Are there any Native American NTers? Vol. How do you feel about "Indian" sport logos?

Do you think the names, logos and mascots of these teams need to be changed?

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Native Americans put a curse on the ******** team years back and said they won't remove it until the name changes I think.
So i don't think i was wrong in saying that the native americans like myself on this board are not offended by the mascots? I just feel like we have more pressing concerns on our reservations and within our tribes to reach and be offended by it. It's mostly the part natives that don't have a tribe to identify with that seem to raise the most noise about it, because it's their only way of really identifying themselves as natives. If enough people are offended and they band together to get the name changed i don't really care, and if you speak to a real native american they probably won't either. However, i do feel like these teams should make an effort to reach out and help out native american communities.

True you guys got major issues like suicide ,crime etc going on that needs to be addressed badly.
So i don't think i was wrong in saying that the native americans like myself on this board are not offended by the mascots? I just feel like we have more pressing concerns on our reservations and within our tribes to reach and be offended by it. It's mostly the part natives that don't have a tribe to identify with that seem to raise the most noise about it, because it's their only way of really identifying themselves as natives. If enough people are offended and they band together to get the name changed i don't really care, and if you speak to a real native american they probably won't either. However, i do feel like these teams should make an effort to reach out and help out native american communities.

True you guys got major issues like suicide ,crime etc going on that needs to be addressed badly.
casual degradation, marginalization, and racism help with these issues, no?
I think you mean SEMANTICS. It is very offensive and stereotypical.It is not a different situation at all.Native Americans have been living in a dark time since this country was stolen from them. Would you be OK with a team called the Nigers(country in Africa) using this for their logo?

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It's even worse, because Native Americans aren't even from India, some uninformed idiots just labeled 'em that.
true in the casee of cleveland indians.... but the ******** outside of the name the image imo isnt really negative. your equating a picture of a typical native american (what they probably looked like) to a racist stereotypical, spoof of a black person.

Not saying its right about the team, but the wash. ******** would be like a team called the dakota darkies and their symbol being a potrait of an average black person, a random everyday black person.

Id agree with the picture you showed if the ******** symbol was that of a native american, looking drunk, with bloodshot eyes, holding a bottle, smoking dope out of a peace pipe etc.....

Bruh, if they came out with a team called the Dakota Darkies with a black person as the logo, the President of the United States would speak out against it. The NAACP would be on swarm, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would be buying new suits and getting their hair and nails done, and it would be condemned nationwide. Guaranteed.
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Bruh, if they came out with a team called the Dakota Darkies with a black person as the logo, the President of the United States would speak out against it. The NAACP would be on swarm, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would be buying new suits and getting their hair and nails done, and it would be condemned nationwide. Guaranteed.
that they would especially seeing tht they are convient crusaders..... iuno if obama would considering he has never really addressed  black issues at any point of his career. But i think if the dakota darkkies existed and had a long tenure/history associated with them especially if it was like a baseball team (americas past time) i think there would be a lotta hoopin and hollerin, and probably violence acts like looting etc... that would probably persuade the name change, but if blacks took the same approach as the native americans i believe it would be viewed and handled the same way as the ********.
Bruh, if they came out with a team called the Dakota Darkies with a black person as the logo, the President of the United States would speak out against it. The NAACP would be on swarm, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would be buying new suits and getting their hair and nails done, and it would be condemned nationwide. Guaranteed.
that they would especially seeing tht they are convient crusaders..... iuno if obama would considering he has never really addressed  black issues at any point of his career. But i think if the dakota darkkies existed and had a long tenure/history associated with them especially if it was like a baseball team (americas past time) i think there would be a lotta hoopin and hollerin, and probably violence acts like looting etc... that would probably persuade the name change, but if blacks took the same approach as the native americans i believe it would be viewed and handled the same way as the ********.

I didn't say Obama specifically. That's a lot of speculation, homey. Just admit that if there was a team called the Dakota Darkies, the name woulda' been changed due to tons of public outcry and political theater.
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I didn't say Obama specifically. That's a lot of speculation, homey. Just admit that if there was a team called the Dakota Darkies, the name woulda' been changed due to tons of public outcry and political theater.
lol you didnt say um who was you talking about specifically when you said the president of the the united states? Must of missed the news of the obama impeachment. And as far as outcry, that is what i said. I just added that if they did it the diplomatic way, just like the native americans nothing would occur. But if their was a much larger native american population, and they made a scene things would be different and they probably would change it.
I didn't say Obama specifically. That's a lot of speculation, homey. Just admit that if there was a team called the Dakota Darkies, the name woulda' been changed due to tons of public outcry and political theater.
lol you didnt say um who was you talking about specifically when you said the president of the the united states? Must of missed the news of the obama impeachment. And as far as outcry, that is what i said. I just added that if they did it the diplomatic way, just like the native americans nothing would occur. But if their was a much larger native american population, and they made a scene things would be different and they probably would change it.

I was talking about the President of the United States. Any president in office would speak out against it. You mentioned Obama specifically and said that he has never spoken on racial issues, so he wouldn't address it. I guess that the point went over your head, or you have a hard time understanding clearly written statements.

"But if their was a much larger native american population, and they made a scene things would be different and they probably would change it."

"Just admit that if there was a team called the Dakota Darkies, the name woulda' been changed due to tons of public outcry and political theater"

These are basically the same statements. If this blatant racism was directed at people of African descent, there would be an outrage and it would be changed.
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We will all have to agree to disagree, I think that this thread has run its course anyways. Peace.

I was talking about the President of the United States. Any president in office would speak out against it. You mentioned Obama specifically and said that he has never spoken on racial issues, so he wouldn't address it. I guess that the point went over your head, or you have a hard time understanding clearly written statements.

"But if their was a much larger native american population, and they made a scene things would be different and they probably would change it."

"Just admit that if there was a team called the Dakota Darkies, the name woulda' been changed due to tons of public outcry and political theater"

These are basically the same statements. If this blatant racism was directed at people of African descent, there would be an outrage and it would be changed.
i seerious doubt that reagan any of the bushs etc.... would address a specific racial issue, especially blacks...Hell last one i could think of off the top is jfk. So im not sure who these any presidents would be. wasnt hard to understand your statement it just sounded absolutely foolish. What president in recent years specidically addressed blacks? So the only possible person would be obama, seeing he is black and all, and he more then likely would and could relate to racial discrimination more then any president we ever had (seeing all of them were white).

I agree with the sentiments of things would change, but not for the reasons you said, because i dont think blacks would handle it the same. Just petitioning, etc... public outcry wouldnt work.....see jena 6, thee 92 y/o grandma shot 40 times, the girl in seattle who was shot 27 times at a train station so on and so forth. No if folks was acting a fool, (not advocating it) boycotting the team, making a scene in front of the stadium, things of that nature, Then probably a change would happen, and of course the al sharptons would come in and act if it was them and their "leadership" that made the change.

I was talking about the President of the United States. Any president in office would speak out against it. You mentioned Obama specifically and said that he has never spoken on racial issues, so he wouldn't address it. I guess that the point went over your head, or you have a hard time understanding clearly written statements.

"But if their was a much larger native american population, and they made a scene things would be different and they probably would change it."

"Just admit that if there was a team called the Dakota Darkies, the name woulda' been changed due to tons of public outcry and political theater"

These are basically the same statements. If this blatant racism was directed at people of African descent, there would be an outrage and it would be changed.
i seerious doubt that reagan any of the bushs etc.... would address a specific racial issue, especially blacks...Hell last one i could think of off the top is jfk. So im not sure who these any presidents would be. wasnt hard to understand your statement it just sounded absolutely foolish. What president in recent years specidically addressed blacks? So the only possible person would be obama, seeing he is black and all, and he more then likely would and could relate to racial discrimination more then any president we ever had (seeing all of them were white).

I agree with the sentiments of things would change, but not for the reasons you said, because i dont think blacks would handle it the same. Just petitioning, etc... public outcry wouldnt work.....see jena 6, thee 92 y/o grandma shot 40 times, the girl in seattle who was shot 27 times at a train station so on and so forth. No if folks was acting a fool, (not advocating it) boycotting the team, making a scene in front of the stadium, things of that nature, Then probably a change would happen, and of course the al sharptons would come in and act if it was them and their "leadership" that made the change.

What reasons did I state that you are refuting? I said that a team called the Dakota Darkies would cause outrage and be changed. Who cares what the cause would be? You agreed with me. Now you are just using a Straw Man Argument.There is a double standard there and people like you are part of the problem.The president definitely took a brief moment to speak on this racially charged issue:

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What reasons did I state that you are refuting? I said that a team called the Dakota Darkies would cause outrage and be changed. Who cares what the cause would be? You agreed with me. Now you are just using a Straw Man Argument.There is a double standard there and people like you are part of the problem.The president definitely took a brief moment to speak on this racially charged issue:
he briefly mentioned it, but has anything materialized from it? I was referencing the political aspect, and public outcry. Im not sure what you meant, and i was basically assuming. But i thought you was saying if blacks just complained, possibly did a petition, and that would be it. What i was saying is all that would do is bring attention "awareness" to it. I was saying blacks would probably have to do something extreme and drastic for a change to occur. that and i was saying i dont think alot of the much smaller population, of native americans would address the issue. And i was saying i just think they would simply leave it as oh we dont like it, (kinda like they have been for years) and if it changes cool, if not then oh well it is what it is.

I think as time past and more and more native americans become assimilated, and pretty much follow suit, just like many blacks have, it will become and after thought, and they wil pretty much have a accepting, whatever kinda attitude about the name.
back in junior high we had a dude in our class that was native american. The @ssholes in the class always taunted him the atlanta braves tomahawk chop when he would pass by their table at lunch. Lunch room comedians.

What reasons did I state that you are refuting? I said that a team called the Dakota Darkies would cause outrage and be changed. Who cares what the cause would be? You agreed with me. Now you are just using a Straw Man Argument.There is a double standard there and people like you are part of the problem.The president definitely took a brief moment to speak on this racially charged issue:
he briefly mentioned it, but has anything materialized from it? I was referencing the political aspect, and public outcry. Im not sure what you meant, and i was basically assuming. But i thought you was saying if blacks just complained, possibly did a petition, and that would be it. What i was saying is all that would do is bring attention "awareness" to it. I was saying blacks would probably have to do something extreme and drastic for a change to occur. that and i was saying i dont think alot of the much smaller population, of native americans would address the issue. And i was saying i just think they would simply leave it as oh we dont like it, (kinda like they have been for years) and if it changes cool, if not then oh well it is what it is.

I think as time past and more and more native americans become assimilated, and pretty much follow suit, just like many blacks have, it will become and after thought, and they wil pretty much have a accepting, whatever kinda attitude about the name.
you do understand that they regard it as an ethnic people don't give a pass for a team to be called the philadelphia *******...regardless of who says it.

I am convinced that some of you dudes are just slow. No offense to slow people...
you do understand that they regard it as an ethnic people don't give a pass for a team to be called the philadelphia *******...regardless of who says it.

I am convinced that some of you dudes are just slow. No offense to slow people...
what are you even talking about...? who said it wasnt a slur? i never sai black ppl would give it a pass. he said if this was a situation regarding blacks it would be changed, as to elude that oh they would do it if it was blacks but not for others. What i said was probably so because blacks wouldnt be so lacksidaisical about the situation...meaning barely making a peep about it and simply just showing disapproval every 5 year or decade or so....the way that native americans have been in. What i was saying is if their was a team called iuno baltimore blackies.... i serious doubt blacks would just leave it as oh we dont like it, sign a few petition and pretty much forget about it and bring it up every decade or so, the way native americans have about the slurs concerning the team.

I mean how often do they address it? How often do they actually come out and numbers and speak out on the issue? This would be like a korean.asian etc...saying the filming industry descriminates against them moreso then blacks. When they in large part havent addressed or spoke out very much about the lack of asian, korean, etc.... actors/actresses in film. Comming out in small groups/individually every blue moon isnt gonna provoke much change....which is my point. It isnt a particulary favoritism/preference of one minority over the other, as many have suggested. And if it was based on basic sense and history, the preference damn sure wouldnt be blacks.

The reason it is being disregarded simply is because their isnt alot of native americans period, plus there arent many speaking out on it, and when they do it is in small groups, periodically, and they make little to no push,movement to envoke a change. Has nothing to do with because somehow blacks get more respect, or taken more serious then native americans.
What reasons did I state that you are refuting? I said that a team called the Dakota Darkies would cause outrage and be changed. Who cares what the cause would be? You agreed with me. Now you are just using a Straw Man Argument.There is a double standard there and people like you are part of the problem.The president definitely took a brief moment to speak on this racially charged issue:
he briefly mentioned it, but has anything materialized from it? I was referencing the political aspect, and public outcry. Im not sure what you meant, and i was basically assuming. But i thought you was saying if blacks just complained, possibly did a petition, and that would be it. What i was saying is all that would do is bring attention "awareness" to it. I was saying blacks would probably have to do something extreme and drastic for a change to occur. that and i was saying i dont think alot of the much smaller population, of native americans would address the issue. And i was saying i just think they would simply leave it as oh we dont like it, (kinda like they have been for years) and if it changes cool, if not then oh well it is what it is.

I think as time past and more and more native americans become assimilated, and pretty much follow suit, just like many blacks have, it will become and after thought, and they wil pretty much have a accepting, whatever kinda attitude about the name.
you do understand that they regard it as an ethnic people don't give a pass for a team to be called the philadelphia *******...regardless of who says it.

I am convinced that some of you dudes are just slow. No offense to slow people...

He is basically saying that it is OK to discriminate against a group of people, as long as they aren't large in number with the capacity to cause a significant and continuous ruckus over it.
He is basically saying that it is OK to discriminate against a group of people, as long as they aren't large in number with the capacity to cause a significant and continuous ruckus over it.
wrroooooooooooooooong what i am saying is change wont come UNLESS there is a prompt to change it. And there is a large amount of ppl who speak out against it. If all it took was a sole individual, or just a simple oh i dont like it, it would have already changed. To be honest it would have never existed. Do you honestly believe the organizations of these teams are just completely oblivious to the racism, and how it is offensive? Do you honestly feel that they have never heard a single complaint, gripe with the names of said teams? The reason they dismiss it and basically see it as no big deal, is because the very ppl who are so called offended by it arent making it a big deal. To suggest that they should change it just off the premise of its wrong is very naive and closed minded to the real world. To honestly think these orgs. would change something, that is successful, that could potentially be disastrous just "cause" its the right thing to

I guess the saying of theres strength in numbers, is foriegn to you. I know ppl want to believe the b.s. of one person can make a change. But in the real world one person can spark, ignite the fire in others that can ultimately lead to change. Its nice if you believe that a simple oh i dont like this its wrong, and magically, a well established successful company, is just gonna up and change. But the truth of the matter is the world doesnt work that way.
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