Apple's September 12 invite hints at iPhone 5. Upgrade to iOS 6 now.

Just got my Black iPhone via UPS. Weird though cause my White iPhone hasn't come yet (should come later today), and when I asked the UPS guy, it was because it wasn't delivered via Next Day. Air..lame. Now the UPS guy has to make two trips.
NT, having a problem:

After upgrading to iOS 6 on my 4S i'm seeing that after I read an email or delete it the mail app itself, it was SUPPOSED to remove it from notification center.

Now even after i've deleted messages without reading them from the mail app, they are STILL in notification center and I have to clear them.

If I open them, then they go away.

But I don't need to open all emails right?

Then, when I click the email from notification center that is no longer in the mail app, it just leads me to the start screen in Mail that shows my inboxes and accounts.

It doesn't do anything...NOR does it remove it even them...but it can't since its deleted. Why is this happening? Is anyone else having the same problem?
NT, having a problem:

After upgrading to iOS 6 on my 4S i'm seeing that after I read an email or delete it the mail app itself, it was SUPPOSED to remove it from notification center.

Now even after i've deleted messages without reading them from the mail app, they are STILL in notification center and I have to clear them.

If I open them, then they go away.

But I don't need to open all emails right?

Then, when I click the email from notification center that is no longer in the mail app, it just leads me to the start screen in Mail that shows my inboxes and accounts.

It doesn't do anything...NOR does it remove it even them...but it can't since its deleted. Why is this happening? Is anyone else having the same problem?

Next time I get an email I will try and replicate this issue. I've never personally experienced it.
You guys really should of just gone to the cell carriers store.
Here's a drop test, the 5 seems very durable
I don't get that. How does this work. I'm assuming you and your gf both preordered at the same time together right? And do you know how frequently their shipments come in? Guy on the phone made it seem as if they get "Drop offs" every so often throughout the day. Maybe I'm trying to get my hopes up but he did say something about "drop off shipments." Did they give you an idea on when yours would come in?
I feel bad for all the bestbuy people. I read that one guy preordered and he was first in line and still got that email about up to 28 days later for them to receive shipment.

Yeah we preordered ours together last Friday. She got a 16 and I got a 32. I have no idea what their shipment schedule is, and the lady I talked to over the phone didn't know either. Their stock must suck because when we went in last Friday afternoon they said that they hadn't done a lot of preorders. Hopefully it comes today though.

This ad is hilarious imo.

p.s. the drop test is hit or miss. I currently own a 4s, and I've dropped it about 80 times and it cracked on the 79th.

i had a 3gs prior, one of them cracked on the first drop from a minimum height, the other took a pounding and lived for quite a while
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My phone was delivered before 10 am :nthat:. I saw the FedEx truck truck drive by and was like damn how long am I going to wait. Then a Penske van drove by and dropped off my phone. They must be delivering them thangs all day since he already knew what it was.
I just checked that out. People are ****** nuts like seriously. $600 or $700 sure, but ain't no consumer paying $1K for a ****** phone :smh:

Hey man, you never know. I remember when I sold my PS3 for $1600 when it first came out . People will pay anything, specially the ones with money.

Hell yeah... and I don't blame you one bit.

Take advantage of as much suckers as you can while you can.
Yeah, when I saw that price I was kinda tempted. That's good easy money. Turning a profit without having to do anything.
NT, having a problem:

After upgrading to iOS 6 on my 4S i'm seeing that after I read an email or delete it the mail app itself, it was SUPPOSED to remove it from notification center.

Now even after i've deleted messages without reading them from the mail app, they are STILL in notification center and I have to clear them.

If I open them, then they go away.

But I don't need to open all emails right?

Then, when I click the email from notification center that is no longer in the mail app, it just leads me to the start screen in Mail that shows my inboxes and accounts.

It doesn't do anything...NOR does it remove it even them...but it can't since its deleted. Why is this happening? Is anyone else having the same problem?
Next time I get an email I will try and replicate this issue. I've never personally experienced it.
Delete it BEFORE you open it. 

Then see if it gets cleared from your notification center. 
I know ya'll ain't crazy about this stuff as macrumors but the "scuffgate" on the black 5's is very real. The whole back is going to peel in no time 
 I hope Apple does something about this.
unlocked through a jailbreak? is so then yes you will lose both the jailbreak and unlock and you will NOT be able to unlock again.
if its a factory unlock which is permanent than no you will not lose it.

Nah I don't think it was through jailbreak because of my firmware

I actually took it to a store and they did it for me :nerd:
NT, having a problem:

After upgrading to iOS 6 on my 4S i'm seeing that after I read an email or delete it the mail app itself, it was SUPPOSED to remove it from notification center.

Now even after i've deleted messages without reading them from the mail app, they are STILL in notification center and I have to clear them.

If I open them, then they go away.

But I don't need to open all emails right?

Then, when I click the email from notification center that is no longer in the mail app, it just leads me to the start screen in Mail that shows my inboxes and accounts.

It doesn't do anything...NOR does it remove it even them...but it can't since its deleted. Why is this happening? Is anyone else having the same problem?

Next time I get an email I will try and replicate this issue. I've never personally experienced it.
Delete it BEFORE you open it. 

Then see if it gets cleared from your notification center. 

I deleted it without even opening it up and then check my notification center and it was not in there.
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