April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

Other than BUSHI, nobody is getting as much acceleration on their Suicide Dives
Yea he came in way too fast lmao

Some other dudes i loved in wcw
La Parka
Super calo (sp)
Ernest Miller( very underrated)
Juvie juice
Ultimo Dragon
Alex Wright

Way cleaner tear the way the left one is setup.

Matt Hardy has been pushing the idea of doing a new gimmick in WWE, according to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter.

Part of the gimmick was actually revealed by Matt on YouTube earlier this month, as seen in the video above. "The Multifarious" Matt Hardygimmick would include Matt acting as multiple characters at various times - Woken Matt, Matt Hardy V1 and Big Money Matt, which is re-introduced in the video above.

The promo above was released as a way to get social media momentum behind the idea. Matt wrote with the video, "Allow me to reintroduce you to The ICONIC Big Money Matt, one of the many elements that make up The MULTIFARIOUS Matt Hardy. This EPIC video was shot and edited by my BRILLIANT and BEAUTIFUL wife, Rebecca Hardy."

There's no word yet on if WWE plans on moving forward with the gimmick change, or what this would mean for Jeff Hardy.
The Rock new collection is trash. Why the **** is he getting running shoes that been out with his logo slapped on IT? ITS not your shoe made for you like you claim :smh:
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