Are IG Models Considered Professional Models?

Are IG Models Considered Professional Models?

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okay, but if you make enough money not to have another job besides doing what you do, in what way are you not a professional?

a SoundCloud rapper isn't getting booked for shows every week, he's harrassing people to buy his CD-R mixtapes outside the worst Aldi in town.

a YouTube blogger is absolutely a journalist if proven to the public as such, which is why TMZ has become a legitimate news source in 2018.

being a model isn't like being a doctor or a pilot, nobody's going to die if you pose incorrectly. if modeling pays the bills, you're a model.

...real question is whether anybody's persona and self image should be tied completely to the work they do, but hey, another time.
How many IG models are actively pulling in enough legitimate bank to finance any sort of lifestyle though?

The top ones got sugar daddies out da yee yee.
Aint just about money anymore its about what connections and other social circles/opportunities they can acquire through dudes.
Club promoting...and some of them have legit jobs and educations.
I'm talking about the actual all around attractive ones....not big booty vixens wit dragon snout faces.

Can't speak for everywhere but alot of Miami IG models do have some strong hussle.
I never been with one who actually owned anything though as far as properties and businesses
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Only way I’d classify them as a real model is if they were getting paid to represent a company or brand. That means no random twerking videos and random photo shoots being posted. If your signed to a brand they would not allow that. In my honest opinion I consider IG models as escorts. Just look at a lot of their pages they be posting their booking info. :lol:
How many IG models are actively pulling in enough legitimate bank to finance any sort of lifestyle though?

that's a fair *** question. probably a very low percentage (counting modeling income only, not personal services bookings or Dubai gold).

still, you can be independent/freelance AND be a professional. I feel that's very important for people to realize.

I guess I'm only arguing because there's no "sometimes" option. :lol:

in other news, "dragon snout faces."
So if she's an IG model who travels to Dubai a lot, she's getting the poo poo platter every night?
Are Instagram models considered professionals? What differenciates the two? At what point can an IG model call him/herself a professional model?

I would love to see NT's take on this.

Easy, when they actually are employed as an actual model.

I'm not talking fly outs to Dubai either, I'm talking legitimate model gigs.

IG is definitely a fine platform to network and get noticed. I'm sure there are people who landed actual careers in modeling through their interactions on IG.

By itself however modeling on IG without receiving an income, is just thirst trapping.
A lot of these broads are starting to do the “premium” account thing. I know a few strippers and Instagram thots in my area who have a little link in their bio so people can pay for their premium account and content. Smh ‍♂️
Yea, I peeped that. People will pay too. This world is filled with perverts and sex freaks so I'm sure the cliente will be easy to get.
How these girls be traveling all over the world drinking skinny fit tea? It pays them that much? They can't all be hookers
How many IG models are actively pulling in enough legitimate bank to finance any sort of lifestyle though?
Anyone with a few hundred thousand followers with good or excellent activity can make plenty of legitimate bank from their social media activities. Advertising, promotion, all sorts of digital marketing, paid shoutouts, ...
Maybe not a really luxurious lifestyle but certainly a comfortable one.
But there's also various other opportunities that arise from such social media activities, certainly for so-called IG models. Depending on their following they may also earn income from things like club appearances etc. It's definitely not that far-fetched that these people can make enough legitimate money to finance a comfortable to luxurious lifestyle.
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Im sponsoring Mz. Twerksum idaf.

Nah, i aint talking about continously giving a chick money that i'll never meet.
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