Apparent Murder-Suicide (Husband/Wife, 5 children) in Wilmington, CA. Image of letter sent to ABC

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

did the wife agree to this?
man, I don't know if anyone will ever know. local news said the couple pulled the kids out of school about 1-2 weeks ago and said they weremoving to Kansas.
Seriously. I know your having problems, but these are just innocent kids. SMH.
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

sad. but this easily couldve turned into a murder at his former workplace slaying dozens if not hundreds of people.

better off imo

let them know that people can't be messed with
Originally Posted by l smokecity l

Seriously. I know your having problems, but these are just innocent kids. SMH.

The mindset of the father was probably that he didnt want his kids to suffer in poverty...
Son of a +$%%% ! Innocent family.

If I was that pissed about something, I'd just hurt the people who put me in that position, not myself and my innocent loved ones. Dish out some Colombianjustice on em..
Being Christian has taught me to look at the positives in any situation- they'll be 7 less people on welfare.
Originally Posted by rock4light

Being Christian has taught me to look at the positives in any situation- they'll be 7 less people on welfare.

what makes u think theyd be on welfare? its possible that the kids could have gone to foster care or orphanges while the parents grinded it out, im sure tosome people the thought of putting their kids in "the system" and having them separated is really bad, but as bad as them being dead?

my guess is that this guy felt like he did everything he could to rectify the situation and then just came to the conclusion that taking a job of lesserquality or moving or being evacuated or having his children separated or whatever - was worse or just as bad as death
This guy is an idiot. I dont care how much you fall from grace, you better pick up the burden and carry your family as a team, rather than slay them. Whatswrong with people's intentions now-a-days.
Originally Posted by rock4light

Being Christian has taught me to look at the positives in any situation- they'll be 7 less people on welfare.


"Fools like this make my word look bad...."
Originally Posted by dyyhard

Originally Posted by SpuddyGuNz

this is dumb tragic..

that lil comment he wrote out at the end almost had me in tears thats terrible yo..

news said that quote was a distress call to Freemasons to help.

makes sense considering he faxed it out to a bunch of media networks, hethought maybe someone employed at these certain places was a mason (almost certainly) and would be able to help his situation i think that was smart of himdesperate but intelligient.. to bad it didn't help..

I hope that man at Kaiser feels pain til the end of his days
Thank god Idont have to deal with scum upper management atleast that I work for anyway..

Count your blessings y'all..
This guy is a coward. If you decide to kill yourself, fine but don't take your kids with you. They had no choice in this.
Originally Posted by torontoRaptor15

This guy is a coward. If you decide to kill yourself, fine but don't take your kids with you. They had no choice in this.

according to the letter, both him and wife decided it. I have sympathy for all involved. I hope the hospital admin gets fired.
Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

Originally Posted by torontoRaptor15

This guy is a coward. If you decide to kill yourself, fine but don't take your kids with you. They had no choice in this.

according to the letter, both him and wife decided it. I have sympathy for all involved. I hope the hospital admin gets fired.
I don't know about the wife so I'll reserve judgment since it didn't come straight from her. Either way it's still a cowardly actIMO to kill yourself and your kids. It's taking the easy way out, plain and simple Just because he doesn't have a good future doesn't mean hiskids can't have one either.
Originally Posted by rock4light

Being Christian has taught me to look at the positives in any situation- they'll be 7 less people on welfare.

People like you give Christians a bad name. Remember.............what goesaround, comes right back around. So you better watch yourself.
Even if that letter is true, they're cowards, takin your children with you is selfish. Sad story. Buckle it up, try and sell your house or file bankruptcy,and get whatever job you can. Thats life, bad things happen to good people and if you decide you want to kill yourself at least give your kids a chance. Thatwas the dumbest thing I've ever read, I wish they would've read it to see how stupid their reasoning was.
This is sad but think about the person that told him to blow his brains out
just turning on the Tv watching this and knowing he had something to do with this
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