Are there any Native American NTers? Vol. How do you feel about "Indian" sport logos?

Do you think the names, logos and mascots of these teams need to be changed?

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^^^ if you cant see da OBVIOUS difference in international malice VS

representing a celebrated tone in da actual logos then da fact is lost on u.

who are you to say that a team name or logo that's based off a racial stereotype has malice or is meant to be celebratory? do you understand that things like rocking a mohawk or have feathers in their hair or wear face paint or wear beads is just a stereotype? not all native tribes have dressed like this in their history.

here's just a small list of "federally recognized" tribes in the US. each with their own traditions and culture.

What if I wanted to start a baseball team and name them the Smallville Zulu Warriors because I want to celebrate the strength and power and fighting ability of Zulu warriors who defeated the British in Jan 22, 1879?

View media item 319466
^^^ if you cant see da OBVIOUS difference in international malice VS

representing a celebrated tone in da actual logos then da fact is lost on u.
who are you to say that a team name or logo that's based off a racial stereotype has malice or is meant to be celebratory? do you understand that things like rocking a mohawk or have feathers in their hair or wear face paint or wear beads is just a stereotype? not all native tribes have dressed like this in their history.

here's just a small list of "federally recognized" tribes in the US. each with their own traditions and culture.

What if I wanted to start a baseball team and name them the Smallville Zulu Warriors because I want to celebrate the strength and power and fighting ability of Zulu warriors who defeated the British in Jan 22, 1879?
but would you call them the blackskins?
The Celtics mascot and logo are offensive to Irish people? :nerd:

i didn't say that
i asked if anyone had a problem with the logo (as well as the notre dame logo)
because it is the same type of stereotyping as seen with the various indian logos

so i ask you aea18, what's your opinion? rather than inferring what someone else thinks
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So Asian immigrants didn't fight for their civil rights after being forced into internment camps, being prejudiced against, and having their homes vandalized? Then after all that they went to fight in the war. That's putting their life on the line for their rights. Just one example.

The US already beat the Native American population down to nothing since arrival. In the 1800's they were all forced onto reservations. Many died on the way. They weren't really given the same chances that blacks were given by having a president against their containment and prejudice. The president just wanted them off the land. Dead or alive.

Native Americans make up 2% of the population. Two. While the African American population takes up about %15-20. That's a big difference they can't really be compared.

I don't give a damn about your gripe with JC, but all that crap you said was simply foolish. Saying that blacks are the only people to fight for something.
never said they didnt..... for their rights....i said for the rights of all...and i specified and particular you talking about fighting for their own rights... in another time period. How does that related to rights for all races?

i already said one of the reasons is that native americans are in small population so um...... not really seeing your point there.

And when did i say blacks are the only? If anything thats you guys assuming that by saying that the only race that would be successful in fighting this battle is blacks.... I mean i havent heard a mention of any other race... Throughout this whole thread its been if this was BLACKS this would never happen. Let this been BLACKS then this would be stopped. So me repeating what you said is foolish.... dont shoot the messenger, shoot the messagee....

Your either saying that or whats even crazier...somehow there is a hierarchy of racism from least to most...who gets it less, and that blacks are the most accepted and taken serious out of them all.

Again like i said before...if YOU feel offended and YOU have an issue why arent YOU doing something about it? Of course im not gonna take you serious if the best you can do to resolve a issue that you feel deeply about is disagree with a stranger on an internet shoe site.

So i guess im suppose to gather you are so upset, that your way to combat this is by debating, with ppl on niketalk. Well let me know how well that works out for ya.
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Not really upset with you, what's the point of being mad?

I never said anything about a "hierarchy of racism" or any of that however. I was disagreeing with you "blacks are the only people who really fight for rights" tone. Which, if you were reading from every other persons point of view I bet you would see what I'm talking about.

And I never said I was offended once in this thread, not once. I'm not a couch warrior or whatever you said, when I get upset about issues I tend to raise awareness around my community. Such as animal cruelty and chocolate slavery, but those are unrelated.

Now I am done here, my point should have put itself across the table by now.
So Asian immigrants didn't fight for their civil rights after being forced into internment camps, being prejudiced against, and having their homes vandalized? Then after all that they went to fight in the war. That's putting their life on the line for their rights. Just one example.

The US already beat the Native American population down to nothing since arrival. In the 1800's they were all forced onto reservations. Many died on the way. They weren't really given the same chances that blacks were given by having a president against their containment and prejudice. The president just wanted them off the land. Dead or alive.

Native Americans make up 2% of the population. Two. While the African American population takes up about %15-20. That's a big difference they can't really be compared.

I don't give a damn about your gripe with JC, but all that crap you said was simply foolish. Saying that blacks are the only people to fight for something. :smh:
never said they didnt..... for their rights....i said for the rights of all...and i specified and particular you talking about fighting for their own rights... in another time period. How does that related to rights for all races?

i already said one of the reasons is that native americans are in small population so um...... not really seeing your point there.

And when did i say blacks are the only? If anything thats you guys assuming that by saying that the only race that would be successful in fighting this battle is blacks.... I mean i havent heard a mention of any other race... Throughout this whole thread its been if this was BLACKS this would never happen. Let this been BLACKS then this would be stopped. So me repeating what you said is foolish.... dont shoot the messenger, shoot the messagee....

Your either saying that or whats even crazier...somehow there is a hierarchy of racism from least to most...who gets it less, and that blacks are the most accepted and taken serious out of them all.

Again like i said before...if YOU feel offended and YOU have an issue why arent YOU doing something about it? Of course im not gonna take you serious if the best you can do to resolve a issue that you feel deeply about is disagree with a stranger on an internet shoe site.

So i guess im suppose to gather you are so upset, that your way to combat this is by debating, with ppl on niketalk. Well let me know how well that works out for ya.

How's it working out for you? You obviously feel some way about it, because you keep typing up poorly worded, rambling essays of Straw Man arguments trying to keep us from realizing that you are racist towards anyone but black people.

View media item 319591
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How's it working out for you? You obviously feel some way about it, because you keep typing up poorly worded, rambling essays of Straw Man arguments trying to keep us from realizing that you are racist towards anyone but black people.
i personally dont you again if you are so offended by it and feel strongly about it then do something... you can write all the pulitzer prize, hope i win a college scholarship essays in response to me all you want...end of the day thats alll youre gonna do and have done. you just like them will ***** moan complain, gripe, but when its all said and done wont do anything. So my point again with them and just like you. put up or ****. Dont wanna hear all your crybabying and belling aching, if thats all you gonna do man up. take them slim jeans off and let your webbles drop a bit and actually do something, strive to advocate a change.

But of course you wont... just like them...youll just ramble complain, whine and spew out im racist...if you took the same time and energy into trying to prove a point of me being racist, and discriminating against other races and the native americans...and actually applied it to ppl who actually do, in particular these orgs... that the thread is about. But i know thats too much like effort, and actually doing something and appliying yourself. I guess chopping it up on nt, all nice comfy is your way of making a difference....

You just a martin/malcolm/marcus in the making arent you? minus the heart, drive, ambition, strive, devotion, courage, and will to do something. Btw i would have signed the petition for the name changes you started since this is so near and dear to you and your making a change...oh wait you didnt do that. I missed seeing you boycotting at soldiers field..... oh wait you never did that.

So unless you are for a change and willing to do something and contribute to a change outside on tongue wrestling and online gibber gabber.....

How's it working out for you? You obviously feel some way about it, because you keep typing up poorly worded, rambling essays of Straw Man arguments trying to keep us from realizing that you are racist towards anyone but black people.

View media item 319591
i personally dont you again if you are so offended by it and feel strongly about it then do something... you can write all the pulitzer prize, hope i win a college scholarship essays in response to me all you want...end of the day thats alll youre gonna do and have done. you just like them will ***** moan complain, gripe, but when its all said and done wont do anything. So my point again with them and just like you. put up or ****. Dont wanna hear all your crybabying and belling aching, if thats all you gonna do man up. take them slim jeans off and let your webbles drop a bit and actually do something, strive to advocate a change.

But of course you wont... just like them...youll just ramble complain, whine and spew out im racist...if you took the same time and energy into trying to prove a point of me being racist, and discriminating against other races and the native americans...and actually applied it to ppl who actually do, in particular these orgs... that the thread is about. But i know thats too much like effort, and actually doing something and appliying yourself. I guess chopping it up on nt, all nice comfy is your way of making a difference....

You just a martin/malcolm/marcus in the making arent you? minus the heart, drive, ambition, strive, devotion, courage, and will to do something. Btw i would have signed the petition for the name changes you started since this is so near and dear to you and your making a change...oh wait you didnt do that. I missed seeing you boycotting at soldiers field..... oh wait you never did that.

So unless you are for a change and willing to do something and contribute to a change outside on tongue wrestling and online gibber gabber.....


More assumptions. How do you know what I do? I wasn't aware that we knew each other in real life. :nerd:
but would you call them the blackskins?

ha, if teams named like the Indians or ******** were created in the early part of the century, then something like the "Blackskins" (or something just a derogatory) wouldn't be out of the question.

And then I just realized, the Golden State Warriors used to be the Philadelphia Warriors (then the San Francisco Warriors afterward). They don't use any "indigenous" imagery anymore (since 1971?), but previously used the logo:

View media item 319695
The Celtics mascot and logo are offensive to Irish people? :nerd:

i didn't say that
i asked if anyone had a problem with the logo (as well as the notre dame logo)
because it is the same type of stereotyping as seen with the various indian logos

so i ask you aea18, what's your opinion? rather than inferring what someone else thinks

I'm not Irish but IMO I can't see anyone being offended by the Celtics mascot and logo of a leprechaun.

If that is the case Irish people should be offended every year on the 17th of March.
I'm not Irish but IMO I can't see anyone being offended by the Celtics mascot and logo of a leprechaun.

Even white people can get pissed about poking fun at ethnic stereotypes. There was an incident in 1997 with the Stanford marching band and Notre Dame.

Irish and Catholic groups criticized the maverick band's pre-game and half-time performances, which included a parody of the Irish potato famine and a band member dressed as a Catholic cardinal.

A parody of the Irish potato famine where 1 million people died? Imagine someone poking fun of the way black slaves were treated in the antebellum South?

The Notre Dame Fighting Irish. With a leprechaun for a mascot, the Fighting Irish are hardly the most accurate portrait of Irish heritage -- especially given the title Fighting Irish. As well as being potentially offensive, Notre Dame has also been on the flip side of the coin. When the team played against Stanford University in 1997, one member of the Stanford Marching Band dressed up as a nun with a crucifix as a baton -- a move that enraged the Notre Dame population, as well as a group of San Jose Catholic school administrators. Numerous apologies were issued by Stanford, and the band was prohibited from returning for the next Notre Dame-Stanford game
More assumptions. How do you know what I do? I wasn't aware that we knew each other in real life.
ok so where is your petition id be more then glad to sign it. When and where you boycotting? im self employed, military and can easily fly anywhere via space A pass. Im more then willing to support a fight/cause if you fighting. Done it in the pass and have no problem doing it in the present and future.
More assumptions. How do you know what I do? I wasn't aware that we knew each other in real life.
ok so where is your petition id be more then glad to sign it. When and where you boycotting? im self employed, military and can easily fly anywhere via space A pass. Im more then willing to support a fight/cause if you fighting. Done it in the pass and have no problem doing it in the present and future.

More assumptions. How do you know what I do? I wasn't aware that we knew each other in real life.
ok so where is your petition id be more then glad to sign it. When and where you boycotting? im self employed, military and can easily fly anywhere via space A pass. Im more then willing to support a fight/cause if you fighting. Done it in the pass and have no problem doing it in the present and future.

So now you are arguing over whether or not I'm personally doing enough to raise awareness on the issue?


I find it offensive, I stated as much. I believe that if the tables were turned towards people of African descent, there would be a ton of outrage in this country. You agreed with me but changed the issue to why there would be an outrage or why Asians and Latinos didn't do enough or why I'm not doing more to change it.. Do you just want to argue? You are trying desperately to change this into an argument that you can win.

:rofl: :rolleyes :smh:
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More assumptions. How do you know what I do? I wasn't aware that we knew each other in real life.
ok so where is your petition id be more then glad to sign it. When and where you boycotting? im self employed, military and can easily fly anywhere via space A pass. Im more then willing to support a fight/cause if you fighting. Done it in the pass and have no problem doing it in the present and future.


Take a seat, Funky Fingers Productions.

So now you are arguing over whether or not I'm personally doing enough to raise awareness on the issue?


I find it offensive, I stated as much. I believe that if the tables were turned towards people of African descent, there would be a ton of outrage in this country. You agreed with me but changed the issue to why there would be an outrage or why Asians and Latinos didn't do enough or why I'm not doing more to change it.. Do you just want to argue? You are trying desperately to change this into an argument that you can win.

its not no bs argumenting... if you real and you are trying to advocate and push to make a change im willing to support you...seems like you trying to well i mean you probably work for someone and wear skin tights and try to justify it etc so ill leave it as that..... im sgt dye 238th infrantry out in cummings ga and im more then willingly to support a cause... but i wont even go deep...cause honesty and integrity in nt is a cardinal sin

So now you are arguing over whether or not I'm personally doing enough to raise awareness on the issue?


I find it offensive, I stated as much. I believe that if the tables were turned towards people of African descent, there would be a ton of outrage in this country. You agreed with me but changed the issue to why there would be an outrage or why Asians and Latinos didn't do enough or why I'm not doing more to change it.. Do you just want to argue? You are trying desperately to change this into an argument that you can win.

:rofl: :rolleyes :smh:
its not no bs argumenting... if you real and you are trying to advocate and push to make a change im willing to support you...seems like you trying to well i mean you probably work for someone and wear skin tights and try to justify it etc so ill leave it as that..... im sgt dye 238th infrantry out in cummings ga and im more then willingly to support a cause... but i wont even go deep...cause honesty and integrity in nt is a cardinal sin

What is this even supposed to mean? Can anyone here interpret this gibberish for me?
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I don't know how I feel.

I've got alot of Native heritage, but I don't know anything or have much contact with my father's side of the family (they're all Amer-indian or whatever you call Native Americans from Cuba/the carribean).

So being mad about the Cleveland Indians logo is all I really have. If they got rid of it, how could I connect to my people?? I'd actually have to do research and reach out to family members and learn stuff, and that's just too much work for me.
4/4 "Indian" blood here checking in, as in how native Americans are "measured" by their blood quantum, the only race that has prove that their heritage might I add. I think the reason why most natives aren't offended is because they have bigger issues to fight like diabetes, obesity and alcoholism in order to keep their tribes alive in this day and age!
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