Apple's September 12 invite hints at iPhone 5. Upgrade to iOS 6 now.

Man I just need 1 128gb (or 64) and then another base model and ill be satisfied. these iphone 4s i have are so wack man. they free and reboot on their own now its so inconvenient when i need it the most :smh:

what on earth do you need 128gb for? :wow:

you need to hit up the apple store and get a new phone, you are easily still under warranty im sure.
Pros and Cons of Verizon vs. ATT? We just got 4G/LTE towers down here so service isn't going to be a problem. I am NOT interested in the sharing plans.

does verizon offer you a way to not use the shared? i have unlimited w my 4s and even though I don't use major data, I still like having the ability to go crazy if I desired.
ugh im still not sure whether to get that TI-83 calculator of a phone the S3 or this -___-
ugh im still not sure whether to get that TI-83 calculator of a phone the S3 or this -___-
This. I have used a Samsung Galaxy, Blackberry Bold, iPhone 3 and 3GS. Now I'm on my third iPhone with the 4S. I will never go back.

A Jailbroken iPhone>>>>any phone on the market
I need help fellas. I'm stuck in a dilemma. I have a 32gb white 4s (it's full). I don't want to keep going up in GB every time a new iphone comes out. I want to buy a 32 or 64gb classic ipod (to use for my music only). So I can just buy the 16GB iphones for 199 whenever they come out. Anyone else does this? Have another ipod for all their music and buy the lower end iphones (16GB) whenever the new ones come out? I'm thinking about just keeping my iphone 4s for music only (erase videos and apps) and buy the iPhone 5 16GB.
Agree 100%, and add to that. iOS is a simply more polished, user-friendly platform. 
***** it's a phone, not a rubik cube.

iOS being more polished is a personal preference, I believe ICS for Android is MORE polished, more up-to-date than something out of 2007.
as long as tmobile offers micro sims ill try and get one.

hopefully its a big improvement over the 4 i have. if not ill just wait even more
***** it's a phone, not a rubik cube.
iOS being more polished is a personal preference, I believe ICS for Android is MORE polished, more up-to-date than something out of 2007.
lol, if it's based on personal preference then the MAJORITY of users PREFER iOS by a huge margin. Every year they consistently top  customer user satisfaction when you compare iOS users and Android users' satisfaction of the platform. 
ios is boring i hope they spice things up and make some serious changes. even diehard iphone fanboys gota admit the same damn app tile set up is BORING 

switch it up. 
ios is boring i hope they spice things up and make some serious changes. even diehard iphone fanboys gota admit the same damn app tile set up is BORING 

switch it up. 

lol that did not hit me until you said it. It is boring now that i think about it.
Thats why we jailbreak, the same way Android users root.
customizing android and completely changing the way it looks out the box doesnt require rooting. that's the difference. and the vast majority of IOS users dont know what jailbreaking is or how it's done. 

i dont want to have to root or jailbreak anything to change how it looks if i want a different look. ios in 07 and 2012 looks damn near identical 
lol, if it's based on personal preference then the MAJORITY of users PREFER iOS by a huge margin. Every year they consistently top  customer user satisfaction when you compare iOS users and Android users' satisfaction of the platform. 
... and you're basing this off the latest satisfaction report posted in December 2011?

I guess the fact IDC reports in August of 2012 that Google (Android OS) controlling 68.1% of the mobile market means nothing. I guess Android is a scam, and we hate the OS. Apple controls 16.9%, congrats... all 12% of you love your phone >D
to be fair, android's market share is so huge because theres 393939345393 manufacturers making 3309309303 phones each on every carrier, even ghettoass cricket, boost mobile, virgin mobile, ghettro pcs etc... whereas apple makes ONE phone on just recently 3 carriers in the u.s.. unless theres another company besides sprint, vzw and att that sell iphones.

apple will have higher 'satisfaction' ratings or whatever because its the same phone.. androids are not all created equal.. that 49.99+tax piece of crap android phone on metro pcs isnt on the same level as the gs3 or the htc one x 
to be fair, android's market share is so huge because theres 393939345393 manufacturers making 3309309303 phones each on every carrier, even ghettoass cricket, boost mobile, virgin mobile, ghettro pcs etc... whereas apple makes ONE phone on just recently 3 carriers in the u.s.. unless theres another company besides sprint, vzw and att that sell iphones.

apple will have higher 'satisfaction' ratings or whatever because its the same phone.. androids are not all created equal.. that 49.99+tax piece of crap android phone on metro pcs isnt on the same level as the gs3 or the htc one x 
I guess it gives people options.. some don't need the power the GS3 or One X has.. and the other group can get the power out of phones like the s3 and the other higher end android devices

Instead of just choosing between 8/16/32/64gb
... and you're basing this off the latest satisfaction report posted in December 2011?
I guess the fact IDC reports in August of 2012 that Google (Android OS) controlling 68.1% of the mobile market means nothing. I guess Android is a scam, and we hate the OS. Apple controls 16.9%, congrats... all 12% of you love your phone
So?  Windows controls 90% of the PC Market.  Doesn't mean the users are more satisfied than users who own a Mac?
[h1]Five Reasons Why Google Android versus Apple iOS Market Share Numbers Don't Matter.[/h1]
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Gartner  just released its Q2 2012 mobile sales unit report, ranking vendors and operating systems for mobile devices.  Over this past quarter, of the mobile devices sold, 64.1% are powered by Google’s Android and 18.8% are operated by Apple’s iOS.  Google’s Android made significant strides over the past year when 43.1% of mobile devices sold in Q2 2011 operated on Android.  Apple remained about the same.  Should investors care about these statistics?

At an initial pass, two trends in the past quarter are important to note before reading too much into the Apple versus Google battle.  While Google gained 20.7% market share over the same period a year ago, Nokia  and Research in Motion, together, lost 21.7%.  Google’s gain may have more to do with Nokia’s and Research in Motion’s losses than a win against Apple.  Moreover, Apple’s iPhone unit sales were below expectations in the second quarter due to interest in Apple’s upcoming iPhone 5, announcement expected September 12.  New product releases by either Apple or manufacturers using Google’s Android can influence market share numbers from quarter to quarter, and the ratio of Android to iOS market share tends closer to 2:1.  More importantly is that Apple iOS + Google’s Android operating systems run almost 85% of the mobile devices sold.

Does Google’s lead with Android over Apple iOS matter?

Apple makes money on hardware, Google does not.  For investors,this matters.  Google gives away its Android operating system in order to have real estate on mobile devices and, therefore, ubiquity is critical for Google to deliver ads.  On the other hand, Apple makes money on every iPhone and iPad it sells, even before an ad is delivered to the device.  The amount of profits on the hardware is astonishing:  It is estimated that Apple earns 70%-75%  of the profit for the entire cell phone industry (that is, of all the profit earned by all handset manufacturers) on its own products, which only have roughly 7% of the global market share.   Apple is taking its smaller market share all the way to the bank.  Just look below at the financial results over the past five years of the different business models:

Net Income to Common Shareholders:
[table][tr][td]FY (Bils)[/td][td]
Apps are more popular than mobile web, and Apple is winning this race by any measure.   Flurry Analytics reports  that on mobile devices, 94 minutes per day are spent on apps compared to 72 minutes on the web.  Restated, users are spending more time going directly to an app that gives them the information they want rather than searching on the mobile web.  And Apple offers more apps, and more are downloaded from Apple.  At last measure, Apple offers 550K apps for the iPhone and iPad, and 25B have been downloaded.  Google, by comparison, offers 440K and 10B have been downloaded.  And, people are spending for Apple’s apps.

Apple apps make money.  Distimo, a mobile consulting firm, estimates that the Apple App store generates $5.4M/day for the 200 top-grossing apps while Google generates just $679K for their top-200 grossing apps.  That is almost a 8:1 revenue ratio.

And Apple apps make developers money.   More of Apple’s apps generate revenue, while most of Google apps are free:  67% of apps on Apple are paid for versus 34% on Google.  And that gets developers paid.  Asymco estimates that Android developers made $210M in all of 2011, compared to the $700M pocketed by Apple iOS developers in the Q4 2011.  And getting paid attracts more developers to Apple.  Flurry Analytics estimates that 7 of 10 develop  for Apple’s iOS compared to Google’s Android.  AppStoreHQ estimates there are over 43K Apple iOS developers and 10K Android developers.  Why?  Because iOS developers earn more.  For the very same app, Flurry Analytics estimates that a developer will earn $1.00 on the Apple iOS version compared to $0.24 for the Google Android version.

Informal glancing through up and coming apps suggests that new popular apps, such as Pinterest, are developed for Apple iOS first.  Why?  Here are three possibilities.  First, Apple has fewer form factors (3 iPhones, 3 iPads) compared to thousands of Android devices.  OpenSignal calculated  that there are 3,997 distinct devices running Android on almost 600 brands.  That means, iOS developers have fewer sets of hardware and middleware issues to address than do Android developers.  Second, Apple’s app approval process requires developers to guarantee a certain quality, and that provides credibility.  Third, the Apple user demographic is more affluent, an earlier adopter and more loyal than other brands.  Combine fewer device challenges with the lure of a higher probability of making money, and Apple is attracting the developers.

Greater penetration of mobile Operating Systems is not directly correlated with ad revenues, either.    While Google Android enjoys a roughly 2:1 lead in market penetration over Apple devices (see above), advertising revenues are only 30% more.  According to  e-Marketer, Google earned $125M in mobile display  ad revenues in the US last year, compared to $92M earned by Apple.   Moreover, display ads may not be the most effective form of mobile advertising.  Mobile video is shaping up to be a more effective way to convert potential customers into paying customers, according to a bevy of research by Internet Retailer, Invodo, and Comscore.  (see Video + Tablets:  The Mobile Catalyst for E-Commerce (Watch out Amazon!))  And, of the retail videos accessed by a mobile device, 70% are accessed by an Apple device.

Android’s lead may deteriorate.    A study by Gene Munster at Piper Jaffray  indicates that Apple iPhone users are very happy, and 94% plan to purchase another iPhone in the future.  However, only 47% of Android users expect to buy another Android device and 42% expect to buy an iPhone.  Another study by Gfk in the UK indicated that 84% of iPhone users will repurchase an iPhone compared to just 60% who would repurchase an Android phone.  Brand loyalty amongst Apple users is high, ranks as number one, and has for years.  Brand Keys just released their 2012 Consumer Loyalty report, and Apple again ranked top in tablets and smartphones.

So, do the Mobile Operating System Market Share Metrics Matter???   Android is leading Apple iOS 3:1 in Q2, although the quarter-to-quarter numbers tend toward 2:1.  Google’s business model is to give away Android in order to make $10 per device on search and ads, although it is estimated that Google only makes $6.50 per device.  Apple makes an estimated $300 per iPhone, and then  sells apps and ads.  For Google’s business model to even up to Apple’s, Android devices would need to outsell Apple’s by a factor of 30:1.  Over and above that, users increasingly use apps rather than search, and Apple leads in the app market by number of apps available, amount of money made in apps, number of developers using iOS, and with the buzz factor of new popular apps.  So, what is the impact of Google Android’s greater market share?  This is one business where market share leadership doesn’t seem to matter.
yea but jailbreak lags and what not and crashes.
im straight on that and i dont think ive seen anything cool...

and Android's don't?

look in the post your screenshot thread and you'll see iphones and androids looking nice as hell, just because not many people know what they're doing when they try it doesn't mean jailbreaking or rooting is pointless. No phone looks good out the box without customizing IMO as boring as Apple's icons look so do Android's, hell I think they look even worse
i agree choice between low end crap and high end swags >>> what size storage u want on ur phone bro

i really hope ios is significantly changed... because i wana try iphone.. 
yea but jailbreak lags and what not and crashes.
im straight on that and i dont think ive seen anything cool...

and Android's don't?

look in the post your screenshot thread and you'll see iphones and androids looking nice as hell, just because not many people know what they're doing when they try it doesn't mean jailbreaking or rooting is pointless. No phone looks good out the box without customizing IMO as boring as Apple's icons look so do Android's, hell I think they look even worse

i didnt even mention android, i know its garbage because i got all my friends to convert to iphones. all they had was problems with phones lagging like crazy, battery draining so fast.

i got an iphone and have no issues but i just said i havent seen anything cool customize wise.
I don't get all the fascination about customizing the LOOK of the os. If it improves how you use the phone, sure, go for it.

But expressing individuality through app icons, font, and lay out on a phone which mostly only YOUR EYES see seems silly to me.
I don't get all the fascination about customizing the LOOK of the os. If it improves how you use the phone, sure, go for it.

But expressing individuality through app icons, font, and lay out on a phone which mostly only YOUR EYES see seems silly to me.

Basically, I mean its cool to look at but after that its pointless. I'd rather have performance rather than the ability to change my fonts and icons.
customizing = changing the default options/applications if you dont like them or if you get bored with them... which is completely possible on android without rooting... i didnt like the stock text app on my gs2, so i got a new text app. 3 months later i decided i liked the stock one and went back. something this simple isn't possible on iOS without jailbreaking first. 

i want a weather widget up front and a calendar widget on my 2nd screen. possible. 

impossible on ios. there are no widgets on ios. u have to scroll to the app, hit the app to open, and then view whatever information you need. that's how the weather app works on stock iphones.. find weather app, touch it, open it, view info. on android, a widget on the homescreen shows that info as soon as u turn ur screen on. 

y'all trippin thinking the same UI since 2007 is cutting it. 
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