, to me, there is no such thing as a wasted screenplay. Meaning, if you are working on a script, and later on you find out a similar story is being done for real, finish it and use it as experience. There are so many facets to screenwriting and practice is key.

One last thing, I'm not sure if it's still on Netflix, but if it is, check out Tales from the Script. Really nice look at people in the screenwriting game. Some good, some great, some still trying to make it.
Man I forgot all about this thread.

I finished one script a few months back. I was proud of it but didn't think it was my best. So I kept writing. Then my macbook fell and the hard drive was damaged. Lost everything. Not even going to lie, I lost motivation after that. But I still jot down my ideas. Just need to get back in the swing of writing. This working/grad school crap has been kicking my *** though. :smh:
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