Apple's September 12 invite hints at iPhone 5. Upgrade to iOS 6 now.

Apple cant get by with making a 4.5 in phone because too many females and elderly people will be mad. I mean I seen some people that love the size of the note, but people use the note like a tablet that happens to be a phone.
People would complain for like half a day and buy a phone with a huge screen if Apple made one because they'll always buy one. A lot think the current phone is the right size but then say how the bigger screen is nice. They'll probably offer 2 different model sizes if they did that anyway. Apple is good at making people think a new feature is necessary.
Only thing I really hated about the iPhone was having to covert video files all the time. Downloading apps and videos right off the browser really was a plus to me. I really hoped they would work on that. Like both Android and iOS. Will be getting the iPhone 5 regardless and still have an Android phone.
Get an app called av player. It lets you play a variety of media files.
I currently have a Galaxy S2 and I'm looking to switch to an iPhone. I don't really care for the iPhone 5 hype, I wouldn't mind getting a 4s for now. Hopefully the prices on the 4s drops once the 5 comes out.

they wont drop much. if at all IMO
I'm not a fanboy of either but why would apple dramatically change the iOS if it has been working? It's easy enough for a 4 year old or 84 year old to use. Why change something that is clearly not broken? Its a formula that has been successful and has slowly eradicated the stigma of smart phones being too complex, especially for the elders. It would be a huge mistake to big changes.

This logic is the exact reason why people hate apple fan boys. Once iOS switches it up, the sheep will praise apple for the same &%$# other companies have been doing.

"Who needs a bigger screen?" - new 4" inch display, oh.

"Who needs widgets when you have apps?" adds widgets to software, oh.

Same can be said for the cloud syncing, notification center, and OTA's.

Apple is known for innovation that's why it's a shock the OS is still the same basic &%$# that the sheep eat up.

...and I have a 4s, macbook, iPad 2. If that matters..
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When apple releases things they usually work. I dont want the latest and greatest if it is crazy buggy.

A Stable OS > Bleeding Edge Crashing OS 
***** it's a phone, not a rubik cube.
iOS being more polished is a personal preference, I believe ICS for Android is MORE polished, more up-to-date than something out of 2007.
lol, if it's based on personal preference then the MAJORITY of users PREFER iOS by a huge margin. Every year they consistently top  customer user satisfaction when you compare iOS users and Android users' satisfaction of the platform. 
*ahem* not true since android has a wider market share then IOS.
A Jailbroken Iphone 4S = Best cellphone on the market, BAR NONE.

Any iphone NOT jailbroken = absolute trash.
Y'all gotta think of this from a business standpoint.  A small percentage of users are hung up on 'customizing' the look of the OS compared to the percentage of users who couldn't care less and that it "just works" and that the OS is smooooooth as butter and battery life isn't sacrificed.  It's not worth the risk of their cash cow.  If it ain't broke don't fix it.  That's why they keep having small subtle changes in the OS.  They make changes in the OS that are "necessary" and not just a "nice to have feature" such as widgets or whatever customization you want.  Boring to you is simple and effective to another. Also, most of the time we use our phone are with the actual apps, not the home screen.  
because its BORING.
***** it's a phone, not a rubik cube.
iOS being more polished is a personal preference, I believe ICS for Android is MORE polished, more up-to-date than something out of 2007.
lol, if it's based on personal preference then the MAJORITY of users PREFER iOS by a huge margin. Every year they consistently top  customer user satisfaction when you compare iOS users and Android users' satisfaction of the platform. 
*ahem* not true since android has a wider market share then IOS.
I meant majority of iOS users vs majority of Android users not total market share. 
Y'all gotta think of this from a business standpoint.  A small percentage of users are hung up on 'customizing' the look of the OS compared to the percentage of users who couldn't care less and that it "just works" and that the OS is smooooooth as butter and battery life isn't sacrificed.  It's not worth the risk of their cash cow.  If it ain't broke don't fix it.  That's why they keep having small subtle changes in the OS.  They make changes in the OS that are "necessary" and not just a "nice to have feature" such as widgets or whatever customization you want.  Boring to you is simple and effective to another. Also, most of the time we use our phone are with the actual apps, not the home screen.  
because its BORING.
Boring to you is simple and effective to another.  Not everybody needs fireworks as their wallpaper to drain their battery life.  Or all these other frivolous add-ons, options that makes the phone a total hog, laggy, and freezing even on high end Android phones. 
I meant majority of iOS users vs majority of Android users not total market share. 

Boring to you is simple and effective to another.  Not everybody needs fireworks as their wallpaper to drain their battery life.  Or all these other frivolous add-ons, options that makes the phone a total hog, laggy, and freezing even on high end Android phones. 
I run LTE all day on my One X, it's a 1.5ghz dual core processor, with Jelly Bean 4.1... my phone has NEVER had bad battery life, a total hog, laggy or freezing. Ive never encounter any of those problems bro. Guranteed my phone will out last yours, and ill have all types of **** running in the background too.
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I run LTE all day on my One X, it's a 1.5ghz dual core processor, with Jelly Bean 4.1... my phone has NEVER had bad battery life, a total hog, laggy or freezing. Ive never encounter any of those problems bro. Guranteed my phone will out last yours, and ill have all types of **** running in the background too.

boost... didnt you used to love the iphone?.. anyways i still need to root my damn GSII and get rid of the stupid t-mobile bloatware...
I currently have a Galaxy S2 and I'm looking to switch to an iPhone. I don't really care for the iPhone 5 hype, I wouldn't mind getting a 4s for now. Hopefully the prices on the 4s drops once the 5 comes out.

speaking of good deals, Best Buy has the iPhone 4 (not the S) 8GB on sale for $49. Looks like they're looking to move their old stock out quick . . .
should i upgrade to his from my og razr?

i love the calculator like keypad on this.
I meant majority of iOS users vs majority of Android users not total market share. 

Boring to you is simple and effective to another.  Not everybody needs fireworks as their wallpaper to drain their battery life.  Or all these other frivolous add-ons, options that makes the phone a total hog, laggy, and freezing even on high end Android phones. 
I run LTE all day on my One X, it's a 1.5ghz dual core processor, with Jelly Bean 4.1... my phone has NEVER had bad battery life, a total hog, laggy or freezing. Ive never encounter any of those problems bro. Guranteed my phone will out last yours, and ill have all types of **** running in the background too., One X doesn't have better battery life than 4S.  
lot of the Android cats on this site, dont think about the avg consumer. The avg consumer does not care about all that extra stuff because at the end of the day they just want ot be about to make calls and get apps. Thats what peoplel fail to realize on here. Dudes stay saying "well my phone has a quadmodgod core processor" well websites and apps dl the same as a single core iphone 4 whats your point. And then android brags about cameras and takes 3gs quality pics. Only reason Android has largest market share is because its free software on amillion baby mama phones. I use to stay seeing cats walk into Tmobile and Verizon like "a where the free phones at" " lemme get the cheapest smartphone"

please post some pics that you have taken with your iphone?.. you say "android camera" like they are all the same damn company.. android didnt make the camera for every phone.. android is a OS.... samsung, sony other companies make camera's... lets compare pics... because i really do think my GSII can take better pics then you iphone all day...
boost... didnt you used to love the iphone?.. anyways i still need to root my damn GSII and get rid of the stupid t-mobile bloatware...
Yeah, but than I saw how limited the iPhone was, I had to jailbreak my phone just to get the most out of it, but dudes with (stock) Android OS was still killing my ****. I decided to give Android a try, copped the Evo 4G on Sprint. It came with Gingerbread and was faster than any of my jailbroken iPhone(s). I had multiple apps open and had zero lag. I could customize my phone with all sorts of things and didn't need to mess with the OS / void my warranty. I converted to team Android.

When I finally rooted my Evo 4G (the hell with the warranty) it was pretty much game over. A rooted Android > jailbroken iPhone. Once you start loading roms, you can run anything on Android. I've owned every iPhone (except the 4 and 4s) and Android is just BETTER. It can do so much more, so many options. I've had extensive time with the 4 and 4s (even was learning how to develop apps for it) but its just doesn't have the guts of top level Android handsets (IE: One X, Galaxy S III, Galaxy Nexus etc.). With Ice Cream Sandwich and NOW Jellybean... Google is spreading the gap when it comes to the OS.

I'm not trying to take personal shots, because yes, I was once a diehard Apple fanboy, I just think Apple views its consumers as kids, walk them across the street and hold there hand. I don't want you to hold my OS, Let me hold it... Google got it right IMO.
I am ultimately with Boost on this one. Throw Jellybean on ny of these high powered devices and it is a wrap. And the new phones have better batteries too.

But yea apple is smart at targeting people who aren't as tech savvy. They are also good at creating diversions (siri). Showing commercials of it doing things that dont help you. Like saying your name and telling jokes etc. Makes peoe think that more is going on than what actually. Cant hate on that marketing tho.

I am pretty sure that Google voice search has been around since the og evo. And I think it has always been better. Now, Google now is loads better than siri but I guess we will see the new stuff in a couple of days.
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