Anyone see all this talk of riots if Obama loses?

Well I never called you worthless, but if thats your stance I then DO think you're worthless. 

1. You're not voting

2. You're not pushing for a candidate you would vote for

3. You're not pushing for a system you want to vote in
Im not a political soldier like you... for that i am truly sorry

I just watch, form an opinion, and vote when i really like a candidate... And because of this, i am worthless....

How old are you? because you sound more and more like a first time voter each time you respond to me...OR you're my age (25), close to it or above it, and still havent realized people dont all have to do what you do...just stop
There are several third party candidates on ballots and there could be even more if you cared to vote in the primaries. So thats partially your fault that you don't have someone you actually like.

On top of that, why aren't you pushing for a system you DO like?

My age doesn't matter because I don't see a need to invoke that as an excuse for why I'm so politically lazy. 

Just remember this: Your opinion matters EVEN LESS since you don't even care to do anything. 
There are several third party candidates on ballots and there could be even more if you cared to vote in the primaries. So thats partially your fault that you don't have someone you actually like.

On top of that, why aren't you pushing for a system you DO like?

My age doesn't matter because I don't see a need to invoke that as an excuse for why I'm so politically lazy. 

Just remember this: Your opinion matters EVEN LESS since you don't even care to do anything. 
how many people care about YOUR opinion on NIKETALK? i dont give my opinion based on whether someone thinks it "matters." i give it because i want to, and feel like saying it.  Hopefully it causes a HEALTHY debate... not an attack... but you only know one way to handle a difference of opinion and/or way of doing things, so i cant blame you too much for your ignorance and arrogance
Well I never called you worthless, but if thats your stance I then DO think you're worthless. 

1. You're not voting
2. You're not pushing for a candidate you would vote for
3. You're not pushing for a system you want to vote in

Maybe they're passive resisters.
There are several third party candidates on ballots and there could be even more if you cared to vote in the primaries. So thats partially your fault that you don't have someone you actually like.

On top of that, why aren't you pushing for a system you DO like?

My age doesn't matter because I don't see a need to invoke that as an excuse for why I'm so politically lazy. 

Just remember this: Your opinion matters EVEN LESS since you don't even care to do anything. 
how many people care about YOUR opinion on NIKETALK? i dont give my opinion based on whether someone thinks it "matters." i give it because i want to, and feel like saying it.  Hopefully it causes a HEALTHY debate... not an attack... but you only know one way to handle a difference of opinion and/or way of doing things, so i cant blame you too much for your ignorance and arrogance
You care enough to reply, no?

That "opinion" thing you talk about? I care to express mine in opposition to yours. Problem? 

And you're not doing much "healthy debate"  when at the end of your philosophizing about politics, if you choose that you don't care to change anything. 

Just say you're lazy and call it a day. 

Its like yelling at the TV to make it change the channel. 
You care enough to reply, no?

That "opinion" thing you talk about? I care to express mine in opposition to yours. Problem? 

And you're not doing much "healthy debate"  when at the end of your philosophizing about politics, if you choose that you don't care to change anything. 

Just say you're lazy and call it a day. 

Its like yelling at the TV to make it change the channel. 
Not voting does not equate to laziness... that is an ignorant statement, and you look like a fool

Laziness would be... "I aint voting cause they wont let me mail it in, and i aitn walking down the street to vote for someone i barely like"

Im just saying flat out, i dont like either one enough so i cant go against my principles on the subject....take that take that

Get it? GOOD..
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You care enough to reply, no?

That "opinion" thing you talk about? I care to express mine in opposition to yours. Problem? 

And you're not doing much "healthy debate"  when at the end of your philosophizing about politics, if you choose that you don't care to change anything. 

Just say you're lazy and call it a day. 

Its like yelling at the TV to make it change the channel. 
Not voting does not equate to laziness... that is an ignorant statement, and you look like a fool

Laziness would be... "I aint voting cause they wont let me mail it in, and i aitn walking down the street to vote for someone i barely like"

Im just saying flat out, i dont like either one enough so i cant go against my principles on the subject....take that take that

Get it? GOOD..
If you're not going to vote then what are you going to do to change things to a system that you would vote in?

Are you saying that you'd NEVER vote? 
I have voted in the past you simple minded clown...

But guess what?

On Nov. 6, ill wake up and not even remember its election day...i hope that pisses you off
Who cares that you voted in the past? I didn't know George Bush and John Kerry were up for Presidency this year. 

I won't be pissed off. You will.

You'll continue to narrative your pointless perspective and not do a damn thing about it. 

Are you even familiar with alternative voting methods that you can support and start promoting?

You're lazy. Thats really all it comes down to. You have a defeatist attitude and youre working against your own interests. 

Like I said, enjoy that local referendum that barely gets enough votes anyways. I'm sure you might have wanted to share your thoughts on THAT measure. 

My city didn't even pass the expansion of mass transit because of a poorly worded bill supported suburban xenophobes and they did it only by a few votes in some areas. 

Keep thinking it doesn't matter. 
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Those people are the equivalent of redneck republicans. They're ignorant and follow their party for stupid reasons.
Who cares that you voted in the past? I didn't know George Bush and John Kerry were up for Presidency this year. 

I won't be pissed off. You will.

You'll continue to narrative your pointless perspective and not do a damn thing about it. 

Are you even familiar with alternative voting methods that you can support and start promoting?

You're lazy. Thats really all it comes down to. You have a defeatist attitude and youre working against your own interests. 

Like I said, enjoy that local referendum that barely gets enough votes anyways. I'm sure you might have wanted to share your thoughts on THAT measure. 

My city didn't even pass the expansion of mass transit because of a poorly worded bill supported suburban xenophobes and they did it only by a few votes in some areas. 

Keep thinking it doesn't matter. 

Sometimes you have to understand, with the electoral vote and two party system, it's a complete waste of time to support the third party/alternative choices. Same reason Ron Paul would never be elected, the puppet system doesn't work that way.
I have voted in the past you simple minded clown...

But guess what?

On Nov. 6, ill wake up and not even remember its election day...i hope that pisses you off

Who cares that you voted in the past? I didn't know George Bush and John Kerry were up for Presidency this year. 

I won't be pissed off. You will.

You'll continue to narrative your pointless perspective and not do a damn thing about it. 

Are you even familiar with alternative voting methods that you can support and start promoting?

You're lazy. Thats really all it comes down to. You have a defeatist attitude and youre working against your own interests. 

Like I said, enjoy that local referendum that barely gets enough votes anyways. I'm sure you might have wanted to share your thoughts on THAT measure. 

My city didn't even pass the expansion of mass transit because of a poorly worded bill supported suburban xenophobes and they did it only by a few votes in some areas. 

Keep thinking it doesn't matter. 

The more people vote, the more your own vote get diluted. So why are you mad at him when hes increasing the weight of your vote?
Who cares that you voted in the past? I didn't know George Bush and John Kerry were up for Presidency this year. 

I won't be pissed off. You will.

You'll continue to narrative your pointless perspective and not do a damn thing about it. 

Are you even familiar with alternative voting methods that you can support and start promoting?

You're lazy. Thats really all it comes down to. You have a defeatist attitude and youre working against your own interests. 

Like I said, enjoy that local referendum that barely gets enough votes anyways. I'm sure you might have wanted to share your thoughts on THAT measure. 

My city didn't even pass the expansion of mass transit because of a poorly worded bill supported suburban xenophobes and they did it only by a few votes in some areas. 

Keep thinking it doesn't matter. 
Being lazy is not voting because you dont wanna get off the couch to do the ballot...

So you are full of **** as usual... I'd be flying off hte couch if it was Hillary for the dems and maybe even if Romney picked Marco Rubio as his running mate

But guess what? none of that is happening so instead of voting, ill be working out, walking, writing, etc... that aint laziness, thats a decision im making... ignorant kid
finnns03 and TeamJordan....

Thank you.

He has low comprehension and analytical abilities, so he needed that help
I have voted in the past you simple minded clown...

But guess what?

On Nov. 6, ill wake up and not even remember its election day...i hope that pisses you off
Who cares that you voted in the past? I didn't know George Bush and John Kerry were up for Presidency this year. 

I won't be pissed off. You will.

You'll continue to narrative your pointless perspective and not do a damn thing about it. 

Are you even familiar with alternative voting methods that you can support and start promoting?

You're lazy. Thats really all it comes down to. You have a defeatist attitude and youre working against your own interests. 

Like I said, enjoy that local referendum that barely gets enough votes anyways. I'm sure you might have wanted to share your thoughts on THAT measure. 

My city didn't even pass the expansion of mass transit because of a poorly worded bill supported suburban xenophobes and they did it only by a few votes in some areas. 

Keep thinking it doesn't matter. 
The more people vote, the more your own vote get diluted. So why are you mad at him when hes increasing the weight of your vote?
This is a completely ******ed notion.

Do you really not understand the power of ONE vote?

Ok. How about Ten?

One hundred? 

Does this really not sink in for you? 

If EVERYONE had that notion, then no one would vote. 
Who cares that you voted in the past? I didn't know George Bush and John Kerry were up for Presidency this year. 

I won't be pissed off. You will.

You'll continue to narrative your pointless perspective and not do a damn thing about it. 

Are you even familiar with alternative voting methods that you can support and start promoting?

You're lazy. Thats really all it comes down to. You have a defeatist attitude and youre working against your own interests. 

Like I said, enjoy that local referendum that barely gets enough votes anyways. I'm sure you might have wanted to share your thoughts on THAT measure. 

My city didn't even pass the expansion of mass transit because of a poorly worded bill supported suburban xenophobes and they did it only by a few votes in some areas. 

Keep thinking it doesn't matter. 
Sometimes you have to understand, with the electoral vote and two party system, it's a complete waste of time to support the third party/alternative choices. Same reason Ron Paul would never be elected, the puppet system doesn't work that way.
I understand how duvergers law breaks down, but thats why i support alternative voting or the mixed-member-proportional vote and have signed petitions supporting endeavors to promote it.

BTW, Ron Paul won't win because Ron Paul doesn't want to run as an independent. He got too cocky and thought he could win the GOP nod. That was just stupid on his behalf.

3rd Party candidates do work out here. Nader is the reason Al Gore lost Florida in 2000. 
Who cares that you voted in the past? I didn't know George Bush and John Kerry were up for Presidency this year. 

I won't be pissed off. You will.

You'll continue to narrative your pointless perspective and not do a damn thing about it. 

Are you even familiar with alternative voting methods that you can support and start promoting?

You're lazy. Thats really all it comes down to. You have a defeatist attitude and youre working against your own interests. 

Like I said, enjoy that local referendum that barely gets enough votes anyways. I'm sure you might have wanted to share your thoughts on THAT measure. 

My city didn't even pass the expansion of mass transit because of a poorly worded bill supported suburban xenophobes and they did it only by a few votes in some areas. 

Keep thinking it doesn't matter. 
Being lazy is not voting because you dont wanna get off the couch to do the ballot...

So you are full of **** as usual... I'd be flying off hte couch if it was Hillary for the dems and maybe even if Romney picked Marco Rubio as his running mate

But guess what? none of that is happening so instead of voting, ill be working out, walking, writing, etc... that aint laziness, thats a decision im making... ignorant kid
Your apathy is a vote against your interests. 

It doesn't matter what your reason is for not casting a ballot, you still aren't doing it. That makes you lazy all the same. 

You can even vote early if you want. 

You have two choices:

Vote for whoever you want, even if its a write in so you can at least vote for local measures


Actively promote alternative voting standards that would allow you to support candidates and voting practices you want to see in place.

If you choose not to do either you're lazy and a insouciant citizen and undignified complainer with no aim to actually change anything. 

Continue to waste your breath...clearly you seem to think THAT matters. 
Your apathy is a vote against your interests. 

It doesn't matter what your reason is for not casting a ballot, you still aren't doing it. That makes you lazy all the same. 

You can even vote early if you want. 

You have two choices:

Vote for whoever you want, even if its a write in so you can at least vote for local measures


Actively promote alternative voting standards that would allow you to support candidates and voting practices you want to see in place.

If you choose not to do either you're lazy and a insouciant citizen and undignified complainer with no aim to actually change anything. 

Continue to waste your breath...clearly you seem to think THAT matters. 
Oh ****, i just went through Good Kid Maad City whole way through, and you still here writing more than i can even read right now... You're a genius.....................

Your apathy is a vote against your interests. 

It doesn't matter what your reason is for not casting a ballot, you still aren't doing it. That makes you lazy all the same. 

You can even vote early if you want. 

You have two choices:

Vote for whoever you want, even if its a write in so you can at least vote for local measures


Actively promote alternative voting standards that would allow you to support candidates and voting practices you want to see in place.

If you choose not to do either you're lazy and a insouciant citizen and undignified complainer with no aim to actually change anything. 

Continue to waste your breath...clearly you seem to think THAT matters. 

Good idea ....those corporate lobbyists wont stand a chance once i get my twitter popping and my fliers printed.
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Your apathy is a vote against your interests. 

It doesn't matter what your reason is for not casting a ballot, you still aren't doing it. That makes you lazy all the same. 

You can even vote early if you want. 

You have two choices:

Vote for whoever you want, even if its a write in so you can at least vote for local measures


Actively promote alternative voting standards that would allow you to support candidates and voting practices you want to see in place.

If you choose not to do either you're lazy and a insouciant citizen and undignified complainer with no aim to actually change anything. 

Continue to waste your breath...clearly you seem to think THAT matters. 
Oh ****, i just went through Good Kid Maad City whole way through, and you still here writing more than i can even read right now... You're a genius.....................
Brilliant response.
What? The only thing that young Black kids in the 'hood will riot over these days are the latest concord, cool grey, or space jam Jordan XI release during the holiday season.

If Nike and Jordan Brand released the XI's on election day, the voting turnout in every hood would be minimal, with Romney waltzing right into the White House.
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Your apathy is a vote against your interests. 

It doesn't matter what your reason is for not casting a ballot, you still aren't doing it. That makes you lazy all the same. 

You can even vote early if you want. 

You have two choices:

Vote for whoever you want, even if its a write in so you can at least vote for local measures


Actively promote alternative voting standards that would allow you to support candidates and voting practices you want to see in place.

If you choose not to do either you're lazy and a insouciant citizen and undignified complainer with no aim to actually change anything. 

Continue to waste your breath...clearly you seem to think THAT matters. 
Good idea ....those corporate lobbyists wont stand a chance once i get my twitter popping and my fliers printed.
You laugh but it seemed to work for the Tea Party. 
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