April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

In the modern era

Daniel Bryan
AJ Styles
Kota Ibushi

Are at the top of my Jr. Class. In-ring only.

Kenny Omega isn't MY cup of Tea
Omega needs to slow his matches down alot imo. Also he can be over the top sometimes.

My list of current jrs.
Ocean spray
Lio rush
He didnt get me tho we had a great discussion.

I meant that he tried.

BTW, "having a good discussion" with him is just his way of saying he was right and you were wrong.

He has said it multiple times that he thinks he's better than anyone in here.
She is clearly a teenager at that point .

How can she be in her 30s in the pic when she isn't even that now?

Just as bad as those Catholic PRIESTS

Youre trying to make some pedophile comment **** because you wanna be funny.

Go ahead and make that comment.

I never said anything perverted or anything like that.

You have a problem with religion then that's on you.

I'm not religious so go ahead and say what you want.

I will admit. I have warned folks about how he likes to stir **** up and troll folks.

He set the bait and I took it :smh:

He got me. He got me good.
Naw bareknuckle brawl.
Not sure if that would be good on one of the combatant's knees

Can you imagine if this guy had like a podcast and how many folks would send texts or videos destroying him?

NYers on here know who Mike Francesa is.

He's like that but he's more of a line stepper than him

Idk man, fam doesn't seem to care for the opinions of others.....for better or for worse

I will admit. I have warned folks about how he likes to stir **** up and troll folks.

He got me. He got me good.
I dealt with people all my life theres deeper issues at play here.

Not sure if that would be good on one of the combatant's knees

Idk man, fam doesn't seem to care for the opinions of others.....for better or for worse
Never seen him in all my years on NT give any bodies opinion the proper respect it deserves.
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