Are there any Native American NTers? Vol. How do you feel about "Indian" sport logos?

Do you think the names, logos and mascots of these teams need to be changed?

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da bottomline is da ******** is a team in 2013.

da courts ruled in their favor LET IT GO.
da bottomline is da ******** is a team in 2013.

da courts ruled in their favor LET IT GO.

You couldn't answer my questions without exposing how ridiculous your stance is. I figured as much. The acceptable level of offense is a direct correlation to what is legal according to you. It's an incredibly sad myopic world you CHOOSE to live in.
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:lol: at ANY hispanic or black male saying if "da courts" rule in a certain way that makes it morally or ethically right.

That's a special type of foolish, boy I tell you..

Back in the day "da courts" also ruled that Blacks were 3/5's of a person and don't forget "Separate, but equal". If we've learned anything, it's that "da courts" are NOT a barometer for what's right and wrong.
we talkin about a football team who's been called da ******** since 1937, a study was done that showed 90% of folks had no problem wit da name.

you'd think da united states was BEYOND political correct ********.... hell we've lived thru da NWA, blaxplotation b

they STILL fly da confederate flag in da south....
:lol: at ANY hispanic or black male saying if "da courts" rule in a certain way that makes it morally or ethically right.

That's a special type of foolish, boy I tell you..

Back in the day "da courts" also ruled that Blacks were 3/5's of a person and don't forget "Separate, but equal". If we've learned anything, it's that "da courts" are NOT a barometer for what's right and wrong.

I mean, the line of "logic" is utterly baffling, even by ninjahood's standards...
we talkin about a football team who's been called da ******** since 1937, a study was done that showed 90% of folks had no problem wit da name.

you'd think da united states was BEYOND political correct ********.... hell we've lived thru da NWA, blaxplotation b :lol:

they STILL fly da confederate flag in da south....

You're one of the few people whose logic is so flawed and uniquely idiotic that it actually isn't offensive. That's quite da feather in your cap
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Ninjahoods logic is so flawed and sad he tries very hard to be a staunch white republican tea partier.Im waiting on him to say my forefathers built this land next.
Ninjahoods logic is so flawed and sad he tries very hard to be a staunch white republican tea partier.Im waiting on him to say my forefathers built this land next.
im flawed and yet da ******** are still da ********.

****** need to find something else to complain about.
we talkin about a football team who's been called da ******** since 1937, a study was done that showed 90% of folks had no problem wit da name.

you'd think da united states was BEYOND political correct ********.... hell we've lived thru da NWA, blaxplotation b :lol:

they STILL fly da confederate flag in da south....

90% of them werent native americans tho. am i right?

so of course the natives would get outnumbered
we talkin about a football team who's been called da ******** since 1937, a study was done that showed 90% of folks had no problem wit da name.

you'd think da united states was BEYOND political correct ********.... hell we've lived thru da NWA, blaxplotation b :lol:

they STILL fly da confederate flag in da south....

90% of them werent native americans tho. am i right?

so of course the natives would get outnumbered

It was 90% of NATIVE AMERICANS so that means you were wrong.
I am full blood native and find the logos racist. I never cared until I went to college and seen how the protesters were treated my the kc chiefs fans:smh:. Ever since then I woke up to the mockery of natives and to that guy who said native refer to themselves as ******** all the natives I know don't call themselves ******** lol. And the reservations are like a ghetto very poor and high crime rates.
My aunt opened my eyes to all the racist sports names and logos back in 98 and I've been telling anybody who'll listen since then. I get plenty of opportunities living right outside of cleveland.
I even bought the hats that were posted earlier, hoping to spark up a conversation when I wore them. It works sometimes, but in the end not enough people care because its not their people on the hats and shirts.
Chicago Blackhawks is one of the best team logos, Boston Braves, Dont be soft and get rid of them like Clevelend did the Indians but then again its Clevelend and we all know Ohio will never matter.
I think you mean SEMANTICS. It is very offensive and stereotypical.It is not a different situation at all.Native Americans have been living in a dark time since this country was stolen from them. Would you be OK with a team called the Nigers(country in Africa) using this for their logo?

It's even worse, because Native Americans aren't even from India, some uninformed idiots just labeled 'em that.
true in the casee of cleveland indians.... but the ******** outside of the name the image imo isnt really negative. your equating a picture of a typical native american (what they probably looked like) to a racist stereotypical, spoof of a black person.

Not saying its right about the team, but the wash. ******** would be like a team called the dakota darkies and their symbol being a potrait of an average black person, a random everyday black person.

Id agree with the picture you showed if the ******** symbol was that of a native american, looking drunk, with bloodshot eyes, holding a bottle, smoking dope out of a peace pipe etc.....
So i don't think i was wrong in saying that the native americans like myself on this board are not offended by the mascots? I just feel like we have more pressing concerns on our reservations and within our tribes to reach and be offended by it. It's mostly the part natives that don't have a tribe to identify with that seem to raise the most noise about it, because it's their only way of really identifying themselves as natives. If enough people are offended and they band together to get the name changed i don't really care, and if you speak to a real native american they probably won't either. However, i do feel like these teams should make an effort to reach out and help out native american communities.

Personally, I find the cleveland indians and their mascot to be more offensive than the ********.

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