Apple's September 12 invite hints at iPhone 5. Upgrade to iOS 6 now.

Thinking about coppin an ipad 2/3 craigslist/ebay for the low.
Any way to protect myself in case it happens to be one that fell off a truck? Obviously the seller isn't going to tell me, but I'm not trying to buy one then it gets bricked a week later :rolleyes
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Thinking about coppin an ipad 2/3 craigslist/ebay for the low.
Any way to protect myself in case it happens to be one that fell off a truck? Obviously the seller isn't going to tell me, but I'm not trying to buy one then it gets bricked a week later :rolleyes

You can always verify the serial number here I picked up one about 2 weeks ago for $500 for a new iPad 16GB + LTE. He didn't have a need for it and just wanted to get rid of it.
so im thinking about getting the iphone 5 but i need to find out some things because i currently have an android

there is a feature called kies air on my droid where i can connect to my pc via wifi and drag and drop files to my phone can i do this easily with the iphone?

any info is appreciated
Yes. There are numerous apps that allow you to drag and drop, Goodreader and Wireless Drive to name a few.

Via wifi? Yea just enable wifi sync on your phone and you're good to go.
wrong, its always about 1 year, 5s will be out around same time...

4 came out like summer 2010

4s came out around summer 2011 (I remember cuz I switched to verizon for the purpose of getting an iphone with them)

5 came out late summer 2012

so you right my bad, 5s will come out in late summer/fall 2013 but at this rate with one coming out every year when is it EVER a good time to get a new one??? If I wait for the 5s then I might as well wait for the 6, and so on, and so forth.
finally got LTE in my area today and im blown away on how fast it is. I am getting 33 mbps download and 18 mbps upload
So would you guys use LTE or wireless? In my condo I have LTE in my bedroom but not my living room (I know its dumb and I have SPRINT).
I did this speed test about 3 weeks ago randomly while I was out at a bbq one Saturday, haha. It is like night and day comparing it to any other mobile network right now to me.
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I called Wal-Mart and they had the iPhone 5, but they won't let me add a line. I have to be the primary user and I'm only an authorized user. :smh:
my verizon lte speeds were not like that, i was getting 5s and 4s with the occasional 12-15 in houston

More people on the network, reason you see cats for any carrer with LTE getting 30 mbs is cause barely anyone is on it, for Verizon the cities that got it first the speeds are starting to lower but still you cant even tell the diff between 30mb and 12mb using the device unless youre downloading large files. 10-15mb is how LTE is suppose to work once the networks get filled
Only a few more days to get AT&T's insurance that covers damage and lost/stolen phones. The window is 30 days.
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