Apple's September 12 invite hints at iPhone 5. Upgrade to iOS 6 now.

Hilarious that Android users are in here bashing Apple for releasing an unfinished Maps product.
hilarious that people are supporting an unfinished product. Why? Apple should know better, this ain't no fanboy **** either, but its the damn truth. If they decided to edge out google maps, thats cool, but make sure your replacement exceeds the damn expectations or at least measures up to the big dog of the map'ing world, not underwhelm your own fanbase with an unfinished product or product in its beta stages. cot damn:smh:

inb4 hurr u droid fan, hurr u get outz XD

shut up
I believe if he's trying to get his number switched to the new iPhone , then yes he have to bring it to AT&T

No he doesn't, just dial 611 when It starts to list promos press 0 until you get a rep. Tell them you want to port in your number you will need your account number and billing password(usually last 4 of acct holders social)

Lol anyone going to a wireless store and not planning on buying something will get the stone face from a rep. I use to think people who went to the store waited for 30 min just for me to follow the prompts on the phone or plug into iTunes to activate their phone were idiots.

I have faith in AT&T
Just called Verizon. Oct 5 still is my date. SMh. Apple is so stupid for not having enough on hand to ship faster.
Waiting on the call from Radio Shack tomorrow to come pick up. I am excite.

Did they call you today to let you know they will contact you tomm? I only ask because I preordered from RadioShack and have yet to receive any calls.
Just called Verizon. Oct 5 still is my date. SMh. Apple is so stupid for not having enough on hand to ship faster.
SMh @ apple?  Nah, SMH @ you.  This is a brand new apple iphone on launch day.  You knew what it was.  Had you preordered in the first hour you'd be good just like most everybody else.  If you wanted it bad enough, you would've made sure that you had done what it took to get one, i.e. preordering as soon as humanly possible to ensure an early spot in the queue.

Not even trying to come at you either...I'm just can really only be mad at yourself.

Plus, apple is coordinating the largest simultaneously release its ever done.  Not to mention. Qualcomm announced months ago that they were having issues keeping up with manufacturer demand, so shortfall was expected.
SMh @ apple?  Nah, SMH @ you.  This is a brand new apple iphone on launch day.  You knew what it was.  Had you preordered in the first hour you'd be good just like most everybody else.  If you wanted it bad enough, you would've made sure that you had done what it took to get one, i.e. preordering as soon as humanly possible to ensure an early spot in the queue.

Not even trying to come at you either...I'm just can really only be mad at yourself.

Plus, apple is coordinating the largest simultaneously release its ever done.  Not to mention. Qualcomm announced months ago that they were having issues keeping up with manufacturer demand, so shortfall was expected.

lol word brah, this was a super easy cop, easy to the point i almost bought an extra just to flip. You live and you learn brahs
SMh @ apple?  Nah, SMH @ you.  This is a brand new apple iphone on launch day.  You knew what it was.  Had you preordered in the first hour you'd be good just like most everybody else.  If you wanted it bad enough, you would've made sure that you had done what it took to get one, i.e. preordering as soon as humanly possible to ensure an early spot in the queue.

Not even trying to come at you either...I'm just can really only be mad at yourself.

Plus, apple is coordinating the largest simultaneously release its ever done.  Not to mention. Qualcomm announced months ago that they were having issues keeping up with manufacturer demand, so shortfall was expected.

I ordered mine on the 14th. First day they said we could preorder. Now if that wasn't the earliest date then yea I screwed up. but if it was then shame on them. Nobody should have to wait 3 weeks for a phone.
I ordered mine on the 14th. First day they said we could preorder. Now if that wasn't the earliest date then yea I screwed up. but if it was then shame on them. Nobody should have to wait 3 weeks for a phone.

Brah if you wasnt up in the trenches during the first 2-3 hours than its not surprising you got the next round of shipments.
Didnt receive my pre-order email from Best Buy. Hopefully I receive a call or something early tomorrow morning
I ordered mine on the 14th. First day they said we could preorder. Now if that wasn't the earliest date then yea I screwed up. but if it was then shame on them. Nobody should have to wait 3 weeks for a phone.
Reason you took the L:

You think ordering "on the 14th" in and of itself is good enough.

This is the iphone better know exactly what time you ordered it, and in what time zone.  

Release day delivery probabilities:

Ordering on the 14th in the 1st hour: money

Ordering on the 14th in the before sun up: outside shot

Ordering on the 14th anytime in the pm: snowball's chance in hell.
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i ordered mine on the 14th from ATT. Expecting it tomorrow. Got my second email stating me and my wife's phones were shipped.

I ordered mine within the first hour of preorder if that matters. In fact, if you go hunting in the thread you'll find some of my posts while I was ordering through the ATT website
I work at UPS so if my phone does come in 2mrw I will pick it up from the drivers truck so I wont have to sit around all day waiting for him to drop of the package
Finally got my Sprint shipping confirmation! Overnight shipped from Louisville, KY so its arriving getting it tomorrow!
LOL brah do you understand logistics? They doubled the quantity of last yr and still sold out, come on man.
I understand that, what I dont understand is how they have extra phones to sell on release day, but people who pre-ordered have to wait 2 weeks? Why cant they give those to PRE-Ordered customers?
For those who ordered at bestbuy and got your confirmation, what time did you place the order in store?
Just upgraded to iOS6. Not really a big update to me, i lost my jaillbreak doing this and it wasnt worth it :lol: But the iphone 5 will be in my hands tomorrow or soon after, so I just bit the bullet a few days earlier.

Question for you guys: Whats a good app to use for Google Talk that has decent notifications? Right now the best one I found is IM+, but the notifications don't always work

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hilarious that people are supporting an unfinished product. Why? Apple should know better, this ain't no fanboy **** either, but its the damn truth. If they decided to edge out google maps, thats cool, but make sure your replacement exceeds the damn expectations or at least measures up to the big dog of the map'ing world, not underwhelm your own fanbase with an unfinished product or product in its beta stages. cot damn:smh:
inb4 hurr u droid fan, hurr u get outz XD
shut up
Shut up? What are you, six years old?
I understand that, what I dont understand is how they have extra phones to sell on release day, but people who pre-ordered have to wait 2 weeks? Why cant they give those to PRE-Ordered customers?
So many reasons that I can think of....

People who don't have a computer to order can get a fair chance at getting one on release day....

People who don't want their CC info on the net can have a fair chance of getting one on release day...

Massive lines outside of stores on release day sensationalize the release, draw the interest of passers-by and media outlets, and thus are good PR.
Hilarious that Android users are in here bashing Apple for releasing an unfinished Maps product.

What's hilarious is that a company that speaks to making the finest products and putting so much work into them releases a half-baked product that sucks balls. Apple folk frequently hit the Google crowd with the, "Apple doesn't release beta products" jab. Siri and Apple Maps are two prime examples of Apple dropping the ball and not matching their own mantra. Apple Maps is a downgrade in every sense of the word. Like another poster said before, I don't mind the Apple entering the map market, but you can't expect people to be happy when the product you release completely sucks balls when compared to your previous version.

I can see the commercials and magazine ads now:

"The most amazing maps experience ever."

"A stunning new view of your world" (BTW, who the hell finds 3D maps pointless? Enlighten me on the uses of this)

Reality-distortion to the max.
I understand that, what I dont understand is how they have extra phones to sell on release day, but people who pre-ordered have to wait 2 weeks? Why cant they give those to PRE-Ordered customers?
You're clearly just upset lol. Just wait till oct. 5th. It's right around the corner.
If you really needed it first day then you shouldn't have procrastinated
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