Apple's September 12 invite hints at iPhone 5. Upgrade to iOS 6 now.

tom tom has never steered me wrong.
Tomtom was the first gps app I ever used and I used it for a while.
In fact, I own a tomtom standalone gps.
After I tried navigon's app, there was no going back.

Does the new apple map app deplete the battery fast?
With navigon, every minute I use it, it takes off 1% of my battery life.

what makes navigon better than tom tom?

and the battery life isn't an issue when using the gps apps since 100% of the time its connected to a car charger.
what makes navigon better than tom tom?
and the battery life isn't an issue when using the gps apps since 100% of the time its connected to a car charger.
At the time, Navigon had better turn by turn directions, location search, and UI.

Mind you, I haven't used the updated tomtom app. I was using the tomtom with the hands logo, not the car logo.

I also have a car charger but it makes an annoying sound for no reason so I stopped using it.

It may have been my iphone that was causing that noise.

GPS apps killing my battery on long drives was the reason I bought a standalone gps.

Edit: Oh yeah, you can easily access your music without leaving the app, unlike tomtom.
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I could be wrong...but I thought that money was a significant part of this.  I'm sure if google offered to do it for free apple would have obliged.  Also, if the whole "walled garden" thing is accurate, then why even let google sumbit an app to the app store.  Why not just say no.
I mean, Apple's stock price isn't going down, and they're sitting on $400 billion. I don't think it would hurt them to extend the license with Google. After all, Google did pay $1 billion to be the search engine on iOS last year, which means that they still have some sort of relationship. And Apple couldn't ban the app if it followed all the App Store guidelines, and that's why we have stuff like Tom Tom and Navigon.
really hope i get my phone in tomorrow. Only thing i have received from radio-shack is preorder confirmation which says it should be delivered by the 21st.
Why complain about the omission of google maps when google had no intention of bringing turn by turn navigation to the iphone? Nokia developed turn by turn navigation for their phones so was Apple going to do? Google rolls with Android and Nokia rolls with Windows.

If you want google maps just bookmark
What sucks is that no one is remembering how google shafted apple all these years. This was the only way for apple to get native navigation...they had to do SOMETHING. 

And to be honest, around my way, the maps aren't that far off. The scaling is different but I don't see a major reduction in functionality. I do recognize the complaints of others though.
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What sucks is that no one is remembering how google shafted apple all these years. This was the only way for apple to get native navigation...they had to do SOMETHING. 

And to be honest, around my way, the maps aren't that far off. The scaling is different but I don't see a major reduction in functionality. I do recognize the complaints of others though.

word, Google Maps was TRASH on iOS, the Android version was light years better. I guess the Public Transit is cool but I havent had to use it.
People are going to look back at October 3, 2011 and put together a picture of a company that started to fall apart.

Steve Jobs wouldn't have allowed half this stuff. This goes beyond "Maps."
My phone is unlocked, if I update will something happen?

unlocked through a jailbreak? is so then yes you will lose both the jailbreak and unlock and you will NOT be able to unlock again.

if its a factory unlock which is permanent than no you will not lose it.
I'll probably miss the navigation on my Droid phone the most. I remember the maps and directions on my 3G being absolute crap. At least now it seems to be better and there are other nav app options.

FedEx usually delivers stuff to my house early. Most of the time from 8-10. They probably have a ton of deliveries tomorrow so I might get it later than usual.
Somebody make an official Apple vs. Google thread already...
You don't need to. Any post about any phone that's not even an android or iphone will have the fanboys going to war :smh:. The same people arguing about the same things. Still not sure why people need to announce that whatever phone they have is the best and they need everyone to agree with them. Enjoy whatever phone you have. People act like the os they have is perfect but each has their faults.
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People are going to look back at October 3, 2011 and put together a picture of a company that started to fall apart.

Steve Jobs wouldn't have allowed half this stuff. This goes beyond "Maps."
What are you talking about? Steve Jobs knowingly allowed antennagate to occur because of his stubbornness. The guy wasn't perfect.
i guess im out of the loop with this maps problem...
infinity loop? 
I don't mind the Apple entering the map market, but you can't expect people to be happy when the product you release completely sucks balls when compared to your previous version..
Turn by turn alone makes it better. For me. Maybe you disagree. I don't care. I'm happy.

Keep *****ing and moaning. Some of you are doing it about an OS that you don't even use. The maps issue is yet another drummed up attempt to bring down Apple's latest release. Apple is going to sell 100M+ devices with iOS 6 in FQ13. The maps issue isn't going to get in the way of that.
i wasnt gonna cop right away until pieces of glass started breakin off the screen of my 4s. For what the insurance deductable costs im just gettin a 5
Apple came out with their own maps app cause their contract expired with google.

Why are people freaking out?

Does the webapp not supply bus route info?

does most public transportation not have it's own app? and websites, and mobile websites?

are their not other map apps in the app store?

Will we not soon get a downloadable google map app?
For some reason I have yet to get the new update for some odd reason. Also I am hearing that the new update has removed Youtube and other Google apps my question to you guys is why is Apple beefing with Google?
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