Apple's September 12 invite hints at iPhone 5. Upgrade to iOS 6 now.

I don't get all the fascination about customizing the LOOK of the os. If it improves how you use the phone, sure, go for it.
But expressing individuality through app icons, font, and lay out on a phone which mostly only YOUR EYES see seems silly to me.

People like to mod or change things around regardless of what it is. Look at dudes that modify cars, people like to be different. Even if its something as minuscule as changing the way app icons look on a phone. And, wouldn't you want the option to change things around if you wanted to without having to jailbreak? I like that Android gives you options, unlike IOS. If you don't want to change anything cool, leave it be, but if you wanted to you can. I'm currently using an iphone 4 so it's not like i'm an android head either.
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customizing = changing the default options/applications if you dont like them or if you get bored with them... which is completely possible on android without rooting... i didnt like the stock text app on my gs2, so i got a new text app. 3 months later i decided i liked the stock one and went back. something this simple isn't possible on iOS without jailbreaking first. 

i want a weather widget up front and a calendar widget on my 2nd screen. possible. 

impossible on ios. there are no widgets on ios. u have to scroll to the app, hit the app to open, and then view whatever information you need. that's how the weather app works on stock iphones.. find weather app, touch it, open it, view info. on android, a widget on the homescreen shows that info as soon as u turn ur screen on. 

y'all trippin thinking the same UI since 2007 is cutting it. 
notification center in iOS5 took care of that.
notification center in iOS5 took care of that.
first iphone:

iphone 4s:


phone has looked the same for 5 straight years. and the notification center is a straight swagger jack of something that was always available on android phones, or at least for the last 4 years. 
I don't get all the fascination about customizing the LOOK of the os. If it improves how you use the phone, sure, go for it.
But expressing individuality through app icons, font, and lay out on a phone which mostly only YOUR EYES see seems silly to me.

People like to mod or change things around regardless of what it is. Look at dudes that modify cars, people like to be different. Even if its something as minuscule as changing the way app icons look on a phone. And, wouldn't you want the option to change things around if you wanted to without having to jailbreak? I like that Android gives you options, unlike IOS. If you don't want to change anything cool, leave it be, but if you wanted to you can. I'm currently using an iphone 4 so it's not like i'm an android head either.

The difference being if you mod your car, OTHER PEOPLE will see it.

Customizing the look of your OS is like getting red leather interior on a car with limo tints. No one else can tell the difference.
people who customize cars so other people can look at them are corny. the same applies for phones or anything else... what self respecting person adds something to their phone thinking "this will impress Jane at work" smh for fks sake. who does that, in real life
I'm not a fanboy of either but why would apple dramatically change the iOS if it has been working? It's easy enough for a 4 year old or 84 year old to use. Why change something that is clearly not broken? Its a formula that has been successful and has slowly eradicated the stigma of smart phones being too complex, especially for the elders. It would be a huge mistake to big changes.
All 3 Android phones I've had had horrible, horrible battery life. I got sick of buying extended batteries, constantly lowering the brightness, turning off wifi and 3g when my battery was low, having to get rid of widgets to save battery, bringing a charger with me most of the time wherever i went, etc.  The phone could have the top specs on the market, and it still couldnt beat the iPhone in terms of smooth operating.  Most android users try to overclock their phones processor to run at it's peak, but what's speed when I have a lot of music and photos, a decent amount of apps and have to keep wifi and 3g on for work? All those things will slow the phone down.  But I've been able to have all those things + settings on my iPhone without having to compromise.  IMO, iPhone wins.  
Y'all gotta think of this from a business standpoint.  A small percentage of users are hung up on 'customizing' the look of the OS compared to the percentage of users who couldn't care less and that it "just works" and that the OS is smooooooth as butter and battery life isn't sacrificed.  It's not worth the risk of their cash cow.  If it ain't broke don't fix it.  That's why they keep having small subtle changes in the OS.  They make changes in the OS that are "necessary" and not just a "nice to have feature" such as widgets or whatever customization you want.  Boring to you is simple and effective to another. Also, most of the time we use our phone are with the actual apps, not the home screen.  
All 3 Android phones I've had had horrible, horrible battery life. I got sick of buying extended batteries, constantly lowering the brightness, turning off wifi and 3g when my battery was low, having to get rid of widgets to save battery, bringing a charger with me most of the time wherever i went, etc.  The phone could have the top specs on the market, and it still couldnt beat the iPhone in terms of smooth operating.  Most android users try to overclock their phones processor to run at it's peak, but what's speed when I have a lot of music and photos, a decent amount of apps and have to keep wifi and 3g on for work? All those things will slow the phone down.  But I've been able to have all those things + settings on my iPhone without having to compromise.  IMO, iPhone wins.  

4 pages of apps, 2,108 photos and around 46 videos, 168 songs, 281 contacts, and my 4S is still running as smooth as the day i bought it. I only have 6.8GB left of memory on my 32GB phone and it still runs like a champ. Never in my life have i held or used an android that runs as smooth as my phone runs now. (Smooth meaning scrolling, app opening, picture taking, etc.) My battery lasts me through the day and a whole night if I need it to.
All 3 Android phones I've had had horrible, horrible battery life. I got sick of buying extended batteries, constantly lowering the brightness, turning off wifi and 3g when my battery was low, having to get rid of widgets to save battery, bringing a charger with me most of the time wherever i went, etc.  The phone could have the top specs on the market, and it still couldnt beat the iPhone in terms of smooth operating.  Most android users try to overclock their phones processor to run at it's peak, but what's speed when I have a lot of music and photos, a decent amount of apps and have to keep wifi and 3g on for work? All those things will slow the phone down.  But I've been able to have all those things + settings on my iPhone without having to compromise.  IMO, iPhone wins.  

4 pages of apps, 2,108 photos and around 46 videos, 168 songs, 281 contacts, and my 4S is still running as smooth as the day i bought it. I only have 6.8GB left of memory on my 32GB phone and it still runs like a champ. Never in my life have i held or used an android that runs as smooth as my phone runs now. (Smooth meaning scrolling, app opening, picture taking, etc.) My battery lasts me through the day and a whole night if I need it to.

that will nbever happen to an iphone regardless of how much memory is being used up.

i remember i had 1gb left of room and still ran perfectly.

since then i deleted everything though, im weird and hate having songs and stuff on the phone i dont use.
to be fair, android's market share is so huge because theres 393939345393 manufacturers making 3309309303 phones each on every carrier, even ghettoass cricket, boost mobile, virgin mobile, ghettro pcs etc... whereas apple makes ONE phone on just recently 3 carriers in the u.s.. unless theres another company besides sprint, vzw and att that sell iphones.

apple will have higher 'satisfaction' ratings or whatever because its the same phone.. androids are not all created equal.. that 49.99+tax piece of crap android phone on metro pcs isnt on the same level as the gs3 or the htc one x 

I don't see how this isn't basic knowledge. 1 iPhone on three carriers making up 12 percent of the market compared to the dozens of droids on essentially every carrier speaks volumes.
Played with the S3 over the weekend and I must say, ITS EXACTLY LIKE MY EPIC 4G. Thats not a good thing. If I'm buying something new, I want new features to it. Cant wait for the Iphone 5 to release.
Played with the S3 over the weekend and I must say, ITS EXACTLY LIKE MY EPIC 4G. Thats not a good thing. If I'm buying something new, I want new features to it. Cant wait for the Iphone 5 to release.
But you expect the 5 to be different from the 4?or the 3gs?

Out of the box, I would probably go with the iPhone. I mean if you just want your phone to work well consistently, battery to last, and be able to do anything with your phone basically when you need to go for it.

Jailbbreaking is cool and all but I just could never get on board with the screen size.

That being said, I am on a S3 running Jellybean. And after a few extra tweaks this thing is crazy fast and has great battery life. And specs are obviously really good. Other little things that Google is doing are attractive as well.

Don't get me wrong, I am very anxious to see what the iPhone 5 will be but it is gonna take some outlandish **** to make me switch. I hope we get surprised with at least a 4.5 inch screen. That would definitely make it interesting
Apple cant get by with making a 4.5 in phone because too many females and elderly people will be mad. I mean I seen some people that love the size of the note, but people use the note like a tablet that happens to be a phone. I dont know the reception the GS3 has had with the old people since I left verizon right before it dropped, but females I sold the Nexus too hated the size and returned them for iPhones, I will say middle aged women liked the Razr, buuuut still wanted iphones because all their friends at the country club had em and iMessage = people dropping txt off their plans since their entire fam and social circle has apple products.
***** it's a phone, not a rubik cube.

iOS being more polished is a personal preference, I believe ICS for Android is MORE polished, more up-to-date than something out of 2007.

lol, if it's based on personal preference then the MAJORITY of users PREFER iOS by a huge margin. Every year they consistently top  customer user satisfaction when you compare iOS users and Android users' satisfaction of the platform. 

Would the fact that some people buy low-end Android phones be a factor?
I don't want a phablet. I want a phone. 4.5 inches is huge. I can't fit that in the pockets of my every day clothes, my work clothes or my scrubs.
Only thing I really hated about the iPhone was having to covert video files all the time. Downloading apps and videos right off the browser really was a plus to me. I really hoped they would work on that. Like both Android and iOS. Will be getting the iPhone 5 regardless and still have an Android phone.
I currently have a Galaxy S2 and I'm looking to switch to an iPhone. I don't really care for the iPhone 5 hype, I wouldn't mind getting a 4s for now. Hopefully the prices on the 4s drops once the 5 comes out.
lot of the Android cats on this site, dont think about the avg consumer. The avg consumer does not care about all that extra stuff because at the end of the day they just want ot be about to make calls and get apps. Thats what peoplel fail to realize on here. Dudes stay saying "well my phone has a quadmodgod core processor" well websites and apps dl the same as a single core iphone 4 whats your point. And then android brags about cameras and takes 3gs quality pics. Only reason Android has largest market share is because its free software on amillion baby mama phones. I use to stay seeing cats walk into Tmobile and Verizon like "a where the free phones at" " lemme get the cheapest smartphone"
But you expect the 5 to be different from the 4?or the 3gs?

that's what i was thinking...

people don't even know all the things the gs3 can do...

y'all know it has picture in picture? you can watch a video on the screen while texting or browsing the home screen or on NT...

share videos instantly and take pictures of one phone and they'll all come up, sort of like a file sharing system...
how much is the 5 gon cost? i cant upgrade til 2013 anyway
work around if you have an ipad...

join a mobile share group and add the ipad as a tablet... then pull the upgrade from the tablet...

bong, you're not paying the extra money for the ipad (around $40) and you get everything on one bill...

the mobile share plans are super clutch for people that have ipads...

they are not all that bad...
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